Graduate School (Major tips you need to know)

Graduate school

A graduate school gives a student deeper and more advanced education to specialize in a particular or specific discipline. This study helps a student become an expert to the extent of being a consultant in that particular field or discipline.

NB: This article is an extension of What is unique about Grad School?, Check it out for more tips. In this article, we will explain the advantages and sources of funds for a graduate degree. So, read on.

Who is a Graduate Student?

A graduate student is a student that has passed through college (with a bachelor’s degree) and aspiring for another degree. A student pursuing a higher degree is a grad student going through a grad school. Graduate school is also called grad school.

Due to a high specification of jobs all over the world, most jobs require a degree more than the average bachelor’s degree to set you apart from others during a job search.

Studies from the 2000 National Postsecondary Student Aid Survey show that the average age of a student in this category is about 33 years with a lower number more than the age of 40.

Advantages of going to a Graduate school

  • It helps you compete better in a competitive environment.
  • You get an enormous income when you are done going to a grad school
  • You develop new skills that will help you at work and also make you stand out.
  • This helps to fast track your career like give your career a good boost.
  • You gain a rare knowledge which is not easily gotten unless the person goes through a grad school.
  • If you are not satisfied with your present career, then going through a grad school will help you change your career.
  • Attending a grad school will help you engage in more advanced projects within your company that one with just an undergraduate degree can’t.

More Advantages of going to a Graduate school

  • Some programs need you to travel around in order to obtain it; this could be an added advantage for you like travelling.
  • Going to a grad school exposes you to a new social life with vast network from different background and industries.
  • Certain degrees require an upgrade in certificate like health, law, accountancy to function very well.
  • Having a graduate degree helps you exert influence in that particular field.
  • It will help enhance your education and teach you more theories that would help your career.
  • You could even get funded to do more research works.
  • Having a degree can actually help to top up your confidence level and give you more dignity.

Sources of funds for a Graduate degree

There are many ways your graduate studies can be funded which aids to avoid stress. Here are some of the major ways:


This is a source of fund that has helped so many people to further their education. These funds could come from the government, corporations and some private foundations.

Research Grants

Your adviser might know one or two concerning research grants, so you need to get him engaged. This will help you not to run into debt while carrying out your researches.

Read this: How long does it take to get a Master’s Degree?


If you are from a wealthy family, they can sort you out too if you cannot help yourself. You can even borrow the money from them and payback later.

If your family isn’t that wealthy, then everyone in your family can contribute to support you.

Personal Help

You can help yourself by footing the bills from your savings or taking an advanced payment from work.


Some companies pay for their employees to get advanced education. Now if you find yourself in this kind of position, it is advised you make use of this opportunity very well.

Reasons one wouldn’t like to go to a Graduate school:

  • To acquire more debt.
  • To avoid the stress involved; going through a graduate program can be quite stressful.
  • It requires support from other people both financially and otherwise.
  • It takes about 2 years or more to complete the studies.
  • When you are done studying and have gotten your certificate, you can be termed overqualified for a particular job position.

Schools that offer online Grad Studies:

These are the lists of schools that run the program online.

  • Southern New Hampshire University
  • American University of Nigeria
  • North Central University
  • Pennsylvania State University
  • The University of Delaware.
  • University of New Haven
  • Saint. Ambrose University e.t.c

Read this: What is the easiest degree to get Online?

Schools that offer offline Grad Studies (in person):

  • New York University
  • University of Southern California
  • Columbia University
  • Arizona State University
  • University of Illinois
  • Northeastern University
  • Purdue University
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • Michigan State University
  • The University of Washington e.t.c

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