How to pass the NREMT | Expert tips and tricks

Many EMS students consider that the National Registry of EMT (NREMT) cognitive examination is a very tough exam, full of poorly worded questions that appear to be lacking plenty of information required to solve it.

Even the solutions appear strange frequently, though there may be multiple correct solutions.

The truth is, as, with each different EMS examination, the NREMT cognitive examination is only hard if you fail to study for it properly.

With making plans and practicing, the NREMT exam may be very easy.

If in case you are searching for tips on how to pass the NREMT, this article will guide you on the tips to Pass the NREMT.

What Does NREMT mean?

Before knowing how to pass the NREMT, let’s first get to know what the NREMT is.

The NREMT stands for National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians and it covers all ranges of the profession from Medical First Responder down to Paramedic.

The NREMT is an agency that validates the education training of EMS employees.

An advantage of being a member of this Registry is that it permits for a smooth switch of licenses among states that use the Registry as their choice of validation. 

Understanding Scopes of the NRMET

In the majority of states, the method for certification in the EMS discipline entails the National Registry.

As a testing body, the Registry offers a standard means of testing. Many states use this Registry to certify that a person is certified to own a paramedic or EMT level medical certification in that state.

If you’re thinking about pursuing a career in Emergency Services, you may need to take the NREMT Exam. 

Knowing what makes up the NRMET exam will give each exam candidate an idea of what and how to study, which will offer you an advantage on how to Pass the NREMT.

On the other hand, the NREMT exam consists of two parts: the cognitive test and the psychomotor test.

The cognitive part of the EMT exam is a computer-based test, and it examines the overall understanding of emergency medical care throughout a complete spectrum of topics, which include:

  • EMS Operations
  • Cardiology & Resuscitation
  • Airway
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology
  • Respiration & Ventilation
  • Trauma

On the other hand, the psychomotor test examines your ability to complete an EMT’s duties physically.

This test is usually taken as a part of your EMT educational course — for instance, students in the 14-Day EMT Boot camp take the psychomotor test on the last day of training.

Moreover, this part of the EMT exam will examine your abilities based on:

  • Joint dislocation immobilization.
  • Supplemental oxygen administration to a breathing patient.
  • Spinal immobilization (seated and supine patients).
  • Assessment/management of trauma & medical patients.
  • Upper airway adjuncts and suction.
  • Mouth-to-mouth ventilation with supplemental oxygen. 
  • Cardiac arrest management.
  • Bleeding control/shock management.
  • Bag-valve-mask ventilation of an apneic patient.
  • Traction splinting.
  • Long bone fracture immobilization.

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How to Pass the NREMT: Important Guides to Follow 

Start Preparing Early:

The steps to know passing the NREMT begins with how early you start studying for the exam.

Right from the moment you make up your mind about taking the NREMT exam, you should begin your preparation for the exam from that moment.

Doing this is an important step on how to pass the NREMT. 

Study Right:

Getting to know how to pass the NREMT heavily depends on how you study for it.

This is probably the most important step to follow if you must pass the NREMT.

Group reading with your friends has proven to be very beneficial. Schedule dates every week when you would have the free time to study property.

Make efforts to remove every element of distraction like your phone and other gadgets if they are not used as study material. 

Get Enough Rest:

Even as much as you wish to study hard, often give your brain some break.

Getting regular rest amidst studying for the NRMET would help keep you fresh and not getting exhausted for the sake of studying. 

Read this: MCAT vs. DAT (Meaning, Similarities, Differences, Study tips)

Don’t Get Caught Unaware:

One significant step to passing the NREMT is always to stay ahead of the exam.

To achieve this, try always to know what to expect from the NREMT. Some of the things to be aware of are:

  • Understand the exam’s structure.
  • Know when registration for the NREMT exam begins.
  • Make sure you know when your exam is.
  • Understand how the exam will be administered.
  • Obtain the necessary study materials.
  • Take a look at the practice test.
  • Understand the exam’s structure.

Know the answer to a question even before looking at the answer options

This exam-taking tip is helpful to know how to Pass the NREMT.

Here, try to make sure you understand the question first, then answer it before consulting the choice of answers provided for you.

If the answer you got matches one of the answers provided for the question, you will have higher confidence in what you choose.

Also, if your solved solution isn’t listed among the answer options, try to resolve or re-examine the question. 

Be Courageous When Taking the NREMT:

The NREMT has been designed to look hard, which gets applicants scared most of the time.

With that, you must remain confident and courageous throughout the period you are studying and during the exam, so you don’t get discouraged before or during the exam. 

Take a Practice Test:

Taking a practice test is a key factor in passing the NREMT.

The practice test would give you an insight if what the test structure looks like.

Thus, taking multiple practice tests offer a candidate the chance to get very familiar with the exam, thereby increasing their chance of scoring high.


If you are looking to sit for the next NREMT exam and need tips on how to pass the NREMT, all you need is to follow the above-listed tips we got prepared for you.

By paying more attention to some key areas, your self-efficacy in passing the NREMT exam will increase.

The sacrifices you make in studying for the NREMT will eventually draw you closer to achieving your career objective.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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