How Long Is A GMAT Score Valid? (Overview, FAQs)

The Graduate Management Admission Test, known as GMAT for short, is a computer-based test that assesses the critical reasoning and thinking abilities of candidates seeking admission into graduate business programs.

You can use a GMAT score for up to 5 years. However, you must take specific study steps to excel in this test.

Read on to find out some tips that will enable you to achieve a high score on GMAT.

Overview Of GMAT

The Graduate Management Admission Test is an advanced test that evaluates the logical, writing, numerical, oral, and understanding abilities of people seeking admission into graduate management programs.

This test is developed and given by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).

An individual can write GMAT up to five times a year and eight times in a lifetime.

GMAT is one of the essential requirements for admission into a host of graduate business schools in more than 110 countries.

How Long Is A GMAT Score Valid?

Reporting of GMAT scores is possible for up to 10 years, although scores only hold validity for 5. If you submit fake test results, you hurt your admissions chances.

Tips For Earning An Excellent GMAT Score

Here are some tips that will enable you to have a good GMAT score in just one sitting:

1. Come up with an early study plan

Early planning is the key to success as far as GMAT is concerned.

GMAT has a vast syllabus, and if you don’t plan to cover all of it before the day of the exams, you may be signing up for your failure.

So, experts advise that all GMAT candidates begin to study for the exams at least ten weeks from the exam date.

This will give you enough time to prepare adequately and achieve an excellent score in just one attempt.  

2. Familiarize yourself with the sections of the test

Before the test, ensure that you carefully go through all areas of the test and know what is expected from you from each of them.

Practice tests can help you achieve this.

GMAT has four major sections, namely: Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), Integrated Reasoning (IR), Verbal Reasoning (VR), and Quantitative Reasoning (QR).

Each session will assess a particular area of knowledge.

3. Seek the opinion of people

If you need additional counsel on how to go about GMAT, seek the opinion or counsel of people that have taken the test before.

They are well-placed to offer some helpful tips to help you do well on the test.

Moreover, consult your professors that know how GMAT is formulated for recommendations on the study materials that will help you prepare effectively.

4. Choose suitable study materials

There are numerous GMAT study materials available both physically and over the internet.

However, ensure that you use only the correct study materials when preparing for this test.

Check the internet for official GMAT prep materials and utilize them when studying.

Moreover, ensure that any material you use is updated with content on the latest test so you can know the type of questions to expect.

5. Work on your areas of weakness

Identifying the sections or topics that are challenging to you and devising a strategy to tackle them before the day of the exam is another secret for excelling in this test.

It would be best if you used the guide series offered by GMAT to assess your knowledge and evaluate areas you need to improve upon.

You can also pinpoint your areas of weakness by using practice tests.

Working on your weaknesses will give you a better score on GMAT.

6. Attend a prep class

Many tutors take it upon themselves all over the world to run GMAT prep classes.

So, if you know that you are struggling to prepare independently, signing up for such classes will help you immensely.

Besides receiving answers to any question you desire in prep classes, you can meet up with other GMAT candidates and build a good study relationship with them.

7. Time yourself when preparing

GMAT is a test that is taken under a designated amount of time.

So, before you step into the exam hall, you must assess your test-taking efficiency under the exam timing conditions.

Doing this will enable you to identify areas that will take your time the most so that you can develop a strategy for attempting questions there speedily or simply doing such section the last.  

8. Don’t waste time on any questions

When preparing for the GMAT exam or even in the exam hall, you skip any question that wastes your time.

You mustn’t forget that GMAT punishes candidates that don’t answer all questions in the test, so ensure that you don’t leave any questions unanswered.

The general rule of thumb for answering questions in GMAT promptly is that you should spend less than two and a half minutes on one question.

Moreover, make a tactical presumption if you go back to a question after answering others and don’t know the correct answer.

9. Study with other test takers

When preparing for GMAT, studying in the company of other candidates is a great idea.

Besides the fact that this offers you the opportunity to ask lots of questions on challenging areas, you will receive ideas on approaching difficult sections of the test.

Moreover, it will be hard for you to procrastinate if you are studying with others as you will be motivated not to miss out on any single day, especially if it yields good results.

10. Make good use of the internet

Make the internet your number one stop when seeking all types of study materials and videos to help you prepare effectively.

However, ensure that you research any material you find online before actually putting it to use.

11. Watch your health

As you prepare for GMAT, ensure that you watch your health well.

Nothing is worse than breaking down on the day of the exam or a few days before it.

So, take frequent breaks between each study session to recharge and boost your energy levels.

Moreover, make sure that you eat well and drink enough water.

12. Have a go at tough questions

If you desire to secure admission into the best MBA programs in the world, then work hard towards increasing your performance on the test by deciphering answers to the most challenging questions on the test.

13. Avoid cramming

Waiting until the very last minute to cram for the GMAT is a dangerous thing to do.

Besides the fact that cramming can result in memory loss and even leave you stressed, it can also make you anxious.

Thus, avoid cramming by all means and dedicate a large chunk of your time to preparing for the test.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On The Validity Of A GMAT Score

What percentile is a 700 on the GMAT?

If you score 700 on the GMAT, you will be classified under the 88th percentile. This implies that your score of 700 is higher than that of 88% of people that took that test. A score of 700 is enough to gain admission into the best graduate business schools. However, you still have to meet other requirements before you can be admitted.

Is it difficult to score 800 on the GMAT?

The highest score on GMAT is 800, and it is tough to get all the answers to every question correct.

What is the minimum GMAT score required for admission into US business schools?

According to findings accumulated from in-depth research, it is understood that a GMAT score below 560 will kill off your chances of gaining admission into a US business school.  

Can you prepare for GMAT in just three weeks?

No, you cannot prepare for the GMAT in three weeks. However, you need up to 8 weeks of preparation to achieve a high exam score.


The Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT for short, is a computerized test that evaluates an applicant’s analytical and problem-solving skills in preparation for graduate education in business.

A GMAT score is valid for five years.

To do well in this test, make sure that you apply the tips that have been discussed in this article.

Moreover, on exam day, eat a good breakfast, don’t turn up at your center on time, and don’t fail to go along with all the required entry documents.

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