Abbreviation could get funny at times for a word like “Continued” such that there can be more than one way to abbreviate it.
A lot of people say that Cont. is the best abbreviation for it while another number insists that Cont’d is the best way to abbreviate it. In this article, I will explain the two abbreviations and help you select the best.
One thing I want you to understand about abbreviation is that no one is a master of all, there are times that you have to check the dictionary to confirm the pattern of a word before using it.
It doesn’t matter if you have a degree in the English language or so, some words naturally have a way of abbreviating them. Now, let’s look at the “Abbreviation of Continued”.
Continued Abbreviation: (Cont’d or Cont.)
Continued definition: This is the process of non-stop in action or work, without interruption. The root word is got from the Latin word “continuare” meaning “to make continuous”.
The Chicago Manual of Style advised that it’s generally best to write Continued as “Cont.”. The “Cont” is followed by a “.” as an abbreviation. This pattern is best for all academic or professional uses. The Word Center said in an article that the word “Cont.” is a truncation of the full word while Cont’d is a contraction of the full word.
On the other hand, the word “Cont’d” is used in less formal writing where you can be talking to someone you are familiar with or someone you know well.
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Continued Abbreviation: Examples
- Although the child fell during the race, she cont’d to run.
- The letter of increment in salary I got from my boss today is the source of my cont. happiness.
- What more can I say, “Cont. laughter is the key to good health”.
Final tips:
Ontario Training in a blog post on “Continued Abbreviation” indicates that the two abbreviations are correct, and you can use any of them to prove a point depending on a formal or a less formal setting.
More Abbreviations for “Continued” includes:
- CONTD – for people in Medical, Pathology, or the Weather Forecast.
- Cont – for people in Dentistry and some Medical fields.
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