5 Best Criminal Law Universities in Europe (FAQs) | 2022

Best Criminal Law Universities in Europe

Criminal Law Universities in Europe: The practice of criminal law is gratifying, well-respected, and highly specific. A career in criminal law can be a rewarding and interesting option.

Many criminal lawyers are motivated by a desire to make a difference. They are motivated above all else by a desire to provide a helping hand to those that need it, safeguard society, and help the general public.

Criminal law schools will provide you with all the knowledge that you need to work in law enforcement, the court, as well as in corrections, and prison centers.

Thus, this article will discuss some of the top criminal law schools in Europe, how long it would take to attend law school in Europe, and how to excel in those schools.

What is Criminal law?

Criminal law is the body of law that deals with crimes. It says what kind of behavior is considered to be threatening, harmful, or otherwise dangerous to the property, health, safety, and moral well-being of people, including oneself.

Criminal law is mostly about crimes and violations that hurt society as a whole, rather than just one person.

This part of the law says what Acts of Parliament consider to be acceptable (and unacceptable) behavior in the UK.

Is criminal law a good degree?

Yes, it is. If you want to strengthen your critical thinking and research abilities, a degree in criminology is an excellent choice.

Criminology is an excellent basis for many careers in law enforcement, the medical industry, and other related fields.

Laws governing criminal offenses, charges, trials, and penalties for convicted criminals are the focus of criminal law.

The primary goal of criminal law is to decide whether or not a person disobeyed the law, what the consequences were, and what punishments they receive if they are convicted of a criminal offense.

Crime and criminals are the subject of criminology, which seeks to uncover the motivations of perpetrators and devise countermeasures.

It also examines current trends and the influence of crime on society.

Additionally, Criminology studies punishment and rehabilitation systems in order to establish their effectiveness and find ways to enhance them.

On the other hand, it’s possible to pursue a wide range of employment options if you study criminal justice as an undergraduate, particularly in law enforcement.

As a lawyer, you may have imagined yourself in this position. In order to pursue a Juris Doctor degree, a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice is a good starting point.

If you care about fairness and equality, getting a degree in criminal justice can help you land a job in a field like criminal law or immigration law.

You’ll get a good overview of criminal justice and criminal and constitutional law in these courses, which will help you determine whether or not you want to pursue a career in law.

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Admissions Requirements at the Criminal Law Universities in Europe: 

To study criminal law in Europe, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Academic transcripts
  • CV/Resume
  • Personal statement
  • Diploma (High School/Bachelors)
  • Letters of recommendation
  • English language test scores (for English-taught universities)

How long will it take to study criminal law in Europe? 

To obtain a bachelor’s degree in criminal law from most European colleges, three to four years of studies are required. On the contrary, postgraduate law studies (LLM) last anywhere from one to two years.

Best Criminal Law Universities in Europe: 

1. University of Cambridge Faculty of Law, England:

The University of Cambridge is a world-renowned institution of higher learning that offers students a stimulating, adaptable, and personalized educational experience.

They are consistently ranked among the best criminal law universities in Europe, and employers particularly prize their students because of the excellence of their education and research programs.

Since the thirteenth century, students and faculty at Cambridge University have been engaged in the study and teaching of law.

At Cambridge University’s law school, students may learn about the law in its social and historical aspects and analyze its broad concepts and methodologies.

Analytical and logical thinking abilities are honed, and students are forced to confront moral judgment, political liberty, and social order issues.

The Faculty and University Law Society organizes various events, including public lectures, job fairs with notable barristers and solicitors, social gatherings, and mooting contests (debates about hypothetical legal cases).

The Cambridge Centre for Criminal Justice (CCCCJ) was created in January 2016 and draws together faculty members, students, and guests interested in criminal justice research to do their work.

Around 6% of Cambridge undergraduates are majoring in law at any given moment. About 700 undergraduates and 250 graduate students make up the student body.

Graduates of the Faculty of Law from this school have notable positions in academia, the court, and the legal profession.

Moreover, distinguished graduates of Cambridge’s law school include judges of the International Court of Justice, the European Court of Justice, the Appeals Court, and the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

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2. University of Oxford Faculty of Law, England:

University of Oxford Faculty of Law, England is one of the major law faculties in Britain, and it’s located at the University of Oxford.

The faculty has the only graduate degrees in the world that are taught in tutorials and classrooms by the faculty.

Among English-speaking universities, the faculty’s PhD program in law is the biggest in the country.

It is possible to earn a Criminology and Criminal Justice degree from the Faculty of Law at Oxford University, which teaches courses in criminological theory, the study of criminal justice, and research methods.

As a result of this course, students will be able to recognize the fundamental issues and concerns, dichotomies, and concepts that have created modern criminological thought and will be able to grasp the nature of criminology’s theories and explanations.

With staff and students dedicated to comprehending and tackling current public policy issues, the Oxford Centre for Criminology is a prominent venue for cutting-edge social inquiry and world-class graduate studies in criminology and criminal justice.

