Is 1360 a Good SAT Score? (FAQs) | 2022

Is 1360 a Good SAT Score?

Is 1360 a Good SAT Score? A “good score” is relative to several criteria, including your specific circumstances, the overall average test results, and the institutions on your list of potential colleges.

A student’s SAT score is of the utmost significance at top-tier educational institutions.

Continue reading if you want to know your stand if you got a score of 1360 on the SAT, and to also know some tactics that will help you figure out what a good SAT score is for you, how to create a SAT goal for yourself, and what the average SAT score is at some of the best universities in the country.

What is the SAT?

Students in high school who have their sights set on attending college are required to take a standardized test called the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT).

It consists of both multiple-choice and essay questions, split between the subjects of mathematics, writing, and reading, respectively.

Since the exam changes slightly from year to year, getting a decent grade requires careful planning and preparation, as well as the ability to think critically, but there is also an element of luck involved.

How Does the SAT Affect My Chances of Getting into College?

Your score on the SAT is still a good indicator of how well you will do in college, despite the growing number of schools that now offer test-optional admissions.

Colleges look at your grade point average and your scores on standardized tests to figure out how well you did in school, which is one of the most important parts of getting into college.

Having good test results is a tried-and-true approach that has been shown to increase your chances of getting into the schools on your list of potential colleges.

You could use online tools to see how your SAT score affects your chances of getting into any one of the thousands of colleges and universities across the United States.

Admission calculator tools will also give you a personalized look at your chances of getting into the schools of your choice based on your SAT scores, GPA, extracurricular activities, and more.

What Determines a Good SAT Score?

The criteria for a good SAT score vary depending on the colleges and universities you apply to. The better your score on the SAT, the better your chances of getting into a prominent school.

However, this is just one part of the application as a whole.

It is evaluated in conjunction with your grades, any essays or statements you offer, any extracurricular activities you participated in, any volunteer work you did, and any other relevant aspects.

Despite this, achieving a high score on the SAT should continue to be one of your top priorities.

Is 1360 a Good SAT Score?

A score of 1360 is considered to be in a good range. If you took the SAT and got a score of 1360, you are in a good position for many colleges and universities in the United States to consider you for admission.

If you took the SAT to get into college or university and got a score of 1360, you are in the 93rd percentile of the 1.7 million people who took the test. Because of this, you are now in the top tier.

Your score shows how you answered the test questions on the math, reading and writing parts was much better than average.

How Can You Raise Your Score on the SAT by a Whopping 200 Points?

When analyzing SAT scores, there is a number of things that need to be taken into consideration.

One student’s idea of a great score on the SAT could not be another student’s idea of an average score.

If you want to establish a goal for your SAT score, there are a few key aspects of the test that you need to consider.

1. Reading and writing are important: 

Reading can introduce you to new vocabulary, writing styles, and conceptual frameworks. Read anything that strikes your fancy. Take a look at the newspaper. Examine scientific papers.

To improve your critical thinking ability, read as many different kinds of articles and blogs as possible.

After you’ve finished reading a book review, article, or movie review, you should give your interpretation of what you just read a shot.

Writing is a lot like going to the gym. If you don’t use it, you lose it. However, if you write frequently, your skills will get stronger and be easier to use.

2. Improve the level of your vocabulary:

Reading is the best way to learn difficult words; whenever you come across a term, you don’t know or don’t understand, look it up and remember it. Reading is the best way to come across difficult words.

Look at some older versions of the SAT or practice tests and list the words that come up more often than others. The SAT has a habit of reusing the same vocabulary in its questions.

The more words you know, the easier it will be to understand what you’re reading. It will also help you improve your writing and help you in your career.

Is 1360 a Good SAT Score?

3. Where do you begin?

You can determine your starting position by taking a sample SAT.

You should take the test under actual testing settings, which means that you should use the same resources and adhere to the same time limitations that you would during an official test.

This will give you an accurate picture of what you want to achieve on the SAT.

You also have the option of using your score from the PSAT. If you want a general indication of how well you might do on the SAT, you should look at what percentile you achieved on the PSAT and then compare it to the SAT score for that same percentile.

If you put in the effort to study, your score will go up. Generally, the lower your score is, to begin with, the more of an improvement you will notice in subsequent scores.

If your total score on a specific segment is less than 500, there is a possibility that you could raise it by up to 200 points. You should strive to improve by 100 and 150 points if you want better results.

You should also be aware that it is highly likely that you will take the SAT more than once and that your score will almost certainly increase each time you take it.

Most students will take the SAT two or even three times before being satisfied with their score. Yet, the greatest score improvements on actual examinations occur between the first and second test administration.

Low Scores on the SAT

Any score that is lower than 1000 is regarded as poor. There are those students who don’t perform well on tests.

One option is choosing a college that does not require test scores, such as the SAT, to get admission.

This will be especially true if you are a high-grade point average student who participates well in extracurricular activities. In this case, admission is based on the SAT score and the whole application.

Frequently Asked Questions on 1360 as a Good SAT Score

Is SAT difficult?

The SAT can be scary if you don’t know much about it, but it’s possible to pass if you study well and know how the test is set up.

What happens if you fail the SAT?

For the SAT, the minimum score is 400. The SAT cannot be failed, but a low score can severely limit a student’s college admissions options. The SAT is a test that can be taken more than once, with each attempt potentially improving the score. Scores on the SAT are neither passed nor failed.

Is 3 months enough to study for SAT?

Preparing for the SAT for three months is plenty of time. You’ll have plenty of time to study at your own pace and become proficient in the SAT’s tested subjects. Knowing how to begin preparing for the SAT can be challenging. You need to locate useful tools, maintain order, and stay committed to your strategy.

Is 1200 a good SAT score?

With a mean SAT score of 1059, a score of 1200 is considered to be slightly above average. For this reason, a 1200 SAT is considered a respectable score, as it makes you a strong contender at a wide range of schools.


If you got 1360 on the SAT, you’re probably curious about how you compare to other students and whether or not 1360 is good enough to get into college.

The reality is that it depends on your college ambitions and the schools to which you plan to apply. Above, at your disposal, is the comprehensive guide.

This article has provided valid information on whether your score of 1360 is a good and competitive SAT score.

You can also determine your chances of being accepted into the schools of choice by using several online admission calculators provided by different platforms.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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