5 Best Voice Acting Schools in the United States (FAQs) | 2023

Voice Acting Schools

Voice Acting Schools in the United States: Anyone interested in a career in the voice acting profession must consider attending a voice acting school.

Voice acting schools allow students to learn how to utilize their voice, enhance performance, and prepare for voiceover roles.

In addition, voice acting schools provide training in areas like vocal technique, stage presence, and character development.

Some also help their students promote themselves in business and join talent rosters.

More so, the United States is home to some of the very best voice acting schools in the world, and in this article, we will discuss some of the best American voice acting schools, how long it takes to complete a voice acting school, and how to succeed in the field of voice acting.

Who is a Voice-Over Actor?

A voice-over actor is a performer whose voice is used to amuse, narrate, or promote things for commercials, animation, audiobooks, video games, and educational programs.

In addition to impersonations, mimicry, and character voices, a voice actor must also have acting talents.

Since voice actors are rarely seen on-screen, their voice is the sole mechanism through which they may portray their feelings.

To provide the finest possible performance, voice actors must train and practice regularly, always honing their vocal skills.

Is voice-acting a Good Career Path?

That’s correct. A career as a voice actor can be yours if you have a strong acting background and a wonderful singing voice.

Good voice acting requires much perseverance, patience, and perseverance, but it can also be rewarding and enjoyable.

Some voice actors begin their careers by working part-time while maintaining a full-time job.

Working part-time gives you more control over your schedule, allowing you to pick and choose when you work and audition, allowing you to create a plan that works best for you.

You may earn hundreds or thousands of dollars recording a few seconds of commercial voice-acting work on national radio and television.

Aspiring, intermediate, and veteran talent compete for the same positions, making it difficult to land a job.

Even well-established voice actors go through periods where they cannot secure paid work. Aspiring voice-over actors should expect to go on several auditions before landing a part.

In addition, working as a voice actor allows you to be your boss.

You can control your schedule and the jobs you accept or reject. The more consistent you become, the more discerning you can be about the projects you accept.

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Can anyone engage in Voice Acting?

If you’ve already engaged in voice-over or acting classes, you’re ahead of the game.

However, the reality is that anyone can pick up the skills necessary to become a voice actor.

If you have a genuine interest in acting, a strong work ethic, and the determination to achieve, then you have everything you need to become a successful actor.

It’s safe to say that voice actor play a crucial part in the entertainment business.

Therefore, if you have a great voice but are having trouble finding a well-paying career, voice-over work might be something to look into.

Requirements to enroll in Voice Acting Schools in the United States:

There is no requirement for voice-acting schools in the United States. Rather, you must have a drive and be ready to study to succeed in any voice acting school you enroll in.

Additionally, you must understand that regular practice and work with an instructor are some of the things that will make you a great voice actor. Thus, do not take your rehearsals for granted.

How long does it take to complete Voice-Acting Schools in the United States?

There’s no denying that building a career as a voice actor takes a while.

However, it all comes down to your degree of commitment and attention to the course and how much time and effort you put into it.

Nevertheless, in the United States, a voice-acting school can be completed in four years.

Best Voice Acting Schools in The United States:

The United States is blessed with some of the best voice-acting schools in the world.

However, despite many voice acting schools in the US, the following schools are regarded as the very best in the business.

1. The College of Fine Arts at Boston University:

The College of Fine Arts at Boston University is popular for developing the intellectual powers of students to produce art, alter viewpoints, and think broadly.

Acquiring a voice acting degree from this accredited college or university prepares students for a career in the entertainment industry.

Students are also equipped with the right skills that allow them to harness their creative and intellectual abilities and their physical and vocal prowess, technique, and professionalism.

At Boston University, the College of Fine Arts includes the School of Music, the School of Theatre, and the School of Visual Arts. Each school offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the visual and performing arts.

This school is undoubtedly one of the best voice acting schools in the US.

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2. Temple University Department of Theater: 

The Certificate in Voice and Speech obtained from the Temple University Department of Theater provides an opportunity for students from various academic backgrounds to further their knowledge and skills in the field of acting voice and speech.

The Fitzmaurice vocal method is taught by two master instructors and one associate teacher in Temple University’s Theater Department.

This school also provides students with valuable knowledge to pursue their desired career path.

The Boyer College of Music and Dance and the School of Theater, Film, and Media Arts (TFMA) are all part of Temple University’s Center for the Performing and Cinematic Arts.

Moreover, the voice and speech study program help students master public speaking and presentation skills and develop their creativity, teamwork, professionalism, and communication skills.

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3. California Institute of the Arts:

The California Institute of the Arts in Santa Clarita, California, is a private art school. It is one of the best voice acting schools in the United States.

It was founded in 1961 as the first college or university in the US that gave degrees to students who were interested in both the visual and performing arts.

