Hardest Degrees in Guinness World Record (FAQs)

Hardest Degree in Guinness World Record

Hardest Degrees in Guinness World Record: It is well known that Guinness World Records keeps track of some of the strangest and most unique exploits that have ever been accomplished anywhere and everywhere in the world.

It would appear that there is a record for everything, from the person with the longest fingernails to the highest number of individuals dressed as Batman.

But what about the world’s most difficult degree to obtain? Thus, this article dives into the hardest degrees in Guiness World Record.

What is Guiness World Record?

The Guinness World Records book is a reference book that comes out once a year. It lists both world records set by people and world records set by nature.

What Factors Contribute to the Difficulty of an Undergraduate Degree?

Before we analyze which college degree is the hardest, let’s discuss what makes a degree difficult.

The problem with this concept is that there is not a single criterion or standard that we can use to evaluate it.

What is challenging for one student may seem completely easy to another student in the same class.

Therefore, the degree considered the most difficult to obtain at a college can shift places based on the student, precisely where their shared passions and interests lie.

If you’re not talented in a subject, it will be harder for you to earn a degree, and you may not be passionate about it.

When students spend more time studying and preparing for tests, the difficulty of their degrees increases since you would prefer to spend more time studying for a tough course than an easy one.

What is the Hardest Degree in Guinness World Record?

This distinction was awarded to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at the University of Texas, which holds the record according to Guinness World Records.

This conclusion was reached after considering various aspects, such as the typical grade point average GPA, employment rates, and average incomes.

Students must finish 120 credit hours for the degree, including challenging microbiology, physiology, and anatomy curriculum.

In addition, for students to graduate, they need to have completed a total of one thousand hours of clinical work.

Consequently, it should not come as a shock that the BSN at the University of Texas has been designated the “most difficult degree” by Guinness World Records.

Is Bachelor of Science in Nursing worth it?

Nurses are trusted, appreciated, and revered in most countries.

As well as assisting in the administration of medications and therapies, they are able to offer comfort and support to patients who are experiencing both physical and emotional suffering as well.

There is a great demand for nurses. Despite the fact that many students opt to study and work in the field of nursing, many job openings remain unfilled in various nations.

In the United States, for example, the job forecast for nurse positions indicates a 12% increase between 2018 and 2028. The typical yearly wage is roughly $73,300.

Why is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Hard to Obtain?

For various reasons, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree is regarded as the most difficult, as the Guinness World Records reported.

To begin with, it is a challenging academic program that challenges students to finish a substantial amount of curriculum in a relatively short period.

In addition, students are required to participate in clinical rotations to obtain practical experience in the industry.

Moreover, students must balance their academic work’s demands with their clinical placements’ obligations, which can be very difficult.

On the other hand, the curriculum for nursing is quite rigorous, and students must have a solid understanding of physiology and human anatomy before beginning the program.

They must be able to communicate well with the patients, their families, and other healthcare team members.

Also, nurses are frequently forced to perform lengthy shifts, which may include working weekends and overnight shifts.

Because of this, it can be challenging to strike a healthy balance between one’s professional and personal life.

A Bachelor of Nursing degree is also very competitive, as there are a limited number of spots available in nursing programs and many students competing for those spots.

Consequently, students accepted into nursing schools frequently need to put in great effort to keep their grade point average up and pass their tests.

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Other Difficult Undergraduate Degrees 

A Bachelor of Science in Nursing might be difficult to earn, as the Guinness World Records stated, but other degree programs are similarly hard as a BSN degree.

The following are 5-degree programs that are also considered to be difficult in the world:

1. Medicine:

According to Guinness World Records, obtaining a degree in medicine is one of the hardest degrees in Gunniess World Record.

Due to the high competition in this profession, prospective students are expected to have an impressive academic record and exceptional communication and interpersonal abilities.

Because of the length of the program, students will need to be mentally prepared for the rigorous amount of work that will be required of them.

Students must finish a residency program for three years and earn a medical degree that takes four years to complete.

NB: A medical degree is a professional degree that can be earned by people who have taken and passed courses in medicine at an approved medical school.

2. Aero and Astronautic Engineering:

Aerospace engineering is the main branch of engineering that works on making planes and spaceships. Aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering are its two main branches that work together. 

Aero and astronautic is also one of the most difficult majors to pursue in any higher institution anywhere in the world.

The average time spent each week by students taking this course to prepare for it is around 19 hours and 15 minutes.

The two major fields in this program both form advanced aircraft engineering.

More so, astronautic engineering focuses on developing rockets for use outside of the earth’s atmosphere, while aero engineering focuses on developing airplanes for use within the earth’s atmosphere.

It is one of the hardest degrees in Gunniess World Record.

3. Law:

Law school involves a distinct approach to learning compared to undergraduate studies. You must have a thorough grasp of the law and its practical applications.

Students who have completed an undergraduate degree and are interested in pursuing a legal career must next complete a law degree that lasts for three years.

In addition, to be licensed to practice law, one must first pass the state’s bar examination. The whole process can take up to seven years to finish from start to finish.

Consequently, it should not be surprising that a law degree was ranked as one of the most difficult to acquire by Guinness World Records.

4. Chemical Engineering:

Chemical engineering is the study and practice of making things using chemical processes. 

They employ the principles of chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics to solve problems with the manufacture or usage of chemicals, and food.

Chemical engineering is a broad subfield of engineering that covers a variety of topics, including the planning, production, application, and movement of man-made chemicals.

It is one of the hardest degrees in Gunniess World Record.

5. Astronomy:

Astronomy is the study of everything in the cosmos that is outside of our own solar system.

Among these are the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars, all of which may be observed with the naked eye.

Things like distant galaxies and microscopic particles can only be observed via the use of specialized equipment, such as telescopes and other means of observation.

Degrees in astronomy require students to devote more than 18 and a half hours per week to preparing materials for their classes.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Hardest Degree in Guinness World Record 

Why is it called Guinness World Record?

The idea for the record book came to Sir Hugh Beaver in November 1951, when he was on a hunting trip in Ireland. Beaver was the managing director of the Guinness Brewery, which was started in Dublin in 1759.

What world records Cannot be broken?

In July 1986, Uwe Hohn broke the world record for javelin throwing by throwing 104.80 meters. Experts think that this record will never be broken.

What is the world record for not blinking?

1 hour and 31 minutes

How long is the longest hug?

24 hours and 33 minutes


Hardest Degrees in Guinness World Record: No question earning a difficult degree comes with a number of rewards, even though not everyone chooses to do so.

Students who are up for the challenge can benefit from the potential to enhance their character, the increased employment security, and the significant networking connections that come with pursuing a difficult degree.

Students can make earning a difficult degree a little bit easier through self-care and meticulous planning.

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