Difference Between CV, Resume, and Biodata (FAQs)

Difference Between CV, Resume, and Biodata

The importance of professional documents like a CV, resume, and biodata cannot be overstated.

Applicants submit these documents as part of the job application process, which increases their chances of being shortlisted and hired.

Thus, in this article, we’ll examine the components of CVs, resumes, and biodata to understand the differences better.

Difference Between CV, Resume, and Biodata:

Understanding the differences between a CV, a resume, and a biodata can help you write each one according to the specific needs of the position you are applying for.

Here are a few ways to tell them apart:

  • A CV is more comprehensive than a resume in terms of information. It is a lengthy document that provides an in-depth account of a candidate’s life and work history.
  • A candidate’s resume is more of an overview of his or her work history.
  • The typical length of a CV is more than two pages. Moreover, one or two-page resumes are acceptable, but the average length of biodata is over two pages.

A CV contains all your skills and certifications and can be tailored to a wider audience. Only current and relevant certifications should be listed on a resume. You can tailor your biodata to suit your needs or use professional cv writers.

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What is a CV?

A curriculum vitae, or a resume, is a comprehensive record of your professional and personal history, detailing everything from your first job to your current position.

It allows you to summarize your education, training, and work experience for the benefit of potential employers.

You may also want to include a brief section on your interests and pastimes. The following are some of the essential components of a CV:

Statement of purpose:

The introduction to your CV is a professional statement or CV objective. Highlighting one’s work history in a three- or four-sentence summary is integral to a well-written CV.

Your title, work history, and a few of your most noteworthy accomplishments and abilities are all included in the executive summary.

Experience in a workplace:

When writing your resume, you must include information about previous jobs and responsibilities and any notable accomplishments.

There are many reasons to include metrics and data in your work accomplishments. You can also include internships and summer jobs if you’re a newbie.


The education section of your resume should include the names and dates of all your degrees.

If you’d like, you can also include your GPA, your academic achievements, and the courses you took at your university.

If you’ve just graduated from college or university and have no relevant work experience, the education section of your CV can come after your objective.


Skills relevant to the job description can be added to a well-written CV.

A good place to start is by looking back over your past experiences, education, jobs, and interests to see what kind of skills you’ve acquired along the way.

The second step is learning about the job’s demands and the skills necessary to succeed.

Volunteer experience, additional education, professional certifications and associations, awards, and languages are good additions to a CV.

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How to write a good Resume:

If you are looking for a new job, networking, or applying for an internal position, resumes are often used to summarize your education, skills, and employment history.

Regarding content, resumes, and CVs are similar, except for the level of detail in the CV. To write a professional resume, here are six things to keep in mind:

1. Decide on a format for your resume:

Resumes come in functional, chronological, and hybrid formats (also called combined resumes).

Most job seekers will benefit from a hybrid resume format, equally emphasizing work experience and skills. A chronological or functional resume may be more appropriate in certain situations.

2. Include your personal data:

This section is very much like a resume. Your personal information includes your name, phone number, email address, and where you live or work.

Double-check your address and other information to make it easier for recruiters to reach you.

3. Create a headline for your resume:

Resume headlines are one-liners that sum up your qualifications as a job seeker.

A well-crafted headline can pique a recruiter’s interest and persuade them to read your resume.

Look at the job description and look for keywords relevant to the position to increase your chances of being shortlisted.

4. Describe your work history in detail:

A resume’s work history section is very similar to a CV’s work history section.

Include details about the job descriptions in reverse chronological order. More so, emphasize the skills relevant to the position you’re applying for in this section.

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5. Include education and certifications:

A resume has a section devoted to educational achievements, just like a CV.

Hiring managers will be confident in your ability to handle a job’s responsibilities, which will open doors to greater success.

You can also take skill-building courses and earn certifications to boost your chances of landing a job.

6. Personalize your resume:

Tailoring your resume to each position and job description you apply for is critical.

It’s common for recruiters to be drawn to resumes that include keywords from the job description and match the job requirements. It also piques their interest in your personal history.

What is a Biodata?

As an acronym for “biographical data,” biodata is an outdated term for a CV or resume.

It includes:

  • Your gender,
  • Religion,
  • Marital status,
  • Hobbies,
  • Postal address

A biodata should include the following elements:

1. The Goal:

In this section, explain why you’re sending the biodata. Determine your long-term professional and personal goals and how this position fits into those goals.

More so, include your qualifications and why you’d be a good fit for the position.

2. Details about one’s life:

A biodata is primarily a list of your name, birth date, gender, address, and email.

You may also want to include information about your interests, special skills, and any other relevant information you believe the employer needs to get to know you better.

Also, you may want to consider putting a photo sticker on top of your biographical information.

3. Experience in a workplace:

Another section of your biodata is your work history or experience at your place of work.

Job titles, dates worked, and other relevant information should be listed chronologically. You can also talk about your day-to-day activities and professional accomplishments.

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4. Knowledge:

Employers look at your skills when they scan your biodata. You can increase your chances of getting a job by listing relevant skills.

One can include other hard and soft skills, such as certifications and familiarity with industry-specific computer software, can be included.

5. Education:

Education, honors, volunteer work, and certifications are all important in this section.

You can write your educational history chronologically a few years into your career.

If you’ve recently earned a bachelor’s or master’s degree, the information in your education section should go beyond your previous employment history.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on The Difference Between CV, Resume, and Biodata

Why do they call a resume a CV?

A curriculum vitae, or CV, is an American academic resume used to apply for teaching, research, and healthcare positions. The term “resume” is synonymous with “CV” in European, Irish, and New Zealand contexts.

What does a CV mean?

Curriculum Vitae

What does the word biodata mean?

Biodata is shorthand for a person’s personal and professional histories. A one- or two-page pamphlet containing detailed biographical information.

Is a CV more important than a resume?

In the United States and Canada, a resume is the standard application. A curriculum vitae (CV) is only used by Americans and Canadians when applying for jobs in other countries or seeking academic or research-based employment. A curriculum vitae (CV) is always used instead of a resume in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and New Zealand.


Understanding the differences between a resume, a curriculum vitae, and a biodata is critical to know what to send if asked.

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