93+ Hard Questions To Ask a Christian (With Reason for Difficulty)

Hard Questions To Ask a Christian

It can be hard to know what to say when talking about faith. Regarding Christianity, some hard questions can make you think deeply and give you different answers.

“Hard Questions to Ask a Christian” is a good way to learn more about how complicated Christianity is.

Remember that asking questions with an open heart and a curious mind to learn is important instead of arguing.

This article provides a list of hard questions for a Christian, with the reason for the difficulty.

Why are some Questions difficult for Christians to answer?

Some questions are difficult for Christians to answer because they touch on deep beliefs, personal experiences, or topics that have varied interpretations in the Bible.

Everyone’s journey with faith is unique so that answers can differ from person to person.

On the other hand, everyone’s relationship with their faith is deeply personal.

A question that one Christian finds easy to answer based on their experiences and understanding might be challenging for another.

Hard Questions To Ask a Christian

No.QuestionReason for Difficulty
1Why does a loving God allow suffering?Theodicy; grappling with the existence of evil in a created good world.
2How can Jesus be both God and man?Christology; Understanding the dual nature of Jesus is complex.
3Why trust the Bible over other religious texts?Comparative theology: defining the unique authority of one text.
4Why are there denominational differences in Christianity?Historical and theological differences leading to multiple branches.
5How does predestination align with free will?Balancing divine sovereignty with human choice.
6Why is faith necessary? Why not provide undeniable proof?The nature of faith and evidence in the context of a relationship with God.
7Why are some biblical stories similar to earlier pagan myths?Comparative mythology; understanding origins and influences.
8How can a finite human sin incur infinite punishment?The nature of sin, eternity, and divine justice.
9Why did God command violence in the Old Testament?Moral concerns over divine commands in historical contexts.
10Why are there apparent contradictions in the Bible?Interpretation, textual transmission, and historical context.
11Why is the concept of the Trinity not explicitly mentioned in the Bible?Trinitarian theology; understanding implicit versus explicit scriptural teachings.
12Why does God seem different in the Old Testament vs. the New Testament?Interpretation of divine characteristics and actions across testaments.
13How do Christians reconcile evolution with Genesis?Science and faith; interpreting the Creation account.
14Why did Jesus need to die for humanity’s sins?Atonement theories; understanding the necessity of the crucifixion.
15How can God be omniscient and humans still have free will?Balancing divine knowledge with human agency.

No.QuestionReason for Difficulty
16Why are there books mentioned in the Bible that aren’t included in it?Canon formation; understanding why certain texts were excluded.
17What is the Christian perspective on other religions?Interfaith dialogue; affirming Christian beliefs while respecting others.
18Why do innocent children suffer?Moral concerns over seemingly unjust suffering.
19How does Christianity reconcile Hell with a loving God?Theological interpretations of Hell and divine love.
20Why has Christianity been associated with historical atrocities (e.g., Crusades)?Historical analysis; understanding religion’s role in political and social contexts.
21Why is there no direct mention of some modern moral issues in the Bible?Cultural contexts; applying ancient texts to modern scenarios.
22Why did God not prevent the fall of Adam and Eve?Free will, divine foreknowledge, and the origin of sin.
23Why does God need prayer if He’s omniscient?The nature of prayer, divine knowledge, and human relationship with God.
24Why were women’s roles limited in the Bible?Cultural context; gender roles in ancient societies versus modern interpretations.
25How can God be omnipotent, yet there is evil?Reconciling divine power with the existence of evil.
26How do Christians justify Old Testament laws that seem outdated?Covenant theology; understanding the transition from Old to New Testament.
27What happens to those who’ve never heard of Jesus?Salvation outside the explicit knowledge of Christ.
28If Christians are saved by faith, do actions matter?Faith and works; understanding their roles in salvation.
29Why did Jesus speak in parables instead of clearly?Teaching methods; the role and purpose of parables.
30How is the concept of the Trinity not polytheism?Trinitarian theology; understanding God’s triune nature.
31Why did Jesus wait three days to resurrect?Symbolism, prophecy, and theological significance of the timeframe.
32How can modern science fit into the biblical worldview?Faith and science; reconciling scientific discoveries with scripture.
33Why doesn’t God intervene more often in the world’s problems?Divine intervention, human agency, and the problem of evil.
34What is the meaning of the Book of Revelation?Eschatology; interpreting the symbolic and prophetic nature of the text.
35Why do some Christians oppose same-sex relationships?Interpretation of specific Bible verses and cultural perspectives.

