Is Fact Checker A Real Job? (Alternative Jobs, FAQs)

Is Fact Checker A Real Job?

Is Fact Checker A Real Job? Yes, fact-checking is a real job. Fact-checkers are professionals who ensure that companies provide accurate data and information.

These professionals are mostly found in the media industry.

They are normally employed to join the research teams of companies, and they verify that the information the company provides is authentic.

Fact-checkers play a key role in any company they work for, and the quality of their work can either enhance or destroy the reputation of that company.

On the other hand, fact-checking is a job that involves lots of research.

However, it is never too late to change careers if you have been engaged in a fact-checking job for a while and thoughts of making a career switch keep crossing your mind.

This article will discuss tips on fact-checking as a real job and the alternative jobs for fact-checkers. Read on to the very end to find out.

Who is a Fact Checker?

Fact-checkers are typically engaged by the publication in which the article will appear.

Their duties include reviewing the integrity of the information in the article and checking in with the article’s sources and interviewees to ensure their statements have been accurately reported.

Fact-checking aims to ensure that reported information is accurate and reliable.

How fact-checking works

Today, fact-checking has emerged as a distinct subfield within the field of journalism.

To dispel misconceptions and broaden understanding, it seeks to objectively and accurately evaluate public comments.

In the United States, media outlets regularly fact-check political claims as part of their political news coverage.

The goal of political fact-checking is to determine whether or not the claims made by politicians and others are true.

The purpose is to stop the spread of misinformation spread when media outlets publish verbatim what politicians say.

By investigating whether or not a statement is true or incorrect and presenting their results, fact-checkers hope to educate their audiences on crucial issues.

Top Alternative Careers For Fact Checkers

Here are some of the top jobs for anyone who wants to switch from a career in fact-checking:

1. Market Research Analyst

Market research analysts assess the market conditions and assist companies in picking a market where they will sell their products.

These professionals analyze trending sales curves to predict whether customers will continue to buy or stop buying a product in the future.

The work that market research analysts perform assists marketing teams in coming up with effective tactics for marketing the products and services of the firms they work for.

Market research analysts also conduct customer surveys to know if they are satisfied with the quality of the products they are receiving and provide detailed explanations to their respective companies using several statistical representation techniques.

Market research analysts earn about $60,000 a year.

2. Business Analyst

Business analysts are professionals in charge of assisting companies to boost their productivity to enable them to achieve their targets.

These experts recognize areas of the company’s production processes that require improvement, develop techniques, and make adjustments that greatly impact the firm’s productivity.

Moreover, business analysts also devise several techniques that will cut down on the cost of production without reducing the quality of the products and services offered or the expected level of availability.

Business analysts play a very important role in the success of any firm, especially in the present age, which explains why they earn an income of up to $75,000 annually.

Once again, Is Fact Checker A Real Job? Yes, it is.

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3. Scientist

A scientist’s job is an interesting one.

These professionals utilize several standard research techniques to analyze ideas and thoughts.

Scientists conduct several experiments to verify data and determine how useful they can be in solving problems.

These experts utilize advanced devices and instruments to complete their experiments and team up with their peers to find solutions to a particular problem or find an answer to a particular scientific question.

Moreover, scientists possess excellent data interpretation skills and can present data in clear and easily understood terms.

Scientists make up to $90,000 in salaries each year.

4. Economist

Economists are professionals that make findings on the latest economic trends and collect valuable data that shows how certain goods and services are circulated.

They perform their jobs by utilizing surveys and assessing their outcomes using advanced mathematical techniques and digital programs.

Economists organize the results they acquire in written formats and utilize them in giving their firms information on employment, trends, salaries, prices, and several other economic indicators.

Moreover, economists ensure that the companies they work for stay abreast of the latest government legislation and plans.

They even provide public departments with the data they desire to devise economic policies and laws.

Economists make about $110,000 a year in salaries.

5. Forensic Scientist

Forensic scientists are professionals who collaborate with law enforcement agents to gather evidence from crime scenes for investigation. Fact-checking can be a field of forensic science.

They assess exhibits at crime scenes from fingerprints, weapons found at the scene, and human materials like hair.

Forensic scientists apply the findings they acquire at the crime scene to ascertain what may have led to the crime and devise means to find the criminals and other persons involved.

In a few cases, forensic scientists appear in court to explain their findings to the judge, ensuring proper justice is delivered.

These professionals earn about $60,000 in salaries every year.

6. Biologist

Biologists are professionals who study plants, animals, and microorganisms.

They do this to acquire an understanding of how they work, the environment that they survive in, and their characteristics.

Moreover, biologists gather specimens to carry out several experiments that can help them understand the cells of these living organisms.

Biologists are known to complete basic research that enables them to understand living organisms better.

Biologists earn about $80,000 in salaries every year.

7. Psychologist

Psychologists study human psychological processes to stop, diagnose, and manage mental health illnesses.

These professionals apply their expertise to help their patients know what they lack mentally.

They also devise a treatment plan to help their clients recover from any terrible mental condition they are suffering from.

Psychologists can be found in several settings, from hospitals to schools to prisons and lots more.

Despite completing a degree that enables them to carry out this job, many still enroll in several certification programs to improve their knowledge and stay in tune with the latest developments in the field.

Psychologists make up to $95,000 in salaries every year.

8. Historian

Historians assess documents and artifacts from several historical timeframes to understand the events that unfolded in the past and recognize their significance in the present age.

They do their jobs by utilizing primary and secondary sources of information established in their study time frame.

Gathering enough information enables historians to identify trends and acquire insight into several time frames.

Historians assist people in knowing how past events can shape the choices they make today. These professionals earn about $84,000 in salaries every year.

Once again, Is Fact Checker A Real Job? Yes, it is.

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9. Archaeologist

Archaeologists are experts who evaluate artifacts from both the past and the present. They apply their technical expertise to recover artifacts from sites and assess them.

Archaeologists have good knowledge of historical climate trends and other environmental issues that hugely impact society.

These professionals do their work to help people better understand history and culture. Archaeologists earn about $62,000 in salaries every year.

10. Pharmacologist

Pharmacologists are responsible for devising new techniques to develop drugs and assessing their effectiveness and safety before selling them.

They have an in-depth knowledge of science and apply it to examine how medicine works in the human body to ease a medical challenge.

Pharmacologists hire several volunteers to test the new drugs on them. However, they must first complete a series of research tasks.

Pharmacologists utilize the data and information they acquire from the assessment phase to determine prescriptions and the best way to use the drugs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Fact Checker As A Real Job

How can you boost your research skills?

You can improve your research skills by learning to search, using professional help guides, writing down references, and asking senior library advisors for advice.

What skills can you use to complete research effectively?

To do good research, you need to be good at thinking critically, solving problems, and thinking analytically.

What are the characteristics of excellent research?

Any good research can be done again easily, and the methods are open and easy to understand.

Is a research job worthwhile?

Taking up a research job like fact-checking is a great idea. Research jobs are in high demand and offer huge professional and personal development opportunities.


Fact-checking is a legitimate profession.

Professional fact-checkers are employed by businesses to ensure the accuracy of the information they disseminate to customers.

These types of workers are concentrated in the media industry.

The typical role for these people is to join a company’s research team, where they check the authenticity of data provided by the organization.

When it comes to a company’s reputation, the work of its fact-checkers may make or break its standing in the industry.

However, if you’re looking for an alternative career path to fact-checking but still want to hone your research, critical thinking, detail orientation, analytical, and organizational skills, you can refer to this post for other research job ideas.

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