How Do Churches Make Money? (17+ Ways) | 2023

How do churches make money

Most churches worldwide, especially in the United States, make a huge sum of money from preaching the gospel and solving problems for people; the big question here is, “how do churches make money?”.

Churches need to go beyond the weekly contributions of their members to find new ways of raising money in the future.

Non-members and members are encouraged to advocate for the church’s causes and to support them in ways that will increase the scope of the church’s goals.

As a result, you may wonder how churches raise the money necessary to carry out their large-scale activities and projects.

This article will explain the top ways most churches make money and tips to help a church make more money.

What are Church Offerings?

A Church offering is a donation of money to the Church that goes above and beyond the tithes that a Christian pays.

It’s common in Christian services to include an offering portion, where people can give money to help support the church.

Is it possible for churches to make money other than via offering?

The most commonly stated main source of income for the church is what individuals contribute through their offerings, pledges, gifts, and contributions.

The second most prevalent source of funding for Protestant churches is trust funds, investments, or contributions rather than the alms given by congregation members.

Parish facilities can be rented out for a fee by catholic parishes, which could provide an additional source of income.

Churches of all denominations rely on donations for the majority of their funding. Most of the time, the money comes from contributions, not fundraisers, where they sell things (such as food or anything else).

How do churches make money?

1. Tithe and offerings:

In all cases, the Lord’s plans for tithing donations are revealed through a council of His servants. Tithing donations are never wasted.

The construction and maintenance of temples, chapels, and other Church structures are just a few examples of these uses. Supporting the activities and operations of local Churches.

One of the most common ways churches get their income is through members’ tithes and offerings, which has become something of a norm in several faiths.

The tithe refers to the biblically mandated tenth of a person’s income, whereas the sacrifice refers to voluntarily donating money to God.

Tithe and offerings remain the main way churches make money.

2. Church Bulletin:

The new improvement to the church bulletin is that members of a church can pay their tithes directly from their ward letter or bulletin. Your church’s newsletter can be a powerful, printed or digital fundraising tool.

Include links to your online donation forms or text-to-give campaigns in your church’s web newsletters.

One of the major ways churches make money is to encourage readers to donate online. Even if your newsletter is printed, you can include a QR code or instructions on how to put text in your newsletter.

3. Movie Night at the Church:

Everybody enjoys a good movie, but a movie night with the whole family or close friends is even better. This is a terrific way to raise money for your church because everyone will enjoy viewing a classic movie together.

To begin, choose a film to screen and a venue for the screening. Make money by charging a small admission fee and selling concessions throughout the movie.

Depending on your choice, you may need to obtain the rights to display a movie. However, if you know a budding filmmaker in your area, you may offer to exhibit their work.

4. Create a for-profit business:

As long as the for-profit companies pay their fair share of taxes and their earnings are returned to the church or other non-profit organization, churches and other not-for-profit organizations are free to form lawfully for-profit corporations.

Starting a for-profit company can be intimidating for pastors. Pastors don’t need to know everything about running a business if they can transfer this job to others in their communities with expertise in running a company.

This is one of the new ways churches make money.

5. Bids on Silent Auction Items:

People enjoy silent auctions because they allow them extra time to bid on interesting and unusual products. Aside from that, you can raise a lot of money through an auction if you find the correct products.

Ask local businesses and individuals whether they would donate things for your auction. A typical presentation is a restaurant gift card, a signed memorabilia, or a professional lesson.

With the help of a mobile bidding tool, you can provide your participants with an improved bidding experience that is technologically upgraded.

Additionally, the mobile bidding software makes it easier for volunteers and workers to check in/out and keep track of the products they sell, whether in the church or outside. This is a good way for most churches make money.

6. Visit the local park for a picnic:

With the help of your entire congregation, you can have a fun-filled church picnic and raise money for the cause.

Promote your picnic on social media and via email a few weeks before the event. Alternatively, you can provide the food and ask your guests to bring their covered plates.

Set up a general contribution station or booth at the picnic and charge a nominal fee for entry.

Have a member of your staff stationed at the table to answer any inquiries and to provide extra information about supporting your church and getting involved with its activities.

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7. Rent out the property of the church:

This is one of the top ways most churches make money. Health clubs typically rent space from most churches for $8,000 per month.

For the first time, the church can meet the entire monthly mortgage payment because of this leasing. Is there office space in your building that is currently unoccupied that you might rent out?

A local craftsman might benefit from a workshop in a portion of your building. The location of your church building could be a perfect location for a cafe or retail store.

8. Live streaming:

Your congregation may feel as though it is losing one of its most vital sources of financial support if donors are used to putting money on the plate every week.

However, you can still make a mid-service donation when streaming your church services live via a mobile donation.

You can quickly set up a new or recurring donation from a computer or phone while your church is live-streamed — provided you have the tools in your toolkit.

Mobile donation via live streaming is a new way most churches make money.

9. Auctions for charity:

Charitable auctions are a fast and fun method for your church or group to generate more money and get to know your members more intimately. Additionally, you have the chance to create long-lasting commercial ties.

Find out if any donated products from local businesses may be used for a charity auction. Try to give away as many products as possible at a low price.

In this manner, you may utilize your money to create a welcoming environment for your guests.

Set up an auctioneer, mail event invitations, and provide food and beverages. Before the charity auction, make sure everyone is familiar with the rules.

Your church will be able to raise more funds and leave its guests with some unique souvenirs and encounters to share with the rest of the world.

Your church can write to local companies and community members to raise funds.

10. Online Giving for Churches:

An effective method for churches to raise more money from their wealthy members and other donors is to allow them to donate online.

Giving your congregations the means to give more is as simple as investing in online donation software designed specifically for religious institutions.

