Top 3 Boarding schools in Iowa in 2022

boarding schools in Iowa

In terms of a child’s overall education, boarding schools in Iowa outperform day schools by a wide margin. Students are guided by their teachers throughout the day, which makes learning more enjoyable for them.

Is boarding school a cost-free option in Iowa?

Students are naturally interested in learning whether there are any boarding schools that are completely free to attend. The truth of the matter is that there aren’t many free boarding schools in the United States.

The ones that are free, on the other hand, are quite competitive to get accepted into. Most are government-sponsored, thus your eligibility is determined by your geographic region (state).

At what age can a child begin boarding school in Iowa?

Almost all boarding preparatory schools accept students up to the age of 13 (the eighth grade) in order to better prepare them for the rigors of the ninth grade.

While some may have tried flexi boarding or a “taster night” before, most students at these prep schools begin “proper” boarding around the age of 11 or 12.

Is it a good idea to send your child to a boarding school in Iowa?

According to experts, the ideal age to send children away is when they are over nine years old, when a child is mentally developed enough to look after himself.

Sending a child to a boarding school is ultimately a personal decision, but if you do, make sure your child understands why so there are no regrets later.

Top Boarding schools in Iowa in 2022

Maharishi School:

Maharishi School is one of the top advanced boarding schools in Iowa. What began in 1981 as a single pioneering school has grown to become the global model for a unique brand of holistic education.

Their college preparatory program at Maharishi School is built on the principle of optimal awareness.

You may have the ideal school—the best professors, the best facilities, the best curriculum, and the best technology—but how much can be achieved if children enter the classroom worried, exhausted, or distracted?

What if there were a technique to increase students’ academic strength? Each area of school life would be improved: knowledge acquisition and retention, social and emotional growth, and physical health and well-being.

That is why, at Maharishi School, they place a premium on relaxation—a unique form of rest. Students and teachers practice yoga and Transcendental Meditation twice a day to transcend.

This enables them to get deep sleep and alleviate tension before it builds up. It enhances the way the brain works.

It also provides individuals with a moment of inner silence, a connection to their own unique genuine self, in a world of nearly constant external stimulus.

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Scattergood Friends School:

Recognized as one of the best boarding schools in Iowa, Scattergood is in West Branch, Iowa, which is in the greater Iowa City area. It takes about three and a half hours by car from Chicago to get there, and five hours from Minneapolis and St. Louis to get there.

The school’s 126-acre campus is made up of a 27-acre main campus and 26 acres of prairie that have been restored.

Moreover, there are 8 acres of certified organic vegetable gardens, a high tunnel (greenhouse), and many barns, outbuildings, and pastures on the farm.

Scattergood has a college-prep course load with progressive classes, hands-on learning, and more individual and self-reflective testing.

The core curriculum is made up of four years of English, Social Studies, Science, Math, and a foreign language. Critical thinking and communication skills, such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, and the ability to think about other people’s points of view, are stressed.

Through work on the farm, on campus, and in classes that study both the fine and practical arts, students also learn how to live a good life, too.

Recognized as one of the best boarding schools in Iowa, adventure and personal growth can be found on wilderness trips and service trips.

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Read more: Top 15 Boarding School Interview Questions (With Examples)

Top Boarding schools in Iowa in 2022

Rivermont Collegiate:

Rivermont’s Pre-Kindergarten is the first step in formal education for young children. It helps them make the important transition from learning with their families to learning in a larger community.

In their program, they help children learn through guided play in a setting that is full of activities and sensory experiences. Children learn how to do things.

Hence Pre-Kindergarten is a very busy place. During daily play, students move around the room and look at different creative centers in different parts of the room.

Rivermont thinks that cognitive challenges are important. Their literacy curriculum focuses on the letters and sounds of the alphabet by using multi-sensory methods to help students learn how to read and write.

By carefully balancing challenges with encouragement, stimulation with reflection, and structure with freedom, Rivermont Collegiate’s teachers help each student reach his or her full potential and grow as a person.

College preparation is not the goal they set for themselves, but the ground from which their students build their lives.

Rivermont Collegiate teaches students how to be successful in the world of tomorrow when global economies will become more interdependent, competitive, and require cross-cultural comfort, as well as the ability to work together, resolve conflicts, and tackle shared problems.

So, the goal is to make smart, thoughtful, hardworking, and tenacious global citizens who show humility and character, and who use their gifts to make a positive difference wherever they go.

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Iowa boarding schools are designed to provide students with a learning atmosphere in which they may concentrate on their academics, grow, and reach their full potential.

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