9 Top Majors For Lazy Students (FAQs)

Majors For Lazy Students

If you are seeking college admission and are not a student who loves to take difficult classes, focusing your education on a major that does not require so much effort is very important.

However, besides the difficulty level of the major, there are several other factors that you must consider when choosing a college major as a lazy student.

While this article will go through the most critical factors, it will also provide in-depth details on the top 9 majors for lazy students.

Nevertheless, read on to the end to find some study tips for college education.

Who is a Lazy Student?

A lazy student typically avoids or postpones academic tasks, doesn’t regularly put in effort to study, and may show a lack of interest or motivation in their schoolwork.

They might often delay assignments, skip classes, or not engage actively in class discussions and activities.

However, it’s important to note that sometimes, what appears as laziness might be due to other underlying challenges or issues the student is facing.

What is a College Major?

A college major is a specific area of study or specialization that a student chooses to focus on during their undergraduate studies.

It determines the core classes they’ll take and often leads to a degree in that subject area.

Examples of college majors include Biology, History, Engineering, Psychology, and many others. Choosing a major can influence future career opportunities and areas of expertise.

Factors To Consider When Selecting A College Major For Lazy Students

Here are the essential factors to consider when choosing a college major as a lazy student:

1. Interest

Make sure that you put your interests into consideration when choosing a major. This will enable you to make a choice that suits what you are excited about.

For instance, if you love cooking, majoring in culinary arts will suit you well. Don’t allow the decision of your friends or family pressure to impact your choice of major.

2. Talents and skills

When choosing a major, you also have to look at the activities you can perform excellently without putting so much work into it.

For instance, if you are talented at playing several instruments and can also read solfa notes at first glance, majoring in music will be perfect for you.

3. Personal learning technique

Your learning technique is another factor that should affect your choice of major.

Find out if you learn best by watching video clips or looking at pictures and if you love reading with music at night or during the day.

This is important because, for instance, if you love reading by watching videos, you may struggle to learn specific majors that involve lots of hand-written calculations.

4. Program requirements

Make sure you find out the program requirements of a major before making a choice.

Go through the syllabus, course content, and other requirements. You can easily access this type of information on the school website.

Having a good knowledge of the program requirements will enable you to decide if you are intellectually and physically ready to handle the demands of the major.

What Are The Top 9 Majors For Lazy Students?

These majors are the best options for lazy students:

1. Music Major

Anyone interested in music will not struggle to excel in a music major. This major allows you to put your talents to use and explore your creative abilities.

Enrolling in a music major will allow you to enjoy direct contact with some of the most prominent personalities in the music world.

However, after graduation, you will succeed more if you complete further education in a specific area.

A music major can enable you to make lots of money even before you graduate from the university.

Some of the jobs available for people who major in music are music producer, sound engineering technician, music director, executive director, and others. Most jobs attract an average income of about $50,000 or more.

2. Creative Writing Major

Creative writing is one of the top majors for lazy students. Enrolling in this major is an intelligent choice if you are a skillful writer with excellent communication skills.

A major in creative writing will empower you with technical skills that will enable you to become a professional writer. The career opportunities that are open to creative writers are enormous.

The demand for creative writers is currently at an all-time high, as their services are needed in almost every sector.

Majoring in creative writing will qualify you for various jobs after graduation, such as senior copywriter, editor, legal assistant, marketing manager, author, etc.

3. Religious Studies Major

Religious studies is another fantastic choice that lazy students should consider when choosing a major. This major is about studying religions and entails numerous research activities.

Completing a degree program in this major will increase your chances of landing several jobs. Some such jobs are charity coordinator, activist, clergyperson, author, community developer, and senior pastor.

4. Sociology Major

A sociology major is all about analyzing human behavior and society.

Throughout the program, you will participate in data collection processes, a series of research that focuses on people, and several other activities that require excellent observation skills.

If you have been looking to understand better why people act the way they do, a sociology major is an excellent choice.

Some jobs you can land after completing this major are project management specialist, executive assistant, management analyst, and others.

