Are Pharmacists Doctors? What Can I Do To Become A “Dr.”?

Are Pharmacists Doctors?

Yes, pharmacists are unofficially doctors. After all, those that graduate from pharmacy school use the doctor of pharmacy title.

However, clinically, pharmacists are not viewed as doctors. This post will compare pharmacists and doctors and discuss the steps one can take to be regarded as a doctor in the clinical field.

Who is a Doctor?

Anyone who acquires a doctorate from a university can add the title “Dr.” to his name.

However, this is not the case in a clinical setting, as doctors are only used to address professionals that evaluate patients, identify the medical challenge affecting them, and devise an ideal treatment plan for them.

Medical doctors are critical players in the medical field, and they find out the extent of an injury and recommend a treatment routine that will bring about effective recovery.

Doctors primarily work according to shifts; sometimes, they work beyond their expected time frame, such as during surgeries.

Who is a Pharmacist?

A pharmacist is a medical professional that ensures patients receive the correct treatment that the doctor orders.

They describe to patients the routine to follow when taking the medications to facilitate a speedy recovery. Nevertheless, pharmacists may render primary health care to patients in certain circumstances.  

These professionals can be found at hospitals, clinics, primary healthcare facilities, local pharmacies, and retail stores.

Pharmacists also work according to shifts. But, their jobs are not as intensive as that of doctors because they only work when patients come around.

The Education Of Doctors

The pathway to becoming a doctor is very tedious and requires many years of study and training.

To become a doctor in the United States, you must acquire a medical degree from an accredited medical school.

Medical school education in the US lasts for four years. However, even after completing medical school, you still have to complete a residency before receiving a license to practice.

The Education Of Pharmacists

Students can earn their pharmacy degree in the United States in six years.

The first two years focus on general education requirements, while the next four years are dedicated to the student’s chosen field of study.

A large section of pharmacy school education focuses on drug side effects. This is important because you will likely encounter individuals who get treatment from multiple doctors during your practice.

Pharmacy school education school incorporates a comprehensive survey of all pharmaceuticals.

Accreditation of Doctors

To work as a medical doctor, you must be accredited by the American Medical Association (AMA).

This organization aims to boost public health by ensuring that only qualified doctors are released into the medical field.

Accreditation of Pharmacists

To work as a pharmacist in the US, you must be accredited by the Center for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation (CPPA).  

This body ensures that pharmacies that render health services don’t offer sub-standard services.

What is the average salary of a doctor?

According to the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, the average salary of a doctor in the US is about $200,000 per year.

However, this average varies according to specialty, experience, skills, and academic qualifications.

What is the average salary of a pharmacist?

Based on statistics released by the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, the average salary of a pharmacist in the US is about $128,000 annually.

This average also varies according to specialty, experience, skills, and academic qualifications.

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How To Become A Doctor

You can follow the steps below to become a doctor in the United States of America:

1. Acquire an undergraduate degree

To become a doctor, you must first acquire an undergraduate degree.

Although medical schools don’t recommend a particular major that aspiring medical students must engage in during their bachelor’s degree education, completing a degree program in a medical-related field such as biology, physiology, anatomy, or chemistry is an excellent step.

Doing this will enable you to satisfy the conditions for medical school and empower you with a foundational knowledge of medicine.

However, you must earn this degree while maintaining a high GPA and an excellent extracurricular record.

2. Earn the passing score on the MCAT exam

To get into medical school, you must have a good MCAT score.

MCAT, which means Medical College Admission Test, is a requirement for admission into any medical school in the US and several other countries.

This standardized test assesses how ready you are for the rigorous academic program of medical school. You will take MCAT in the third ear of your bachelor’s degree program.

Furthermore, MCAT adopts the multiple-choice questions testing format. This does not make the test easy, and you can only have an excellent score if you prepare yourself effectively.

Some subjects to study well ahead of this test are biology, chemistry, and physics. Purchasing good prep books and doing enough practice tests before the test will also help immensely.

Since a candidate can take MCAT three times within one year, failing the test before does not close the door to your medical career.

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3. Complete medical school

The United States of America is home to many of the best medical schools in the world. It takes another four years to complete medical school education in the US.

While the first two years of medical school are about theoretical learning, the last two years focus on medical practice. You will get to acquire in-depth, hands-on experience in various medical specialties.

However, medical schools offering good education have high application rates. So, to stand a chance of getting into any medical school, you must send in a robust application.

You can apply for any US medical school before your senior year during your undergraduate education through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) portal.

On this portal, you can easily view the deadlines for each medical school and apply to most of them.

4. Excel in the first two parts of the USMLE

To practice as a doctor in the US, you must acquire a license.

However, a medical doctor’s license is only given to people that pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).

This exam assesses your skills and knowledge to determine if you are fit for a medical career.

There are three different aspects of this exam, and while you will take and pass the first two before graduating from medical school, you will take the last part once you graduate.

5. Pick a specialty and start a residency program

Choosing a specialty you want to focus on when you become a medical doctor is your sole responsibility.

It is advisable to make this decision before leaving medical school. Your choice of specialty will determine the residency you will engage in.

A residency is a practical training program that enables you to work as a medical doctor under the supervision of a seasoned expert in that medical domain.

It takes about three to four years to complete a residency program. Throughout the residency, you will render medical services to people.

Some of the responsibilities that you will perform are assessing patients, identifying medical sicknesses, conducting tests, and providing treatment plans for their medical conditions.

However, always ensure you take the corrections of the medical expert you are working under in good faith.

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6. Pass the third aspect of the USMLE and acquire your state’s medical license

The third aspect of the USMLE assesses your capacity to practice medicine excellently and provide quality patient care.

You can take this third aspect of USMLE when you are still a medical resident to allow for independent practice once you complete the residency.

The third aspect of the USMLE is taken under two days, and just like MCAT, it is also a multiple-choice questions test. To pass this intensive exam, you must do well in each section.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Pharmacists And Doctors?

What is the best pharmacy school in the US?

The best pharmacy school at the University of California San Diego’s Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. This school runs an academic program that focuses basically on research.

What is the best medical school in the US?

The best medical school in the US is Harvard medical school. It is renowned for sustaining a high quality of academic excellence.

What are the best countries for studying medicine?

The world’s best countries for studying medicine are the UK, the US, Canada, Germany, Ukraine, and China.

Which countries produce the best doctors in the world?

The best doctors in the world are those from Germany, France, India, Israel, and the UAE.


Unofficially, pharmacists are referred to as doctors. After all, “Dr.” follows the name of individuals who have completed pharmacy school.

While the article clarifies that pharmacists are not doctors in clinical settings, many still hold that misconception.

However, to succeed in medical school, ensure you have a workable study plan, don’t miss any class, and always give your best.

Also, ensure you sustain a good relationship with your instructors and study with others.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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