7 Top Party Schools In California (Requirements, FAQs) | 2023

Party Schools In California

Party Schools In California: Attending a good party school can be an opportunity to have a great time in college while completing studies.

Although party schools can have a negative impact on students, there are still some party schools that offer quality education.

However, an applicant must satisfy the school’s admission requirements to gain admission into any of these schools.

Thus, this article will focus on the best party schools in California, the requirements to get into party schools in California, how long it takes to complete these schools, and offer tips on how students can excel and get the most out of party schools in the Golden State.

What is a Party School?

A “party school” is a university or college that is known for having the culture of a party lifestyle rather than one focused on education.

Requirements for attending party schools in California

To participate in a party school in California, a student must possess the following:

How long does it take to complete party schools in California?

Like at other colleges, a bachelor’s degree at party schools takes four years to complete, and a master’s degree takes one to two years.

It could take longer to earn these degrees, depending on a number of factors.

Best Party Schools in California 

California’s party schools are among the best in the country, not only for their fun but also for being among the best academically. After several considerations, here are some of the best party schools in the state of California:

1. The University of Southern California

The University of Southern California is a globally recognized private university. It is recognized for its academic and innovative research.

Students at the University of Southern California will experience new cultures and perspectives and work with renowned professionals and scholars who greatly impact various fields.

However, the University of Southern California offers many club sports options to students.

The University of Southern California also has on-campus housing for athletes, fraternities, and sororities. Parties at the University of Southern California are one of a kind.

The University of Southern California is the best place for students who love to party.

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2. University of California, Santa Barbara

The University of California at Santa Barbara is a globally recognized research university, providing comprehensive and leading experience in liberal arts learning.

UC Santa Barbara is one of the best party schools in California.

The environment at the university promotes creativity, innovation, and scholarly ambition and fosters interpersonal relations, diversity, and academic curiosity.

Students at UC Santa Barbara are engaged fully in their academic journey of self-discovery, liberal thought, innovation, and analytic reasoning.

UC Santa Barbara is home to over 26,000 students and is also one of the best party colleges in California. The university has over 200 registered clubs and student organizations.

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3. San Diego State University

San Diego State University has evolved into a forward-thinking and innovative public research university and is classified federally as a Hispanic-serving institution.

Each year, over 36,000 students are taught a curriculum famous for its student-faculty relationship and global focus that prepares them for an international future.

The school’s community is committed to outstanding teaching, significant research, and service to its local community.

Moreover, students at San Diego State University love to party, although the university manages to keep their partying a secret affair. San Diego has clubs and shows around it that students also party at.

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4. California State University (CSU)

California State University, Chico, has a lasting reputation for having a high-quality, high-value education. CSU is one of the best party schools in California.

The university is a hispanic-serving institution, offering over a hundred degrees in undergraduate and graduate studies.

The university community is friendly, and the faculty is committed to offering a person that makes students fit right in. However, CSU Chico is a good party school, and fun means a lot of things.

The university has over seventy fraternities and sororities offering weekend partying all year round.

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5. The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

The University of California, Los Angeles is a reputable public research university with a mission of spreading, creating, preserving, and applying knowledge to improve international society.

UCLA is a mix of the close-knit learning environment of a motivated public school and the endless opportunities of a world-class city.

However, UCLA is well known for its parties and its exciting nightlife.

From outdoor movie nights to concerts and festivals, fun events are organized for the enjoyment of students. Life on the campus of UCLA is always almost fun.

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Tips for excelling in the Party Schools in California 

At most colleges, the temptation of partying can get in the way of students’ education. At party schools, the temptation is greater as more parties and students love to party.

Not giving in to that temptation can be hard. Thus, students are advised to find a balance between their education and parties so they do not let partying get in the way of their academic success.

Moreover, here are a few tips on how students can enjoy partying and get the best of their education:

1. Set your priorities straight: 

Students should never forget why they are in college and should never let partying precede their education.

They should also remember how hard they worked in high school to get into college and utilize this useful opportunity to get the best academic experience possible.

College is also a costly investment. Thus, students should not forget the amount spent on tuition and other expenses and try to get the most out of school.

2. Choose your classes wisely:

Students should wisely choose their class schedules. They should pick classes that align with their interests and will help them graduate with their selected majors.

Sometimes students avoid morning classes or Friday classes because these classes get in the way of their partying.

Students might be unable to take every class that interests them because they have other responsibilities, but they shouldn’t let their partying schedule decide which classes they take.

3. Manage time effectively: 

Time management is vital in college, whether you’re the type that parties or does not. For many students, college is the first time they are far from their parents and do not have regular guidance.

Students are advised to utilize their time effectively, establishing routines to aid their academic success. Students’ class schedules mostly determine how much time they spend studying.

Therefore, students should work towards their academic strengths and develop habits that will allow them to be successful in college.

Students who play sports or work while going to school will have less time to study, so they should figure out how to use their time well.

4. Make good use of the library

If the study materials you can access are not enough for you, stop at the library within your department and borrow valuable textbooks recommended by your lecturers to boost your knowledge and gain more insight into the discussion topics.

5. Read within the syllabus

No matter how much you enjoy a course, always ensure that you read within the syllabus.

Reading topics outside of a syllabus is a complete waste of time.

Rather than putting most of your energy into studying things that will not come up in exams, focus on the study areas recommended by your teachers.

5. Establish a good relationship with your professors

As a student, ensure you create a good relationship with your professors.

Aside from the fact that professors will be more receptive to you when they know you better, they will be willing to provide you with a beautiful recommendation letter for that dream internship that you are pursuing.

Some may even refer you to a friend in the industry who can help you find a good place for your internship.

6. Create a good balance between academics and pleasure

If you enjoy having fun, a party school can meet your needs.

However, striking a good balance between your academics and pleasure can make all the difference in determining if you will graduate with a good result or not.

Always devote most of your time to reading, and only attend parties after reading.

Nevertheless, be careful of what you consume at those parties, as it can prevent you from studying adequately.

Frequently Asked Questions on Party Schools In California

Is UCLA a party school?

UCLA has a great reputation for being a great place to party. It is known as one of the best party schools in California.

Is Duke a party school?

You must be continually active and driving if you want to succeed in the Duke social scene, which includes going to bars, frat parties, and other social events.

Is it OK to party in college?

For many college parties, drinking too much alcohol is common, which can be bad for your health as a whole.

Is Purdue a party school?

Many Purdue parties aren’t very big or unique because there are more guys than girls and most big parties are held by frats.


In addition to the schools listed above, UC Berkeley and UC Davis are two other party schools in California that are highly regarded for the quality of education they offer.

California has some of the best party schools. The schools are best for students who want to chase academic excellence but love partying.

The party schools in California are ranked as some of the best schools in the nation and the world, so they are not just known for their parties.

However, to attend these schools, certain requirements outlined in this article must be met.

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