A wide variety of internet fundraising resources are available, from weekly tithes and offers to one-time events. Increased regular church contribution is an option because of this. Donations can be made with the use of a mobile device.

11. Set up a swap shop:

In addition to raising funds for your church, a swap shop is a great method to get your neighbors to clear out their garages, basements, and closets.

Set up shop in a classroom or the office of a church or synagogue. Then you can ask for donations of gently worn clothing, books, housewares, and other trinkets.

Afterward, you can resell the products to other church members. If you don’t sell everything, consider donating to a charity shop or a refuge for the needy.

12. Text-to-Give Campaign:

There are a lot of churches and religious organizations that are embracing the new fundraising method of text-to-give as an alternative to crowdfunding. 

You can bet that your congregation is most comfortable with texting as a technology because it is so widely used.

Using text-to-give instead is cheaper and more effective than a kiosk or pricey credit card processing software.

For cash and check donations, likely, the funds won’t be in your bank account for a long time.

Your account managers must process, record, and deposit these funds. Only a few minutes later, the monies will be deposited electronically into your bank account.

Aside from being out-of-date, requiring members of your congregation to write down their credit card data on an offering envelope exposes them to possible security risks.

You may also lose out on donations for your church if cash and cheques are misplaced or stolen.

When you begin a campaign with Donorbox, you’ll be given the option of using Stripe or PayPal as your payment processor.

Choosing a payment processor for your church should take some thought. The good news is that this is a positive thing. Both aid in the safe collection of donations.

13. Crowdfunding:

Using crowdfunding to generate money for a religious cause may be entertaining and efficient. It is one of the most effective ways most churches make money.

Crowdfunding campaigns can assist religious organizations like churches, mosques, synagogues, and other non-profits in reaching their fundraising goals while also involving their congregations.

Crowdfunding is an extremely accessible method of raising money because there are no obstacles to starting. Several crowdfunding services allow you to get started immediately and for free.

A $20 or $50 donation may not seem like much, but a successful crowdsourcing initiative proves otherwise! Donations of any size can have a big impact when they are pooled together and enthusiastically spread.

14. T-shirt fundraising:

T-shirt sales are a tried-and-true method of raising money for any cause. Online t-shirt fundraising makes this notion a lot easier.

Your ward and friends and relatives outside of the church can purchase custom-made, high-quality T-shirts that you created yourself.

Put your church’s programs or mission on the front of your T-shirt designs. An inspirational or biblical quote can also be included.

When your church members wear your fundraising merchandise, they may raise money while igniting meaningful dialogue in the community.

15. A cup of joe:

Early risers are likely to seek a cup of coffee on Sunday morning. No doubt they would also accept baked muffins or scones as an offer.

Coffee and muffins should be placed nearby to attract churchgoers before or after the service. Take advantage of this little window of opportunity; you’ll be happy!

16. Host a sing-a-thon:

Do you like songbirds? For what purpose do you need to raise funds? Organize a Sing-a-Thon to use your members’ abilities to their fullest potential.

You can generate money for your church by participating in a “sing-a-thon.” They can charge admission to the singing competitions and run concessions the entire time.

By paying a few bucks to the choir director or hymn leader, you can also set up a criteria system so other parishioners can inquire about specific worship hymns.

17. Plan a day of family fun:

You can collect money for your church while bringing members of your congregation and their families together for an afternoon by organizing a family day out.

Make sure there are games for everyone to participate in, food and drink stations, and a place for people to donate. Hanging flyers around town can also get the entire community involved.

You can hold your Family Fun Day on a Sunday afternoon after church. Invite attendees to an outdoor area for games, refreshments, and fundraisers after the service is complete.

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Frequently Asked Questions on How Churches make money:

What is the money you give to a church called?

In the Old Testament, tithing was a practice that was adopted by the Christian church, whereby people were obligated to give 10% of their income to religious causes.

What is tithing in the Bible?

To tithe means to lay aside a particular percentage of one’s money for God. Tzedakah (Tithe) refers to a portion of one’s wealth set aside for God, but the word means “tenth.”

Where does church money go?

For Catholics, much money is used for building repairs and priest salaries. The local diocese receives roughly 13% of the money collected during Mass through a yearly fee known as an assessment.

How do you calculate tithes from salary?

Divide the total of all of your sources of income by 10 to arrive at your final figure. Make a note of that sum. You can use your calculator to determine how much tithe you should provide. Drop by your local church and drop your payment into a tithing envelope there.

Why do churches steal money?

This is because many churches do not have adequate accounting procedures in place. Permitting a pastor to access the church’s financial accounts increases the risk of fraud and theft. There are several things that churches can do to combat fraud.

Do churches launder money?

Non-governmental religious organizations and churches are suitable fronts for money laundering because of various reasons: It’s difficult to track down all of the different ways these organizations get their money; they sometimes receive donations in cash, and sometimes they get it via bank transfer.

Why do we give money in church?

A tithe is an important part of supporting pastors and the local church’s work. You are actively participating in the church’s mission to serve others by giving tithes to your local church.

Why does God want us to give?

As a reminder of God’s blessings, we should contribute generously. All of our charitable efforts should be guided by three principles stated in John 3:16. When God gave, he did so out of love; he gave himself in the person of Jesus, and God gave in response to our plight.


The most prevalent source of funding for Protestant churches is trust funds, investments, or contributions rather than the alms given by members of the congregation.

Parish facilities can be rented out for a fee by Catholic parishes, which could provide an additional source of income.

Churches of all denominations rely on donations for the majority of their funding. Most of the time, the money comes from contributions, not fundraisers where they sell things (such as baked goods, Bible movies, or anything else).

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