99+ General Knowledge Questions and Answers For Class 1

GK Questions and Answers For Class 1

Asking general knowledge questions helps young children (Class 1) have a broader perspective on the world by exposing them to a variety of subjects outside of their typical school curriculum.

This article explains the top General Knowledge (GK) Questions and Answers For Class 1 students.

What is Class 1 in Education?

To talk about school, โ€œClass 1โ€ usually means the first grade of elementary school.

For most kids, this is their first year of official schooling after kindergarten or pre-school.

In most countries, kids in Class 1 are between 5 and 6 years old. However, this depends on the school system.

This is the year they start learning the basics of reading, writing, and math.

Depending on the curriculum, they may also start learning about other topics like science and social studies.

Are General Knowledge (GK) Questions and Answers Worth it For Class 1 Students?

GK questions help young kids learn more about the world around them by exposing them to a lot of different topics that arenโ€™t covered in school.

These questions make you think and understand, which is good for building cognitive skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and logical thinking.

GK questions can be a fun and interesting way to learn new things, which may appeal to young children more than more traditional ways of learning.

This concludes that teaching general knowledge to students in Class 1 is not only good for their academic growth but also their overall growth as curious and knowledgeable people.

GK Questions and Answers For Class 1

  1. Q: What color are bananas?
    A: Yellow
  2. Q: How many hours are there in a day?
    A: 24
  3. Q: What sound does a cow make?
    A: Moo
  4. Q: What is 2 + 4?
    A: 6
  5. Q: What do you call a house made of ice?
    A: An igloo
  6. Q: Name the planet we live on.
    A: Earth
  7. Q: How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
    A: 26
  8. Q: What is the color of the sky on a clear day?
    A: Blue
  9. Q: What do bees make?
    A: Honey
  10. Q: What do you call a baby dog?
    A: A puppy
  11. Q: What is the opposite of hot?
    A: Cold
  12. Q: Name a fruit that is red and round.
    A: Apple
  13. Q: What do we breathe in to live?
    A: Air
  14. Q: What is the color of grass?
    A: Green
  15. Q: How many wheels does a bicycle have?
    A: Two
  16. Q: What is the largest mammal in the world?
    A: The blue whale
  17. Q: What do you use to write on a blackboard?
    A: Chalk
  18. Q: What is the shape of a basketball?
    A: Round or spherical
  19. Q: What do you call the meal eaten in the morning?
    A: Breakfast
  20. Q: What is the name of the fairy tale girl who lost her glass slipper?
    A: Cinderella

GK Questions and Answers For Class 1

These questions cover a range of topics suitable for Class 1 level, such as basic science, math, literature, and everyday observations:

  1. Q: What color is the sun?
    A: Yellow
  2. Q: How many zeros are there in one hundred?
    A: Two
  3. Q: What animal is known as the โ€œKing of the Jungleโ€?
    A: Lion
  4. Q: What do you call the place where books are kept?
    A: Library
  5. Q: What do you need to see things in the dark?
    A: Light
  6. Q: What is the name of the bird known for its hooting sound?
    A: Owl
  7. Q: What is the opposite of day?
    A: Night
  8. Q: What fruit do monkeys famously like?
    A: Bananas
  9. Q: What is the name of the toy that looks like a human and is played with by children?
    A: Doll
  10. Q: What do you call a young cat?
    A: Kitten
  11. Q: What is the color of milk?
    A: White
  12. Q: How many sides does a triangle have?
    A: Three
  13. Q: What do we call a place where animals are kept for public viewing?
    A: Zoo
  14. Q: What do you use to erase something written by a pencil?
    A: An eraser
  15. Q: What is the sweet food made by bees?
    A: Honey
  16. Q: What is the name of the ship that famously sank after hitting an iceberg?
    A: Titanic
  17. Q: What season comes after winter?
    A: Spring
  18. Q: What is the color of a ruby?
    A: Red
  19. Q: Name the device that tells time.
    A: Clock
  20. Q: What do you call a house where chickens live?
    A: Coop or henhouse
  21. Q: What is the main ingredient in bread?
    A: Flour
  22. Q: What do you call a baby horse?
    A: Foal
  23. Q: What gas do plants need for photosynthesis?
    A: Carbon dioxide
  24. Q: What is the boiling point of water in degrees Celsius?
    A: 100 degrees Celsius
  25. Q: What is the largest continent in the world?
    A: Asia
  26. Q: What is the opposite of โ€˜winโ€™?
    A: Lose
  27. Q: What type of animal is a frog?
    A: Amphibian
  28. Q: What do you call the first meal of the day?
    A: Breakfast
  29. Q: What is the color of a school bus?
    A: Yellow
  30. Q: What is the name of the fairy tale character who slept for 100 years?
    A: Sleeping Beauty

General Knowledge Questions and Answers For Class 1

These questions cover a range of topics suitable for Class 1 level:

