10+ Hobbies For Ex-Athletes (Meaning, FAQs)

Hobbies For Ex-Athletes

As humans, a hobby is essential to our daily lives.

Taking your mind off your normal daily or weekly routine and doing what you enjoy in your spare time is beneficial because it tends to relieve you of the stress associated with the excessive amount of work you have to get done in your profession or occupation.

Ex-athletes need hobbies, too, for a healthy transition.

They need an environment that reminds them to venture into any other activity they enjoy, which will boost their need for relaxation and improve their mental health.

Since everyone has different tastes in hobbies, this article will suggest some hobbies that ex-athletes might want to try to improve their health and help them change their minds about things that aren’t the norm.

Who are Ex-Athletes?

An “ex-athlete” is a former athlete who no longer participates in or is proficient at sports or other physical activities that call for skill, endurance, and strength.

A former athlete understands how to use their speed and strength, whether with their own body weight or another object.

Top Hobbies For Ex-Athletes

1. Coaching

Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal.

Ex-athletes can take up coaching as a hobby.

Those ex-athletes whose hobbies were their professions before retiring and who would still love to continue in their preferred sports could take up coaching younger athletes as their hobby.

Coaching others in the sport, they are passionate about will help the ex-athletes feel good about themselves and boost their esteem.

2. Writing

Writing can be a useful hobby for ex-athletes.

They can use writing to express their general thoughts and ideas about life.

They can create content for sports tips, such as their journey through sports life and how they overcame certain obstacles while working, to help other athletes learn and improve.

Ex-athletes can also share their experiences during their participation in sports.

Moreover, ex-athletes can venture into any genre of literature of their choice: drama, poetry, and prose.

They can also write about things outside the athletic world, expressing themselves on a larger scale.

3. Music

Music comes in different genres: gospel, blues, hip-hop, and so on.

Ex-athletes can find whatever genre they may love and relate to and make a hobby out of it to soothe their mood at a particular moment.

They can pursue singing as a hobby by recording tracks on various labels, rapping, or doing spoken-word poetry.

4. Bowling

Ex-athletes can take up bowling as a recreational activity. This activity, pin or target bowling, involves players rolling a ball toward pins or another target.

It is energizing because it involves the player’s body moving to improve physical and/or mental strength and fitness.

Bowling is one of the least physically demanding activities on the list of hobbies for ex-athletes. While it is debatably not even a sport, bowling is nevertheless an excellent outlet and perfect for ex-athletes who are not into competitive but casual after-work activities. 

5. Working Out

The desire to keep fit can be a hobby for former athletes. Attending the gym and involving themselves in various fitness practices benefits former athletes.

For experienced athletes, this type of bodywork will help them keep up the pace outside athletics.

Every gym has different equipment, such as a training bench, a dumbbell set, a kettlebell set, a pull-up frame and bar, a stationary bicycle, and so on, that make workouts exciting.

6. Hiking

Hiking is also a good hobby for former athletes; it is great because it helps build endurance while providing a scenic view of nature.

This is not a sport, but it is still a physical activity. It’s a cardiovascular workout that requires people to go at their own pace, which can be anywhere from leisurely to strenuous.

Hiking provides an excellent opportunity for exercise, meditation, and reflection.

Hiking will undoubtedly provide former athletes with valuable experience.

7. Photography

Photography is another hobby in which ex-athletes can engage. It involves seeing the entirety of the world through one man’s eyes.

Ex-athletes can learn to take pictures and involve themselves in graphic design.

Photography is less demanding and can easily be done with a digital camera or even a smartphone with a good camera.

Ex-athletes can be creative and express themselves more by taking pictures of the natural world and people, putting smiles on their faces while spreading love.

8. Swimming

Swimming is a sport that is as good a whole-body workout as you can find. It is a peaceful form of exercise.

This hobby can be a great way to keep fit and make friends.

Swimming can help keep the heart rate up and builds endurance, muscle strength, and cardiovascular fitness.

Moreover, swimming will also help ex-athletes maintain a healthy weight and a healthy heart and lungs.

Swimming also helps relieve stress, improves coordination, balance, and posture, makes you more flexible, is a good low-impact therapy for some injuries and conditions (especially for injured former athletes, depending on how bad their injury is), and is a fun way to cool off on a hot day.

However, when doing this, ex-athletes must ensure that the environment they choose to swim in is safe.

9. Cycling

Cycling is a great option for the ex-athlete whose body can no longer engage in running or jumping. It is one of the top hobbies for ex-athletes.

It is a very popular activity. Cycling is the sport of riding and racing bicycles. Cycling can help relieve the stress of walking or running long distances.

It can also increase the flexibility of muscles and strengthen the lower limbs. Cycling is a great way to relax.

10. Cooking

Cooking can be a beautiful way of getting through life after retiring from athletics.

Learning new cooking skills and adopting new cuisines and recipes from YouTube videos could be a good start to becoming a good cook and enjoying the hobby.

Ex-athletes can cook for themselves or share their food with family and friends.

They can experience a great feeling of relaxation while they do this and also eat good food and maintain a healthy diet as they spend quality time with their families.

11. Reading

Reading may not involve any athletic activity but can be a great hobby for former athletes.

This activity is beneficial as it improves concentration and focus and broadens the intellect.

Various materials, such as motivational books, novels, and news (for information on happenings around them), can be read.

Ex-athletes can use the reading time to relax or reconnect with family and loved ones.

Moreover, audiobooks are now available for listening to while going about daily activities, making reading easier for people.

Reading can help ex-athletes become better listeners and more attentive and observant, which makes them better able to make important decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Hobbies For Ex-Athletes

What do I do after working out?

After working out, ensure you drink enough water, eat a healthy snack, and cool off by watching a movie or playing games.

What are some positive habits that can make my life better?

Some positive habits you should engage in that will make you feel better are: don’t skip lunch, create some free time for yourself, and cultivate the habit of good financial management.

How do I adjust to life when I quit athletics?

You can easily adjust to life after sports if you stick to a healthy diet, work out every day, and get enough sleep.

What are some habits that can boost your health?

If you want to improve your health, engage in the following habits: exercise daily, get enough sleep, don’t skip breakfast, and drink enough water.


Athletes should not limit themselves from exploring other options upon retiring or sustaining injuries.

As an ex-athlete, the best thing you can do for yourself is to take up hobbies that may increase your chances of a healthier transition.

Doing what you enjoy will help relax your nerves, muscles, and mental health.

After all, it is so clear that the world becomes a better place when people find and do what they love doing.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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