Hard Questions To Ask a Christian

No.QuestionReason for Difficulty
36Why do some Christians see the Bible as inerrant, while others don’t?Varied approaches to biblical interpretation and inspiration.
37Why are some books in the Catholic Bible not in Protestant Bibles?Historical and theological decisions regarding the canon.
38How do Christians view the End Times?Eschatology; diverse interpretations of biblical prophecies.
39If God is love, why is there a concept of wrath or judgment?Reconciling divine love with ideas of justice and righteousness.
40Why were certain figures in the Bible polygamous?Cultural contexts; changes in marital norms over time.
41How do Christians reconcile natural disasters with God’s goodness?Theodicy; understanding “acts of God” in a world with suffering.
42Why does the Bible use so much symbolic language?Literary styles and the conveying of deeper spiritual truths.
43How do Christians define “soul” and “spirit”?Complex theological concepts about human nature and immortality.
44Why did Jesus need to be baptized?Theological significance and Jesus’s role as a model for humanity.
45Why are there varied accounts of Jesus’s life in the Gospels?Different authors, audiences, and theological emphases.
46What is the “unpardonable sin” mentioned in the Bible?Interpretation of a complex theological idea in the New Testament.
47How do Christians view the Old Testament’s dietary laws?Covenant theology and the transition from Old to New Testament practices.
48Why does the Bible have so many translations?Linguistic, cultural, and theological factors affecting translation.
49How do Christians view miracles in a scientific age?Reconciling supernatural beliefs with empirical evidence.
50Why did early Christian councils debate Jesus’s divinity?Historical and theological debates on Christology.
51How do Christians explain suffering caused by believers (e.g., Inquisitions)?Analyzing human actions in light of faith principles.
52Why do some prophecies in the Bible seem unfulfilled?Eschatology and differing interpretations of prophetic timelines.
53How do Christians reconcile Jesus’s teachings of peace with “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword”?Complex interpretation of Jesus’s teachings and intent.
54Why aren’t women allowed leadership roles in some Christian denominations?Interpretations of specific Bible verses and church traditions.
55How do Christians reconcile the love commandment with instances of God’s wrath in the Bible?Balancing divine love with notions of justice and holiness.

No.QuestionReason for Difficulty
56How do Christians approach apparent “lost years” of Jesus’s life?Lack of biblical account on Jesus’s early adulthood.
57Why did God accept Abel’s offering but reject Cain’s?Interpretation of divine preference and human intention.
58Why is the concept of original sin so central, when it’s not explicitly detailed in Genesis?Doctrine development based on interpretation.
59How should Christians interpret the “Song of Solomon”?Navigating the book’s erotic content within a sacred context.
60Why was the Bible used historically to justify slavery?Misuse and selective interpretation of scriptures.
61If all sins are equal in God’s eyes, why are some deemed worse by the church?Cultural and historical influences on sin’s perception.
62How can a loving God order the extermination of entire nations in the Old Testament?Moral concerns and historical interpretation of divine command.
63Why did Jesus curse the fig tree for being fruitless out of season?Symbolic interpretations and understanding Jesus’s intentions.
64How do Christians reconcile faith healing with modern medicine?The relationship between faith, divine healing, and science.
65Why was the concept of purgatory developed, and why don’t all Christians believe in it?Theological differences and scriptural interpretations.
66If God is unchanging, why does He seem regretful in certain Old Testament passages?Understanding anthropomorphic language and divine emotions.
67How do Christians view the role of Mary?Variance in veneration and understanding of Mary across denominations.
68How do Christians justify tithing in a modern economy?Biblical commands and their applications in modern contexts.
69Why are there different versions of the Lord’s Prayer?Historical transmission and varying textual traditions.
70How do Christians approach the concept of reincarnation found in some early Christian texts?Canonical scripture and interpretation of early Christian beliefs.
71Why does the Apostle Paul’s tone and teachings seem different from Jesus’s?Contextual differences in teachings and audience addressing.
72What’s the Christian stance on paranormal activities?Supernatural beliefs in the context of Christian doctrines.
73Why are there varied views on the Rapture among Christians?Eschatological interpretations and theological perspectives.
74How do Christians reconcile the concept of eternal life with the finality of death?Spiritual beliefs about the afterlife and resurrection.
75Why does Christianity have so many sects and divisions?Historical, doctrinal, and cultural reasons for denominational splits.