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3. London School of Economics and Political Science Law School, England:

The Law School of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is a world-class institution known for its legal research and instruction excellence. It is one of the best criminal law schools in Europe.

There is a unique international and multidisciplinary perspective on learning and research at LSE Law School, with staff and students from all corners of the globe.

The Law School is committed to creating a lively, balanced, and truly inclusive environment.

Current members of LSE Law School’s criminal law group conduct research in a wide range of areas, including criminal law, criminology, policy, and the history and theory of criminal law, as well as in the areas of forensic and criminal evidence.

Criminology was first taught and studied in Britain when Hermann Mannheim was brought to the London School of Economics in 1935.

As one of the best criminal law universities in Europe, several members of the Law School and the Mannheim Centre at the London School of Economics have been editing and developing The Oxford Handbook of Criminology.

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4. University College London Faculty of Laws, England:

The Faculty of Laws at University College London (UCL) is a hub for legal intellectuals who control the narrative.

This school is known for its long tradition of philosophical inquiry, conducting ground-breaking research, and contributing its unique perspective to global debates.

Faculty members believe in a strong core purpose and principles that revolve around the concept of justice, including the rule of law, human rights protection, and constitutional democracy.

In today’s populist era, certain values cannot be overlooked, and UCL Laws provides an exceptional student experience, whether you’re a student at the undergraduate or graduate level.

Student-led competitions and events will allow students to see how the theory of law is used in practice, and they will learn from the world’s best academics and legal practitioners.

The Centre for Criminal Law is known for encouraging criminal law-related research and instruction at UCL, particularly in substantive criminal law and evidence, criminal process and law, criminal law, and criminology.

More so, criminal law is becoming increasingly worldwide in scope due to the founding of the Centre by UCL as London’s global university.

There is a strong link between this center and the Department of Crime Science’s multidisciplinary approach to crime prevention and UCL’s Grand Challenges research program, which also addresses the subject of security.

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5. University of Edinburgh Law School, Scotland:

Edinburgh Law School is an institution within the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, devoted to legal study and instruction.

The Law School has always been at the core of legal education since its inception in 1707 and is today a world-renowned law school known for its brilliance in research and education.

Students at the school may expect to learn about all aspects of the law and how to apply it to real-world issues.

An extensive spectrum of theoretical, doctrinal, socio-legal, comparative, and critical perspectives on criminal law and criminal justice are all represented at Edinburgh Law School.

Those professors who instruct students in criminal law and justice are themselves engaged in cutting-edge research as well as policy and legal reform efforts at the national, European, and international levels.

Not only do they do research, but their findings also affect how they teach. This makes sure that students in this degree program will benefit from this cutting-edge work.

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Tips for excelling in Criminal Law Universities in Europe: 

Law schools are educational institutions that come with lots of studies. Meanwhile, to graduate from it with excellent grades, apply the following tips;

Create a study plan:

Students who plan can accomplish all their law school obligations while still having time for pleasurable activities outside the classroom. As a result, develop a study strategy and maintain the self-control to stick to it.


Building a professional network while pursuing a legal degree might be a difficult task to take on.

However, attending conferences will expose you to networking possibilities and the chance to learn about new employment prospects.

If you are involved in the law school’s social scene, you have many more opportunities to study together and get help from your peers.

As a result, creating a network of contact with industry experts you come in contact with at any point in time is important.

Attend classes: 

If students skip class, they will be severely disadvantaged when it comes time to take the final test.

This is because some professors prefer to use what they say in class rather than resources to cover most of the coursework.

Most law schools even require students to attend at least 20% of every class before taking an exam. Thus, attend classes to be on the safe side. 

Frequently Asked Questions on Best Criminal Law Universities in Europe:

What are characteristics of criminal law?

Criminal law is the body of statutory laws pertaining to crime, felonies, and offenses. It focuses on state-sanctioned behavior as opposed to private parties. Public law infractions are distinguished from private civil wrongs because they involve the state.

What is criminal law in the UK?

More than just punishing a single person, criminal law aims to protect the public against crimes that harm the community at large. It is in this area of the law that acts of Parliament define what is acceptable (and unacceptable) behavior in the United Kingdom.

Is criminal law hard?

When it comes to legal careers, criminal law isn’t for everyone—but if you’re up for the task, you won’t be disappointed.

Do criminal lawyers go to court?

The Legal Services Commission, the government agency in charge of administering Legal Aid, pays them for their services, therefore they are provided free of charge. It’s a Crime! Neither the judicial system nor the police force utilize the services of solicitors.


Criminal Law Universities in Europe: Many of the top criminal law schools are situated in Europe, with the majority in the UK.

However, to be considered for admission to any of these institutions, you must meet all the criteria outlined above.

Even if you have a stellar legal degree, a lack of professionalism, interpersonal skills, and an unwillingness to express your views will not ensure your success in the industry.

As a result, cultivate positive skills at all times and improve your analytical and problem-solving abilities to succeed in the legal profession.

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