77+ General Boarding School Rules Everyone Should Know

Boarding School Rules

Sending your children to a boarding school as a parent is an excellent decision.

Boarding school allows your wards to learn how to manage their time and develop the ability to cohabit with people, which boosts their interpersonal skills.

However, every boarding school has rules and regulations that parents and students must follow to make the environment safe and friendly for all.

The guidelines outlined in this article apply to all boarding schools and are intended to help students learn and live a normal life while at the boarding school.

What is the Youngest Age for Boarding School?

Individualized prep schools give pupils their first experience with boarding school life. Children between the ages of 7 and 13 are accepted as boarders at preparatory schools, where they are prepared for senior school.

While most prep schools are co-educational, a few single-sex prep schools are scattered throughout the country.

Note that not all boarding schools have these rules, which can change a lot depending on the school’s culture, location, and approach to learning.

  1. Lights out by 10:00 PM.
  2. No electronic devices after lights out.
  3. Uniforms must be worn during school hours.
  4. Weekday leaves require permission.
  5. No food in dorm rooms.
  6. Regular room inspections.
  7. Attendance at all meals is mandatory.
  8. Daily morning assemblies.
  9. Respect curfew times.
  10. No loud music in the dorms.
  11. Students must participate in at least one extracurricular activity.
  12. No unauthorized guests in rooms.
  13. Academic study hours are enforced.
  14. No leaving campus without permission.
  15. Regular health check-ups at the infirmary.
  16. No bullying or harassment tolerated.
  17. Respect school property.
  18. Attend scheduled house meetings.
  19. No tampering with fire safety equipment.
  20. All medications must be given to the infirmary.
  21. Maintain a minimum grade point average.
  22. No mobile phones during class hours.
  23. Participate in weekend cleanup duties.
  24. No gambling on school premises.
  25. Weekly laundry schedule must be adhered to.
  26. No skipping classes.
  27. Follow internet and computer usage policies.
  28. Maintain personal hygiene standards.
  29. Alcohol and drugs are strictly prohibited.
  30. Participation in mandatory school events and traditions.
  31. All personal disputes to be resolved with a housemaster’s intervention.
  32. Lock doors when leaving the room.
  33. Maintain a weekly journal or diary for self-reflection.
  34. Attend spiritual or moral education classes.
  35. All mail might be checked by housemasters.
  36. Always inform staff before leaving on excursions.
  37. Keep noise levels down during study hours.
  38. No pets in the dormitories.
  39. Always wear ID cards.
  40. Respect the rights and privacy of others.
  41. Avoid wastage of food and resources.
  42. All students to have morning exercise or physical activity.
  43. Personal items should be labeled.
  44. Only school-approved websites on school computers.
  45. Weekly meetings with assigned mentors.
  46. Maintain decorum during school ceremonies.
  47. Permission slips required for off-campus activities.
  48. Use of recreational rooms only during free hours.
  49. No prank calls or misusing phones.
  50. Students should report any damages immediately.

Boarding School Rules: Are phones allowed in boarding schools?

When you discover that most boarding schools have a mobile phone policy, you may rest assured that your child will not spend his or her early mornings staring at a small screen.

If in doubt, check with your school, but most do not permit cell phones during formal events or after lights out at night.

General Boarding School Rules for Parents:

  1. Parents should try to meet their children’s requirements but not spoil them by providing them with considerably more pocket money than they need or consider appropriate.
  2. Parents should direct their grievances to the Vice Principal (Admin) or Principal via the linked House Master.
  3. In the overall interest of the students’ good upbringing, parents should avoid being confrontational in their relations with personnel.
  4. Any student withdrawing from the Boarding House will not be readmitted to the boarding house.
  5. Except for unusual or emergencies, students should be restored to the Boarding House on the day and time specified for resumption.
  6. Only the final Sunday of each month is reserved for boarding house visits.
  7. All fees must be paid at the time of resumption or before it. The fees you have paid are non-refundable.
  8. Parents are encouraged to collaborate with the Housemasters to make the difficult task of operating the Boarding House a big success.
  9. Joy Schaverien, the author of the book Boarding School Syndrome, argues that sending a youngster abroad for an education can be extremely detrimental to the student’s mental health and well-being.
  10. Children’s self-confidence will grow as they discover what they enjoy and are proficient at doing. Boarding students have a more structured lifestyle than their peers.

General Boarding School Rules for Students:

  1. There is no smoking or alcohol allowed in the boarding school.
  2. Girls may not welcome boys in their sleeping quarters or vice versa under any circumstances. Only with supervisors’ approval may students visit the opposite sex’s housing quarters.
  3. A Boarding House student may not own a motor vehicle or motorcycle. No student can keep a car or motorcycle with friends for weekend use.
  4. In the event of a fire or other disaster, students must follow the directions of the person in charge and exit the building through the quickest indicated exit path.
  5. Each student is in charge of his or her stuff. When rooms are empty, they should always be locked; however, when students are in their rooms, they may not be closed from the inside for security reasons.
  6. Large sums of money and valuable items should be entrusted to the supervisor.