Admissions are based mostly on demonstrated ability and potential in the arts field.

Unlike other colleges, enrolling in a voice acting degree program at CalArts is ideal because this school creates an intimate, creative atmosphere that promotes one-on-one supervision and guidance.

Moreover, every student at CalArts has a faculty mentor who helps them academically and creatively and acts as a link to the professional industry during their stay at the school.

Additionally, students at CalArts have access to a wide range of skilled artists because all of our teachers are practicing artists and educators.

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4. The Theatre School at DePaul University:

The drama school at DePaul University is the Theatre School, formerly called the Goodman School of Drama.

The Goodman Theatre Company started the Goodman School, which held its first class on January 5, 1925, at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Training for professional ability and artistry is provided in an open and varied conservatory environment at the Theatre School at DePaul University.

This school offers an intimate B.F.A. experience with a faculty-to-student ratio of 1:6.

Actors learn best by doing, and this specialized program encourages students to do just that while immersing themselves in Chicago’s thriving theatrical community.

As one of the best voice acting schools in the United States, this school offers a friendly atmosphere for everyone due to its dedication to diversity.

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5. Ithaca College:

IC is a learning environment that focuses on transformation the moments when you discover meaning, purpose, and people. It was founded in 1892 by a musician with a huge ambition.

Ithaca College boasts staff and instructors committed to their students’ success.

Faculty members at Ithaca College are not only excellent teachers and mentors, but they are also committed to their professional growth and development to use what they’ve learned to better the world.

Ithaca College is a place that understands the need to integrate academic theory with real-world experience and a specific focus on performance.

Students at Ithaca College benefit from the small class sizes, personal mentoring, collaborations, and professional guidance provided by the college’s expert faculty and first-rate facilities, typically found at larger institutions.

More so, students at Ithaca College collaborate in forming strategic alliances, breaking new ground in cooperation, and collaborating with scholars, entrepreneurs, artists, and innovators on a global scale.

This school is, without doubt, one of the very best schools to study voice acting in the world.

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Tips for excelling as a voice actor:

You may improve your skills as a voice actor by attending a voice acting school. However, if you want to be a successful voice actor, keep reading for some pointers:

1. Practice:

Practice is still necessary even if you don’t have access to a professional recording studio.

Professional voice-over performers sometimes have their home studios where they can record auditions, practice their craft, and listen back to their recordings.

Take the time to develop your voice, and you’ll wow casting directors and audience members.

2. Immerse yourself in the role:

If the project requires it, a competent voice actor should be able to deliver a dramatic performance. Take on the persona and provide a convincing performance if you want to be taken seriously.

The only difference between voice acting and traditional acting is that all acting is done via the actor’s voice. So, always be prepared to immerse yourself in several roles.

3. Research your character:

Performing the appropriate studies and investigations is an important part of developing distinctive personalities with individual voice patterns.

A thorough understanding of your character will allow you to practice your lines and figure out how to approach dialogue.

Before you begin recording, it is critical that you thoroughly study the text. Take some time to understudy it well to get the desired results.

4. Take care of your voice:

As a voice actor, maintaining the wellness of your vocal cords is critical to your long-term success. Thus, train your voice regularly.

5. Partner with the right agency:

There is a lot more to voice acting than simply singing. Potential clients’ demands are also changing, and agencies are responding accordingly.

Voice agencies sometimes do more than supply the talent; they collaborate with actors to improve and strengthen their natural talents.

Thus, look for the right agency and sign up with them to improve your abilities.

Frequently Asked Questions on Voice Acting Schools:

Is voice acting hard?

Many young actors just starting think they can get into show business by doing voice-over work. But getting your voice on a cartoon or a funny commercial can be harder than getting a speaking role on a TV show.

Is voice acting harder than acting?

While some may claim that stage acting is more challenging, voice acting is the more difficult form of acting to learn. Your voice is your instrument when you work in voiceovers and other forms of voice acting. Because you don’t have to use your entire body, some believe this makes the process easier. Although it is your only instrument, it must be flawless.

Do you need a degree to be a voice actor?

Voice-over actors can get work through talent agencies or open auditions, as a formal degree is not required for this highly competitive professional field. Frequently, these ambitious performers have also attended college-level acting and voice classes.

Can I make money with my voice?

You can also use your voice to make money at home by voicing commercials. There are websites online that hire people to do the voices in their commercials. These jobs are also pretty easy to do once you’ve gotten good at them.


Many of the world’s greatest voice acting schools may be found in the United States. These schools require nothing for admission.

Meanwhile, your voice acting career would be boosted if you joined one of the institutions listed above.

Still, to be successful as a voice actor, you need to be dedicated, build a strong brand, and give the job your all.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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