79+ Questions About God Without Answers That Make You Think

Questions About God That Make You Think

Questions About God Without Answers: God is the focus of many questions worldwide.

No matter their religion, people have always asked difficult questions about God that may not even have answers.

Many Christians believe God, the creator of heaven and earth, cannot be fully comprehended because He is mighty.

On the other hand, this article will discuss 79+ questions about God that will make anyone think about Him and His existence.

79+ Questions About God Without Answers That Make You Think

Here are some questions about God that will make you think:

  1. Are there signs that prove that God truly exists?
  2. Is God the originator of the joy, peace, and happiness we enjoy?
  3. Was the earth’s creation of God, or did it result from some chemical reaction?
  4. Does the beauty that comes with nature have any implications?
  5. How does God control everything in the universe?
  6. How best do we describe the physical appearance of God?
  7. Can people who created machines and technology be compared to God?
  8. Why does God allow good people to suffer?
  9. Why does God allow bad things to happen to human beings on earth?
  10. Why does God not stop us from committing sins against him?
  11. Why does God still give us another opportunity even when we sin against him?
  12. If there was no God, where would man’s soul be after they died?
  13. Why does God not stop bad things from happening?
  14. Why doesn’t God stop wars, sicknesses, and natural disasters from happening worldwide?
  15. Why did God create man before woman?
  16. How did God come into existence?
  17. Did God create all of us equal at the beginning before our actions made us unequal?
  18. Was God motivated to create humans because he is obsessed with stories, drama, and fantasy?
  19. Does God reward people who do well on earth?
  20. Why did God set rules for human beings to live by?
  21. Is God real or merely a fantasy?
  22. Where was God when the coronavirus occurred, and we were forced into many months of lockdown?
  23. Why is there so much evil when there is a God?
  24. Why did God give people the ability to make technologies that both make the world better and destroy it simultaneously?
  25. Why does God allow people to die even when He knows how much hurt it can cause?
  26. What are the proofs that God exists and that he is aware of everything that humans are experiencing?
  27. If you get to see God someday, what is the first question you will ask Him?
  28. What is the purpose of the creation of human beings?
  29. Is it possible for love to exist in the world without God?
  30. Is there a devil, and what is the purpose of his existence?
  31. When we die, where do we end up?
  32. Will we get another chance to start again when we get to heaven?
  33. Is there a heaven and a hell?
  34. What do we need to do to go to heaven?
  35. What is the punishment for those who refuse to live by the rules of God?
  36. What is spirituality, and how can you boost your spirituality?
  37. How do I know that I am spiritual?
  38. How do I know that God has listened to me whenever I pray?
  39. How can I strengthen my faith in God?
  40. Will the Bible help me understand many things about God?
  41. Why do some people suffer badly in life while others have it easy?
  42. Is karma real, or is it just a completely wrong belief?
  43. Is the Bible a true story or a work of fiction?
  44. How can we boost our relationship with God?
  45. How can I understand Jesus better?
  46. Who is Jesus, and how does He affect my life?
  47. Why do I find it difficult to pray sometimes?
  48. Why does God want every human to develop a strong relationship with him?
  49. What is the nature of God?
  50. Do miracles happen?
  51. What makes prayer work effectively?
  52. How important is faith to a person’s prayer life?
  53. Is it possible to personally know God and live for Him?
  54. How can I be sure that I am a child of God?

Questions About God Without Answers That Make You Think

  1. Why does God allow some people to be born into privileged homes, even though He loves all humans?
  2. What is the significance of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross?
  3. Is it possible to hear from God directly, and how can I talk to him?
  4. Why does God not simply kill all the bad people in the world and leave behind the good ones?
  5. Why do we have to die?
  6. How best can the love of God for humans be explained?
  7. Can God still be called a loving God if He allows people to go to hell and burn?
  8. Will I be able to breathe indefinitely, or will I have to die?
  9. What is the most important sign I will receive once I give my life to Christ?
  10. Did God create us solely to worship Him, or did He have other plans for us?
  11. Why is it difficult to hear from God and see Him?
  12. What is heaven like, and what activities will we do there?
  13. Why did God not give Adam and Eve a second chance in the Garden of Eden?
  14. How does the saving grace of God work for us?
  15. What causes our sins to be forgiven after we give our lives to Jesus Christ?
  16. Why is Jesus Christ called God when he is referred to as the “Son of God” in the Bible?
  17. Why did Jesus Christ come into the world, and what was His greatest achievement?
  18. What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit on earth, and how can we accept the Holy Spirit?
  19. How do we know that we are indeed the children of God?
  20. How can we develop our relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  21. What are the factors that attract the blessings of God?
  22. How can we be sure that God truly loves us and wants the best for us?
  23. Is it the plan of God for people to be poor?
  24. What are the signs that Jesus is coming again soon, and how can Christians be ready for Him?
  25. Did God destroy the Garden of Eden after he drove out Adam and Eve?
  26. Why did God not stop Adam and Eve from sinning against Him?


Without doubt, God exists. Some numerous signs and indications point to that.

Besides the Bible being a book that contains so many miracles that God performed, God is still performing His wonders through people all over the world.

If you still struggle to believe that He exists, finding the answers to the questions above will change your mindset completely.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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