15+ Less Stressful Jobs For Retired Teachers (FAQs) | 2023

Retiring as a teacher does not mean one should stop doing other things to make money. Engaging in other activities despite retirement will help one stay active, which is good for health.

There are several less stressful jobs for retiring teachers, enabling them to make more money without affecting their health.

Read on to find out about some of them.

15 Less Stressful Jobs For Retired Teachers

1. Tutors

Tutoring is one of the less stressful jobs for retired teachers. This job allows them to keep on creating an impact in society.

Unlike teaching, tutoring is less stressful and does not involve the official responsibilities of education.

Moreover, as tutors, retired teachers can decide their working hours and control the number of people they want to tutor at a time.

2. Writer

Writing is another job for retired teachers that make so much sense.

This job is perfect for retired teachers that specialize in English and Literature.

Retired teachers can become copywriters for blogs or technical writers focusing on technical posts.

Writing is a job that can be done from the comfort of the home, enabling retired teachers to rest adequately.

3. Entrepreneur

Investing in certain types of entrepreneurship can enable retired teachers to make money without stressing themselves.

Based on their skills and knowledge, they can start a business and make money off it.

For instance, a retired agricultural science teacher can make money if they start a big farm and employ people to cultivate it.

However, no rule says that retired teachers must become entrepreneurs in their specialty area.

4. Educational Consultant

Retired teachers can turn to an educational consultant job if they are looking for a job that will enable them to make money without stressing them.

Educational consultants counsel schools on how they can improve their academic programs.

Moreover, they can assist in training teachers for schools.

An educational consultant is a job that offers an excellent work-life balance which is perfect for retired teachers.

5. Teaching Materials Provider

Teaching materials provider is one of the less stressful jobs that are recommended for retired teachers.

In this job, retired teachers provide their lesson plans, activities, and other essential documents in exchange for money.

Several schools and organizations will pay good money in return for this kind of service.

6. Educational Editor

The educational Editor is a good job that is recommended for retired teachers.

Retired teachers will develop, organize and assess materials for publications in this job.

They are also responsible for evaluating stories and proposing titles to such levels that will draw the audience’s attention.

It is understood that in the United States, educational editors are paid on an hourly basis.

7. Curriculum Developer

Curriculum developers formulate a curriculum that will enable students to acquire the knowledge offered in a class.

This job is an excellent choice for retired teachers because it does not involve any stress, and curriculum developers can work from the comfort of their homes.

Moreover, curriculum developers ensure that the curriculum they devise increases the success rate of students taking a class.

They collaborate with other professionals in the academic field to perform their jobs.

8. Online Tutor

Online tutoring is another less stressful job that is good for retired teachers.

These tutors offer additional education and mentorship to assist students succeeds in their academics and obtaining their academic credentials.

They offer private lessons over the internet and ensure that students are making progress in that area of knowledge.

Moreover, online tutors explain confusing areas more profoundly and ensure students complete their assignments.

9. Child and Family Social Worker

This is a job that is recommended for retired teachers because they are known to possess the quality of empathy.

Any retired teacher taking up this job is expected to work with government officials to shield kids exposed to different risks and assist them in acquiring the assistance they need to improve their lives. 

10. Private Nanny

Private Nanny is not a job that retired teachers commonly do; however, it is essential to note that it is one of the most accessible jobs for former teachers.

They look after kids, ensure that they are not exposed to any form of danger, make sure that they complete their homework on time, and help them to perform extracurricular activities.

Private Nanny is in high demand worldwide, especially in developed countries.

11. Personal Trainer

A personal trainer is a less stressful job recommended for retired teachers. However, this job is only for retired teachers interested in exercise and nutrition.

Personal trainers are in charge of educating their clients on the steps to take to achieve their targets.

They also teach them how to use different equipment that will enable them to reach their body goals.

12. Sales Representative

A sales representative is an excellent job for retired teachers that would not stress them.

This job is an excellent option for teachers because they can choose to work from the comfort of their homes if they desire.

Sales representatives are in charge of the sales of the products and services offered by a company by searching for customers, telling them about the value of the product or service, and ensuring that customers get all the assistance they desire when they purchase a product or service.

Many retired teachers will find it easy to perform this job because they possess good communication and strong interpersonal skills, which are required for this job.

Sales representatives are paid based on commission; some are even lucky to be placed on monthly salaries.

13. Translator

The translator is a job that retired teachers can do if they know how to speak and understand foreign languages.

This job involves the précised interpretation of the meaning of written words from one language to another.

Translators work with documents and recordings and can even function at events featuring people from different countries.

It is an exciting job that does not come with any form of stress.

14. Corporate Trainer

A corporate trainer is an excellent job that is recommended for retired teachers.

This job will enable them to use their presentation and interpersonal skills to educate other professionals on excellently performing their duties.

A corporate trainer is a job that does not come with any form of stress.

15. Museum Educator

Museum educator is one of the less stressful jobs for retired teachers. The job requires planning, organizing, and supervising programs in museums.

They ensure that museum visitors are well-attended to and provide responses to any questions that they have.

Museum educator is a job that will pay retired teachers well.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Less Stressful Jobs For Retired Teachers

What are the best-paying jobs for retired teachers?

Career coach, writer, paralegal, sales representative, and tutor are among the best-paying jobs for retired teachers.

What are the ideal new jobs for teachers making a career switch?

Instructional design, human resources, and corporate training are ideal new jobs for teachers changing careers.

What are the best-paying non-teaching jobs?

The best-paying non-teaching jobs in the educational sector are principal, educational consultant, curriculum designer, child psychologist, and standardized test developer.

Where are the best places to make money as a teacher in the United States?

New York, Massachusetts, and California are three places where you can find the best teaching jobs in the US.


Retiring from a teaching career doesn’t imply they have to stop working to support themselves.

Staying active benefits health at any age, so continuing to do things you enjoy after retirement is a plus.

This article has addressed many less demanding career paths available to retired educators.

However, in addition to the list above, school guidance counselors and academic advisors are other less stressful jobs recommended for retired teachers. 

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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