  1. Q: What shape is a stop sign?
    A: Octagon
  2. Q: What is the name of Mickey Mouseโ€™s girlfriend?
    A: Minnie Mouse
  3. Q: Which animal is known for its long neck?
    A: Giraffe
  4. Q: What is 5 minus 3?
    A: 2
  5. Q: What color is an emerald?
    A: Green
  6. Q: What do we call the meal eaten in the evening?
    A: Dinner
  7. Q: How many continents are there in the world?
    A: Seven
  8. Q: What is ice made from?
    A: Water
  9. Q: What is the largest planet in our solar system?
    A: Jupiter
  10. Q: What do you call a baby cow?
    A: Calf
  11. Q: What is the color of a school bus?
    A: Yellow
  12. Q: Who is Santa Clausโ€™s red-nosed reindeer?
    A: Rudolph
  13. Q: What do you call the rain that freezes before it hits the ground?
    A: Sleet or hail
  14. Q: What type of animal is a shark?
    A: Fish
  15. Q: In which direction does the sun rise?
    A: East
  16. Q: What fruit is known for having its seeds on the outside?
    A: Strawberry
  17. Q: What is the opposite of fast?
    A: Slow
  18. Q: What do you use to brush your teeth?
    A: Toothbrush
  19. Q: What do you call a baby lion?
    A: Cub
  20. Q: What is the hardest natural substance?
    A: Diamond
  21. Q: What do you call a house made of snow?
    A: Igloo
  22. Q: What color is a ruby?
    A: Red
  23. Q: What is the first color in a rainbow?
    A: Red
  24. Q: What do you call a person who flies an airplane?
    A: Pilot
  25. Q: What is the name of the toy that spins around?
    A: Top
  26. Q: What do you call water in its frozen form?
    A: Ice
  27. Q: What fruit is the same name as its color?
    A: Orange
  28. Q: What is the biggest mammal in the ocean?
    A: Blue whale
  29. Q: What do you call a young cow?
    A: Calf
  30. Q: What is the color of a flamingo?
    A: Pink
  31. Q: Which animal is known for its long ears and jumping?
    A: Rabbit
  32. Q: What is the color of coal?
    A: Black
  33. Q: What do you call the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse?
    A: Mule
  34. Q: What do we call the sound that a duck makes?
    A: Quack
  35. Q: Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
    A: Mars
  36. Q: What is the color of a clear sky?
    A: Blue
  37. Q: What is the name of the place where you can see lots of stars at night?
    A: Planetarium
  38. Q: What do you call a group of stars that forms a pattern?
    A: Constellation
  39. Q: What is the main color of the stripes on the United States flag?
    A: Red
  40. Q: What is the name of the fairy tale boy who could fly and never grew up?
    A: Peter Pan
  41. Q: What do you call a vehicle that flies in the sky?
    A: Airplane
  42. Q: Which bird is known as a symbol of peace?
    A: Dove
  43. Q: What is the name of the fairy tale about a girl who had seven dwarfs as friends?
    A: Snow White
  44. Q: What do you call the tool used to cut paper?
    A: Scissors
  45. Q: What do you call a baby kangaroo?
    A: Joey
  46. Q: What do you call the light source in our solar system?
    A: Sun
  47. Q: What is the color of a ripe lemon?
    A: Yellow
  48. Q: What do you call a building where movies are shown?
    A: Cinema or movie theater
  49. Q: What is the name of the famous wizard boy in J.K. Rowlingโ€™s book series?
    A: Harry Potter
  50. Q: What is the name of the planet known as the โ€˜Ringed Planetโ€™?
    A: Saturn

FAQs on Class 1 Kids

What is the typical age range for students in Class 1?

The typical age range for students in Class 1 is usually between 5 to 6 years old. This can vary slightly depending on the educational system and the cut-off dates for school enrollment in different countries or regions.

What are the key learning objectives for Class 1 students?

Key learning objectives for Class 1 students often include basic literacy and numeracy skills, such as learning to read and write simple words, recognizing and writing numbers, basic addition and subtraction, understanding basic concepts of time and measurement, and developing initial science and social studies concepts.

How can parents support their childโ€™s learning in Class 1?

Parents can help their kids learn by reading to them every day, helping them practice simple math in everyday life, encouraging them to be curious and ask questions, giving them a variety of educational toys and games, and making sure they stick to a routine that balances play and learning.

Are extracurricular activities important for Class 1 students?

Yes, extracurricular activities are important for Class 1 students as they contribute to the overall development of the child. Activities like sports, music, art, and clubs can help in developing physical coordination, creativity, teamwork, and social skills. They also offer a break from academic learning and allow children to explore various interests and talents.


General Knowledge (GK) questions make you think and understand, which is good for building cognitive skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and logical thinking.

Kids can become more interested in learning when they answer general knowledge questions.

This can lead them to ask more questions and look for answers, which can develop a love for learning.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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