5. Major in Humanities

A major in humanities is one of the top majors for lazy students. It is an excellent choice for anyone wanting to acquire a good knowledge of history, religion, literature, music, and many more fields.

Completing this major will increase your chances of landing many jobs. Examples of such jobs are human resource manager, writer, public relations specialist, social worker, etc.

6. History Major

A history major is another excellent addition to this list of top majors for lazy students. This major will sharpen your knowledge of the past.

It does not involve any form of calculations or technical assignments. Enrolling in this major can enable you to land any job: lawyer, curator, historian, director of operations, museum technician, etc.

7. Communication Major

A major in communication will empower you with the knowledge of mass advertisement, technical communication, and several other related areas.

This major is super captivating and does not require any form of calculation.

Completing a communication major will increase your chances of landing any jobs: technical director, editor, marketing director, public relations specialist, etc.

8. Language Major

A language major is a perfect fit for anyone interested in languages. Enrolling in this sign can develop your ability to speak many languages besides your native language.

Some jobs available to people who major in languages are speech pathologists, technical writers, translators, and others.

9. English Major

If you are a lazy student, considering an English major is a great choice. This major will suit you well if you quickly identify the wrong punctuation or grammar in sentences.

Furthermore, an English major will also enable you to acquire a more profound knowledge of English, which is required for several jobs.

Some jobs you can get when you major in English are marketing manager, author, high school teacher, and others.

Study Tips For Any Major

No matter the major that you choose at the university, here are some study tips that will enable you to excel academically:

1. Have your targets

From your first day in school, set targets for yourself on what you want to achieve at the end of the semester or throughout the session.

However, your goals should not only focus on your academics but have extracurricular targets as well.

2. Go to class

Going to class regularly as a student is highly beneficial. Classes are the primary avenues where professors and instructors pass knowledge to students.

They take time during classes to carefully discuss lecture materials and answer students’ questions. Furthermore, classes have special marks that form part of the total score of courses.

So, no matter the circumstances, always ensure you attend classes.

As you read on “top majors for lazy students,” also read:

3. Develop a good relationship with your instructors

Put in so much effort to make friends with your instructors. You can achieve this by visiting their offices regularly or participating actively in their classes.

Besides, being friends with your professor will enable you to enjoy some personal time in their office, even during non-official hours, and you can easily acquire a letter of recommendation from any of them when you need one.

4. Develop relevant skills

You will be given tasks focusing on specific learning aspects throughout your studies.

For instance, if you are majoring in mechanical engineering, your instructors will mainly give you assignments that demand you to construct machines or devices.

When such opportunities arise, ensure you take advantage of them and put in your best efforts.

The skills you will gain from constantly engaging in such projects are also the relevant skills you need to succeed in your career.

5. Find an effective reading strategy

If you hope to succeed in college, find a reading strategy that works for you.

Determine whether reading with background music works best for you or whether you will absorb so much information when studying in a quiet background.

Also, discover if you tend to learn better when you study alone or with others and whether late-night reading works best for you or if afternoon reading is the perfect deal for you.

No matter the reading strategy you adopt, ensure it brings good results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Top Majors For Lazy Students

What is the top easiest major?

The easiest majors to enroll in at any university are creative writing, history, anthropology, health, and liberal arts.

What are the least demanding majors?

The least demanding majors are software engineering, astronomy, and computer science.

What are the most demanding majors?

The most challenging majors to enroll in at college are chemistry, chemical engineering, aerospace engineering, architecture, and computer science.

What degrees can boost your chances of getting a job that pays well?

If you want a well-paying job, computer engineering, chemical engineering, computer science, aerospace engineering, and electrical engineering are the best majors to study.


If you’re applying to universities and are not the type of student who thrives on challenge, selecting a major is a big deal.

Besides the major’s difficulty level, other considerations for the lazy student picking a college major include interest, abilities and skills, personal learning strategies, and program requirements.

This article has provided several majors that lazy students should consider before applying.

However, to succeed in any program, ensure you manage your time well, balance school and extracurricular activities well, and take good care of yourself.  

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