Related: Top 15 Boarding School Interview Questions (With Examples)

Important Boarding School Rules that are not Worth Breaking:

  1. In both the actual and virtual worlds, a decent tone is anticipated. Bullying, harassment, indecent exposure, violence, and threatening behavior are prohibited and will result in permanent expulsion from the boarding school.
  2. In the event of a fire (within 24 hours), you must immediately leave the boarding school and proceed to the school canteen / FOOD CAMP, where you should join the others from your hall. \Theft will result in the boarding school being reported to the authorities and permanent expulsion.
  3. Weapons or similar items cannot be used, stored, or possessed on boarding school grounds. All forms of use, storage, or possession of pepper spray or similar weapons are prohibited for security reasons.
  4. It is prohibited to use psychedelic substances, solvents, or doping compounds. Psychedelic drugs are illegal to use, store or have in one’s possession.
  5. For example, tampering with the boarding school’s warning system/fire alarms in common areas and rooms is prohibited. This will result in your immediate and permanent expulsion from the school.
  6. On days leading up to a school day (Sunday to Thursday), at the boarding school, or outside the boarding school area, alcohol is not authorized.
  7. If you undergo therapy (physical or mental) or are prescribed medicine, you must notify the boarding school teachers. Expulsion may be imposed if essential health information is withheld.
  8. You are not permitted to drink alcohol at the boarding school on days when there are school celebrations.
  9. During the hours of 07.00 – 19.00, you must check in with the boarding employee on duty (applies to all days of the week)

Does a boarding school harm a child’s life?

After checking all the general boarding school rules, according to a leading psychotherapist, boarding school can have long-term consequences, with many former students suffering from depression.

Joy Schaverien, in the book boarding school syndrome author, argues that sending a youngster abroad for an education can be extremely detrimental to the student’s mental health and well-being.

Related: 10 Best High Schools in Canada

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Boarding School

Sending your child to a boarding school is one of the most important decisions you may ever have to make as a parent.

However, here are 5 factors to consider when making this decision:

1. Available student support programs

Before you pick a boarding school for your ward, find out about the student support programs available.

Besides the academic student support resources, check if the school has functional social and emotional development support programs.

This is because every good boarding school will give its students these tools so they can reach their full potential.

2. The presence of school staff care

Another factor to consider when choosing a boarding school for your child is the presence of school staff.

Check to see if the school has enough staff to take care of the students and step in to stop bad things from happening, like bullying or sexual molestation.

3. School facilities

When picking a boarding school for your child, look at available facilities.

Consider every single facility available at the school, From the hostel to the sports facilities at the school.

Before deciding, look at the school’s gym, swimming pool, and dining hall areas.

3. Reputation

Inquire about the academic reputation of the school from previous students.

Find out how their exams are conducted and if they run extra classes to help students.

Moreover, you can check authentic online sources for the school’s academic ranking and base your decision on that.

Sending your child to a school that is renowned academically will increase their chances of participating in prestigious educational competitions that can land them international recognition.

4. Fee structure

Besides the above factors, you must look at a boarding school’s fee structure before deciding whether to send them there.

Look at the institution’s school fees per year and determine if you will have the financial capacity to handle such a burden.

However, find out if the school has a good payment plan to allow you to complete the fees without any pressure.

If the plan is unfavorable, you can settle for another school immediately.

FAQs on General Boarding School Rules and Regulations

What are the common dress code rules in boarding schools?

Most boarding schools have a uniform or dress code that students must adhere to during school hours. This can include uniforms, specific colors, or dress standards. Some schools may also have rules for casual wear after classes.

Can students leave the boarding school campus anytime they want?

No, usually, students need permission to leave the campus. There may be specific times or days when students can go out, and they may need to sign out or be accompanied by an adult, depending on the school’s policy.

Are there restrictions on electronics at boarding schools?

Many boarding schools have rules about when and where electronics can be used. This might include no phones during class, specific hours for internet usage, or even depositing phones with the housemaster during nighttime.

How do boarding schools handle rule violations?

Violating rules can lead to various consequences, ranging from loss of privileges and counseling sessions to detention, suspension, or even expulsion for severe infractions. The response typically depends on the rule’s severity and the school’s disciplinary approach.


The rules in Boarding school expose pupils to a wide range of activities, including social service, art, drama, and woodworking, to name a few examples.

Children’s self-confidence will grow as they discover what they enjoy and are proficient at doing. Boarding students have a more structured lifestyle than their peers.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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