How To Write Swarthmore Supplemental Essays (FAQs)

Swarthmore Supplemental Essays: Swarthmore College offers three different supplementary essays.

However, unlike many schools, which likely ask their candidates to provide answers to each prompt, Swarthmore College only asks for a response to any of the three supplementary essay prompts.

Moreover, you will find writing a stellar Swarthmore supplementary essay easy if you know what is expected of you.

So, this article will discuss the three Swarthmore College supplementary essays and provide tips on how to scale through each of them.

Swarthmore Supplemental Essay Prompt 1

Swarthmore students’ worldviews are often forged by their prior experiences and exposure to ideas and values. Our students are often mentored, supported, and developed by their immediate context – in their neighbourhoods, communities of faith, families, and classrooms. Reflect on what elements of your home, school, or community have shaped or positively impacted you. How have you grown or changed because of the influence of your community?

This essay prompt can be referred to as a “community essay.”

This college admissions board expects you to discuss how a particular community has significantly impacted your life.

To write a stellar response to this essay, begin by using a commanding and captivating opening statement.

Ensure that your introductory paragraph is inviting and engaging as well.

Moreover, use short paragraphs made up of a few sentences throughout the essay, and try to ensure that each mini-paragraph is talking about something different.

You can respond to this essay as a story, which will be very engaging.

Also, recall that your response is not limited to your learning experience; you can also share how you have impacted other lives.

Swarthmore looks forward to learning about how you apply the knowledge you acquire.

Swarthmore Supplemental Essay Prompt 2

We are inspired by students who are flexible in their approach to learning, who are comfortable with experimentation, and who are willing to take intellectual risks that move them out of their comfort zone. Reflect on a time that you were intellectually challenged, inspired, or took an intellectual risk – inside or outside of the classroom. How have those experiences shaped you, and what questions still linger?

Swarthmore is a school that places so much value on intellectual development within and outside of a classroom.

However, in this prompt, you are not asked to discuss your academic achievements but to give an excellent response and show your in-depth knowledge of a thought-provoking project you overcame.

When responding to this prompt, ensure that you share enough details so any reader who does not know the subject you are talking about will still understand.

Also, connect between the projects or research you completed and the field of studies you are passionate about while also providing a few details about some of the small impacts you made along the way.

Furthermore, describe what you feel the future has in store for you and the improvements you want to make to the research or project you were working on.

This will make a good impression on the reader, who is looking for candidates who don’t rest on their laurels. 

Swarthmore Supplemental Essay Prompt 3

Why are you interested in applying to and attending Swarthmore? (250 words)

In this essay prompt response, you are expected to provide reasons why you think Swarthmore is your ideal study destination.

To write an excellent response, ensure that you take some time to complete your research about the school, the academic facilities they have, and some of their professors that you look forward to working with, and mention all of them by name in your essay.

However, when writing your essay, don’t talk about the location of the school, the size of its campus, or even its ranking among other academic institutions.

Moreover, don’t talk about the traditions of the school or copy information from the school’s website into your essay.

Talk about the talents and skills you possess and how you feel Swarthmore can maximize them.

Also, talk about your academic interests and the resources the school has that will benefit you.

Keep your sentences short but clear, and ensure you don’t exceed the word limit when writing.

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College Tips For Swarthmore College

If you are accepted to Swarthmore College, use the following tips to do well in your classes:

1. Don’t skip classes

Whenever you show up to class, you get to learn more than when you read alone. You also get to take good notes that can help you immensely.

More importantly, your questions will be answered quickly and easily when you are in class. So, don’t skip classes for anything.

2. Join a study group

The academic benefits of group study cannot be overstated.

If you have any questions as you read, you can easily get them answered by other students.

Furthermore, having a member of the group ring at your door to escort you to your reading nook might push you to read and keep going even though you feel sluggish about it.

So, form a study group with your colleagues committed to academic excellence.

3. Focus your studies on topics covered in class

There is a unique curriculum for each course you take. Make sure that you follow it.

The questions you’ll be asked in the exam or test room won’t be based on anything you’ve read outside the curriculum.

So don’t waste your time studying what you won’t be asked in the exam or test.

4. Use the Internet to your advantage

Even while preparing for Swarthmore supplemental essays, you can use the internet to further your education and do several other beneficial things.

Since the internet is a wealth of knowledge on virtually any topic, you can use it to obtain materials on areas that are unclear to you.

Also, use social media to connect with experts in your field so you can get an internship and advice from them.

5. Communicate well with your instructors

Find the professors in your major and introduce yourself when you first arrive on campus.

Make an effort to engage with and become friends with every one of your instructors.

Professors can be great resources for outside the classroom, such as finding relevant internships.

They can also write you a glowing letter of recommendation that will help you get a prestigious scholarship.

6. Pay the majority of your time to your study

As a college student, you must accept that your studies precede anything else. If you haven’t studied enough, don’t engage in a non-academic activity.

7. Relax periodically

If you’ve been putting in a lot of study time, it’s important to take some time off to rest periodically and rejuvenate to avoid burning out.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Swarthmore Supplemental Essays

Does Swarthmore require supplemental essays?

Swarthmore only asks for a single supplemental essay, while other schools may ask for several.

How do you answer the Swarthmore supplemental essay?

Think back on a time when you were forced to think critically, when you were moved to action, or when you took a calculated intellectual risk, whether in or out of the classroom. How has it changed you, and what questions do you still have? This question comes to the heart of the intellectual life at Swarthmore.

What is a good GPA at Swarthmore?

They won’t give you much chance if you don’t have the SAT score and grade point average they’re looking for. Your safest bet is to shoot for the 75th percentile, which requires an SAT score of 1550 and a GPA of 4.05 or higher.

Why is it so hard to get into Swarthmore?

Many students apply to Swarthmore each year, and the college’s selectiveness is a direct result of the high standards of academic rigor, extensive extracurricular offerings, and other features of the Swarthmore experience.


There are a total of three supplemental essay options at Swarthmore.

On the other hand, Swarthmore College only requires an essay response to one of the three optional essay prompts.

However, writing a great Swarthmore supplementary essay will be a breeze if you know what is required.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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