How To Be Happy In College (Tips, FAQs)

Being happy is vital, especially while you’re in college.

It can make one more efficient, more productive, and even healthier in the long run.

Research that followed college students for several years after they graduated revealed that those students who reported higher levels of happiness during their time in college also reported higher levels of income after graduation.

The challenges that students face in college are numerous.

Pursuing “happiness” often takes a back seat to more pressing concerns, such as finding summer internships, juggling academic and social obligations, and coping with stress.

However, maintaining one’s sense of joy should continue to be one’s priority while attending college.

If you discover that you are unhappy most of the time, it’s possible that you need to take a step back and determine what it is that brings happiness to your life.

How To Be Happy In College

The following is a list of some simple modifications to your college lifestyle that can make you a happier and healthier person:

1. Break bad habits

By the time you reach your college years, you have probably developed some go-to habits that help you cope with difficult times, even though some of these habits might be bad for you.

For instance, some stressed-out college students relieve their symptoms by drinking alcohol.

The short-term benefits of these routines are often outweighed by the longer-term drawbacks, which frequently result in increased levels of discontent.

Instead, you should work on developing good behaviors and breaking those negative ones. Exercise, while you are feeling anxious, can help you feel better.

Talking to a counselor about your feelings of depression can help. When experiencing feelings of loneliness, it is important to seek out positive social interactions.

On many college campuses, you can find programs meant to help you break negative behaviors if you have trouble doing so on your own.

These programs provide a wide range of services, from collegiate recovery to drug-free dorms.

2. Attend Important lessons

It is difficult to say no to the pressure from your parents to enroll in the classes they want you to attend if they are paying for your college education.

If you know, however, that the path they chose for you to take would lead to a lifetime of discontent, it’s important to bring this up with them.

The most important thing is whether or not you are happy with your life, not whether or not you will be able to land a high-paying career in finance right after you graduate college.

3. Be sure to look after yourself and get adequate sleep

According to Natalie Murr, a North Carolina State University psychologist, kids who are not getting enough sleep exhibit many of the same signs as students diagnosed with an attention disorder.

Emotional issues are another factor that might disrupt a student’s ability to concentrate and interfere with their academic performance.

4. Acquiring the necessary skills

If you want to be happy and productive in college, you need the right skills and tips to entertain yourself.

The truth is that your friends won’t always be available to assist you in having fun, which is why you need to learn how to entertain yourself even when they’re not around.

It will be worth it in the end, and you might even find that you love going on these little outings by yourself for a change.

5. Make positive connections

Your level of happiness throughout your time at college will be directly related to the company you keep.

You will be influenced in a wrong way if you consort with other students who continually moan or behave negatively.

On the other hand, if you cultivate healthy relationships that are encouraging and give the impression that you are capable of achieving your goals, your state of mind will improve.

Pick roommates that are active participants in productive activities. Pick friends who won’t put you under undue pressure to participate in risky activities.

Seek out an individual, such as a trained counselor, who can instruct you in methods for effectively managing stress.

This is of the utmost importance.

It is possible that you may be interested in participating in a mentorship program that is meant to pair you with a fellow student who is familiar with the challenges that you are facing.

6. Go out

Staying in your dorm room all day is not a good way to have fun.

Get out of bed, step away from your books, and get over to the party everyone is raving about.

If going out to parties isn’t your thing, give a pal a call and take a trip to one of the nearby cities or towns instead.

It makes little difference what you do if you free yourself from the constraints of an academic mindset and have some fun.

7. Determine when it is appropriate to request help

Anthony Rostain, a doctor and professor at the University of Pennsylvania, says that because stress is so prevalent in college, it can be difficult to discern when it has progressed to the point where it is clinically curable anxiety or depression.

Here is a list of red flags to keep an eye out for:

  • Trouble sleeping.
  • Having difficulty waking up.
  • Challenges with one’s diet.
  • Drinking to the point of passing out or passing out from drinking.
  • Having a large number of sexual partners who are chosen at random.
  • Being unable to pull yourself away from playing video games.

8. Make more time for friends

I realize that I just told you that you need to learn how to be by yourself, but just because I told you that doesn’t mean that you should completely exile yourself.

I used to prioritize maintaining my schedule over spending time with my friends because I believed it would bring me greater relief than simply getting things done.

On the other hand, doing so would result in my experience a high level of dissatisfaction even after I had completed everything.

As a result, I find that I can concentrate much better on my studies when I am in the company of close friends.

Even when you have the most difficult responsibilities in the history of the world, it is comforting to know that you are not alone.

If you are extremely busy, you can still find time for your friends by suggesting that you eat dinner on certain days or by planning trips to the gym together. 

9. Address your issues

If you want to be happy in college, you need to learn to address your issues plainly. Every single college student struggles with something.

Some of them are dealing with failing grades, some are in abusive relationships, while others could be dealing with the divorce between their parents, the death of a loved one, addiction, sexual assaults, learning difficulties, physical disabilities, and so and on.

It is acceptable to have problems so long as they are resolved appropriately.

It is to your advantage to get assistance for your problems. It demonstrates that you are aware of the issues you are facing.

It demonstrates that you care about yourself enough to take action to fix your problems, and it demonstrates that you can triumph over your challenges and experience increased happiness as a result.

10. Stay in

Maintaining command of the going-out situation is essential, so shake things up. Choose a night in at the movies or a fantastic meal at that hip new restaurant instead.

Because of the hectic nature of college life, it is essential to remember to unwind every once in a while.

A healthy equilibrium is essential.

11. Put an end to viewing your friends as rivals

I find it quite upsetting when classmates avoid assisting one another in times of need and instead focus on bringing each other down.

Although there is a possibility that you will go up against one another in the future for the same job or internship, for now, you are working together.

Therefore, rather than expending your efforts to avoid assisting your classmates and becoming a lone wolf, consider forming a study group or group chat for internship links or some other activity.

If you are in serious need of assistance or are seeking connections, your classmates may be able to assist you in either of these areas.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On How To Be Happy In College

What are some fun activities for college students?

As a college student, you can have fun by attending a welcome event, going to the movies, joining a volunteer group, baking meat pies with your close friends, and participating in a game night.

What activities will motivate college students to do well in life?

College students can develop rapidly if they are given responsibility, asked to work in a group, or asked to compete with one another.

What are some secrets to achieving success as a college student?

You can succeed as a college student by investing most of your time in studying, doing practice tests, engaging in a group study, leveraging the academic resources available in the school, building a good relationship with your professors and other instructors, and attending all classes.

What will make you fail in college?

You can fail in college if you procrastinate on your studies, take extracurriculars more seriously than your academics, don’t go to classes, and don’t turn in assignments and other class projects.


You can begin your journey toward happiness in college right now.

Telling another person about your plans to improve your happiness is a good place to start. Conceive new concepts and put them into action.

One must make a conscious decision to pursue happiness and then take constructive steps to back up that decision.

If you prioritize your happiness while you’re in school, you might find that you’re happier after you graduate.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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