Renewable Energy degree (Meaning, types, benefits)

Renewable Energy degree

This article will give major details on “Renewable Energy degree”, the benefits, how long it takes to get it, and many more.

Energy plays a vital role in the lives of every human. It also remains the greatest input for economic and social growth. However, energy exists in various forms, and each of them is essential to the survival of life.

Kinetic energy, one of the major forms of energy, facilitates our movement, and we exert potential energy to remain at rest. However, mechanical energy, Electrical energy, and Heat energy are forms mostly used in industrial processes.

Some of the most amazing innovations in our society are produced from system changes between them.

Renewable energy, a valuable energy source, is collected from renewable resources like Sunlight, waves, rain, wind that refills naturally. This energy has a wide variety of applications in society today.

The renewable energy field is one with unlimited prospects for future professions. Also, with growing demands for reliable, cheap, and clean energy worldwide, the value of renewable energy professionals is increasing with each passing day.

Hence, pursuing a career in the renewable energy field is a smart decision for anyone in today’s world.

Once again, this article will discuss the rudiments of Renewable energy, the length of time it takes to obtain a renewable energy degree, the benefits of obtaining a Renewable energy degree, and many more. Read on and enjoy!

What is Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is the form of energy that comes from continuously restocked sources like sun, hydroelectric, geothermal, and wind.

Most renewable energy types do not discharge pollutants into the environment, which is why renewable energy is mentioned in the same bracket as clean energy. Moreover, renewable energy comes in various types, and they include;


The sun remains the greatest source of energy because of its wide variety of use. The energy from the sun is used by humans in drying clothes, by plants for photosynthesis and most outstanding innovations present in our society like solar panels and electric cars are products of solar energy.

Solar energy remains a top type of renewable energy. Since it does not pollute the environment in any way, it is widely regarded as a top source of clean energy.


Geothermal energy is developed by a gradual deterioration of radioactive elements in rocks emitting heat stuck in the earth’s core. When produced, this heat can be used to rotate turbines and generate power.

Although it is not a clean energy source, several technologies have been developed to enhance its cleanliness. 


Biomass energy is a renewable energy type used to develop electricity and other range of valuable applications. It is created from organic materials from crops, trees, plants, and animals. It remains a sustainable energy source.


The energy generated from windmills is another type of renewable energy.

Although its use in the development of electricity has decreased in recent years except in some low-profile farmlands across the United States, energy developed from the wind remains a top source for the noiseless generation of electricity.


Tidal energy is a renewable energy type widely used in the development of electricity. However, tidal energy harms the environment.

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Hydroelectric power develops from the rotation of the turbine of the generator’s blades by speeding water from waterfalls or rivers.

Although hydroelectric is not a green energy source, it remains the largest renewable energy source in most countries like the United States and Nigeria.

How long does it take to get a Renewable Energy Degree

Renewable energy is a field that offers a wide variety of highly profitable career options. And although most universities all over the world offer renewable energy degree courses, the timeline differs from school to school.

Nevertheless, according to a general survey, an undergraduate renewable degree can be obtained between 3 to 5 years with reduced study years for masters and doctorate honors.

Benefits of having a Renewable Energy Degree

Greater job potentials

With the continuous depletion of fossil fuel sources, renewable energy is growing in value and importance.

As a result, most companies are heavily investing in renewable energy research, and possessing a renewable energy degree at the moment increases your chances of landing a major role in one of these energy companies.

The United States, the United Kingdom, and India are some countries that offer high job potentials for holders of renewable energy degrees.

Exposure to the latest technological innovations

Energy companies are investing millions of dollars yearly to secure top-notch technological innovations used in research and harness of renewable energy.

Hence, obtaining a renewable degree will expose you to the science and technology behind these innovations boosting your knowledge and skill for career development.

Mouth-watering salaries

Obtaining a renewable energy degree is the first step for building a highly profitable career.

Due to a relative lack of people with renewable energy degrees, companies that offer job opportunities in this sector pay incredibly high salaries that are quite higher than most engineering jobs.  

International recognition and awards

The Nobel Prize and other international recognitions are some prestigious awards given to outstanding individuals.

Obtaining a degree in renewable energy is an opportunity to complete ground-breaking research that would attract outstanding recognitions and awards.

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Best schools to get a renewable energy degree

Obtaining a degree in renewable energy is the perfect decision for anyone. However, passing through a top school that offers degrees in renewable energy will significantly boost your knowledge, skill and build up your experience, increasing your chances of landing a top job.

Hence, the schools below are the most renowned institutions for renewable energy studies, with a combination of professors and cutting-edge facilities offering the best renewable energy education. In no particular order, they include;

Pennsylvania State University, US          

Pennsylvania State University in the United States is a leading school in renewable energy education.

With over 100 years of experience, this university has developed courses that offer a broad program in renewable energy crafted by industry specialists and seasoned professors.

Enrolling in its renewable energy courses will expose you to one of the best available education in renewable energy.

Wrexham Glyndwr University, United Kingdom

In this university, a renewable energy degree program can be completed under a period of 3 years. Furthermore, these programs focus on developing the problem-solving abilities of their students.

Also, Wrexham Glyndwr University boosts staff with robust expert and theoretical knowledge coupled with world-class laboratories to give their students the best education in renewable energy.

University of California, US

The University of California in the United States offers an excellent array of courses in renewable energy.

In this university, students are taught by field experts on different technologies and strategies involved in the design of renewable energy systems.

Moreover, the school, based on practical work, allows students to gain direct field experiences.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China

The Chinese University of Hong Kong is another top choice for renewable energy studies. In this school, students are mentored on solar energy conversion and thermal power that offer solutions to energy challenges.

It is a renowned school for renewable energy education.

Stanford University

Stanford University may be a renowned university for medical studies; however, its popularity is also enhanced by top-quality learning facilities in other fields.

Running a program in renewable energy here will expose you to training and lectures centered on professional development that is highly valuable in the renewable energy sector.

Oregon Institute of Technology

Oregon Institute of Technology is another outstanding school to obtain a renewable energy degree. This school offers an outstanding curriculum for renewable energy programs that focus on practical experience and professional training.

Moreover, the Oregon Renewable Energy Centre, one of the most renowned centers for renewable energy research, provides students with the first-off knowledge of renewable energy power systems designs.

Hochschule Stralsund – University of Applied Sciences, Schwerin, Germany

In this school, students can obtain a renewable energy degree under a period of seven semesters. Moreover, the study program offers a curriculum that prepares students for different renewable energy creation activities.

The University of Texas

The University of Texas offers a perfect blend of lectures and practice in various renewable degree courses. Above all, students are allowed to run a placement in the field to gain more practical experience. 

Role Of Renewable Energy in Environmental Sustainability

Whatever career we pursue, our duty as good citizens is to choose one that guarantees environmental sustainability. Building a career in renewable energy is a great way to achieve this because renewable energy improves lives by;

  • Decreasing global warming
  • Preventing the pollution of water resources
  • Acting as a replenishable source of energy
  • Saving costs.

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Renewable energy is undoubtedly the cleanest source of energy. With fossil fuel resources depleting each passing day, renewable energy is gradually becoming the top energy source globally.

Hence, pursuing a renewable energy career is a great decision for anyone because it will become a career path that promises a lot in terms of sustainability and jobs prospects in the next few years.

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