Omage vs. Homage – What’s the Difference?


Most people pronounce “Omage and Homage” words similarly; they seem like homophones, but one exists while the other doesn’t in the English dictionary.

Homage is a recognized English word, while Omage doesn’t exist in the English dictionary.

What Does “Omage” Mean?

This word comes as a mistake when writing “Homage” or “Image.” As stated earlier, it is not an English word, and it has no meaning at all.

What Does “Homage” Mean?

This particular word has various meanings.

  • Showing great honor or respect to someone, mostly the deceased.
  • In the middle times, it was used to show loyalty to a feudal master to honor his rights.
  • To show reverence to someone.

Homage Pronunciation

It is said that homage has a French history and is pronounced oh-MAHZH.

However, this word has been part of the English vocabulary since 1250 and is pronounced HOM-idj or OM-idj.

Now, because the word can be pronounced as OM-idj, some people have decided to start writing Omage, which is not the correct spelling of that particular word.

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Omage vs Homage

How the word came about:

The root of this word is homo, which is a Latin word meaning “man.”

A king’s servant, a man, can ascend to being the kingsman by pledging allegiance to the king during a formal occasion, usually referred to as homage.

This means he has surrendered to the king to reverence and serve him with his life.

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Synonyms for the word Homage

  • Accolade
  • Citation
  • Commendation
  • Dithyramb
  • Encomium
  • Eulogium
  • Tribute
  • Manred
  • Salutation
  • Obeisance
  • Devotion

Omage vs Homage

Examples using the homage:

  • It is good that you pay him homage.
  • I no longer seek his homage, as this is enough disrespect from my kinsman.
  • I know I do not deserve to be paid homage.

Examples using the Omage:

  • I just paid my last omage to him (Incorrect)
  • The omage I sent to you is on WhatsApp. (mistaken for Image)

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