Top tips on Collegiate High School

Collegiate High School
Top tips on Collegiate High School

Most people who hear of Collegiate High School (CHS) wonder what it is and how it works. Thus in this article, I will give you a full detail of what Collegiate High School is, CHS Colleges, Qualities of a CHS student, How to prepare for CHS, and many more. So sit tight and read till the end.

What is a Collegiate High School?

Collegiate High School is a public school system where a student graduates with two certificates, one is a High school diploma, and the other is an Associate degree from college. It is made for serious high school juniors or seniors who seek to undertake a high-level study and save time and money on higher education.

Qualities of a Successful Collegiate High School student:

While you are opt-in for CHS, I’m sure you know that it’s not going to be comfortable, and you need to exhibit some qualities that will help you come out successful. These are the qualities:

  • Hard work: Hard work is the key to success in CHS because you will deal with High school subjects and also college courses. The vigorous thing about the entire process is that you need to give attention to both to come out with good grades, which require enough hard work.
  • Self Motivated: Nothing good comes easily. There are times you will feel like giving up because of the mental stress that comes with long hours of study; in that situation, you need to motivate yourself to continue because Collegiate High School will save you time and money when you finish.
  • Mature: maturity comes with being ready to succeed no matter what happens, it involves opening your mind to new experiences and lifestyle.

How to Prepare for a Collegiate High School:

If you seek to enroll in CHS, you need to start preparing from grade 9 and 10 by taking note of the following:

  • Take two years of Foreign Language Classes.
  • Complete the following courses adequately: English, Geometry, Biology 1, Human Geography, HOPE, Leadership technique courses, Algebra 1, Earth Space Science. If you seek to venture into the engineering field, you need at least a “B” in Algebra 1 because more of what you learn in engineering are calculations. Elective courses are also required to apply for college course work.

Requirements for CHS:

The high school juniors or seniors who opt-in for Collegiate High School expects to do the following and take it seriously:

  • Attend Classes: While you attend your high school classes, you need to also attend College classes full time.
  • You need to get at least 30 credits hours of College course work.
  • The College courses you selected must be inline with high school graduation requirements.
  • Have a Guidance Counselor who will direct you on the right courses to take for college. He/she will also help you in verifying the courses with your college.

Some Collegiate High Schools:

These are some of the institutions that handle CHS:

  • Collegiate High school Florida: There are various CHS in Florida like Florida southwestern collegiate high school, Northwestern Florida state college, and many more.

    In the Northwestern Florida state college, the CHS enables the 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students to earn a diploma and a transferable two-year college degree. It’s free of charge to students providing college credit classes, transportation costs, and a laptop for learning.
  • College of the Mainland: At COM, the students are considered college students. They waive 40% of tuition fees for CMS students. You attend classes and still participate in the extra-curricular activities at the current high school. Also, they are free to use all the resources at the College of the mainland.
  • Polk State Lakeland Collegiate High School: A charter CHS within Lakeland whose main aim is to provide technical and educational support to junior or senior high school students who seek college level of study.
  • Palm Beach State Collegiate High School (CHS): An excellent science and engineering CHS that values knowledge. They provide academic instructions and career guidance for the students in CHS.
    Here they need students to be motivated to learn and study hard in an environment that seems too mature for them; thus, they do not send progress reports or parents notifications home.

Final Tips:

Collegiate High School requires you to make up your mind to study. It’s not going to be easy at all, but it’s worth the time and money. The good things about CHS are that the students involved are smart, matured, and have the will-power to work hard.

Awesome one, I hope this answered your question.

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