Hard Questions To Ask a Christian

No.QuestionReason for Difficulty
76Why is the concept of predestination debated among Christians?Theological differences on human free will and divine sovereignty.
77How do Christians reconcile violent imageries in the Book of Revelation?Interpretations of apocalyptic literature and its symbolism.
78How should Christians approach the concept of “holy wars” in today’s context?Ethical implications of faith-driven conflicts in modern times.
79Why do some Christians oppose the theory of evolution?The reconciliation of biblical creation narratives with scientific evidence.
80How do Christians view non-canonical gospels and texts?Assessing the validity and teachings of non-canonical scriptures.
81Why are some healing prayers unanswered?Understanding divine will, faith, and the purpose of suffering.
82How do Christians view wealth and prosperity in light of teachings on humility and poverty?Interpretations of wealth in the context of biblical teachings.
83How should Christians interpret the “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit”?Grappling with an unforgivable sin in a faith centered on grace.
84Why are there variations in Christian holidays across denominations?Liturgical traditions, historical developments, and theological distinctions.
85How can the Book of Job be reconciled with a loving God?Theodicy; understanding suffering and divine testing in Job’s narrative.
86Why does the Bible emphasize genealogies?Cultural significance and understanding the lineage of key biblical figures.
87How should Christians approach the contradictions or discrepancies in the Bible?Harmonizing differing accounts and understanding textual development.
88Why did early Christian councils exclude certain beliefs as heresies?Theological boundaries and defining orthodoxy in early Christianity.
89How can Christians be monotheistic if they pray to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?Trinitarian theology and the oneness of God in three persons.
90How do Christians view the role of angels and demons in today’s world?Spiritual warfare, divine messengers, and the unseen realm.
91How can Christians justify the violent conquests of the Israelites in the Old Testament?Divine commands, historical contexts, and moral challenges.
92Why do some Christians see salvation as predestined while others see it as a choice?Theological debates on predestination versus Arminianism.
93How should Christians approach texts in the Bible that seem culturally outdated?Contextual interpretation and discerning timeless truths.
94Why is the concept of the Sabbath observed differently among denominations?Historical changes, interpretations of rest, and theological differences.
95How do Christians understand and interpret the “end of the world” prophecies?Eschatological beliefs and differing views on the apocalypse.

FAQs on Challenging Questions for Christians:

Why do some Christians reject the theory of evolution?

Some Christians believe that the biblical account of creation in Genesis contradicts the theory of evolution. They hold that God created everything in its present form. Others reconcile faith with science, viewing evolution as a tool used by God.

How do Christians explain the presence of suffering in the world?

Christians often point to sin, human free will, and the fall of Eden. While God allows suffering, it’s also seen as an avenue for growth, faith-testing, and demonstrating God’s love through compassion and help.

Why are there contradictions in the Bible?

Many Christians view alleged contradictions as differences in perspective, context, or literary style. Some discrepancies can be attributed to the diverse backgrounds of biblical authors, while others require deep theological reflections to understand.

How can Christians justify Old Testament accounts of violence commanded by God?

This is a complex issue. Some point to the historical context, where such actions were seen as divine judgment. Others see these accounts as allegorical or symbolic. It’s a topic with varied opinions within Christianity.


Asking hard questions about Christianity can lead to deep and varied answers.

Since everyone’s faith journey is unique, and the Bible can be interpreted differently, there might not always be one clear answer.

It’s essential to approach these questions with an open mind, respecting each person’s beliefs and experiences.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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