What is a Gratitude List? (Tips, How-to, Benefits, FAQs)

Gratitude is a state of thankfulness. It is a feeling that we should all sustain throughout our lives.

On the other hand, a gratitude list is a list of the fantastic things in our lives that we cherish.

It is an excellent way to concentrate on the good things in our lives, particularly in times when no one can even predict what comes next in life.

This article will not just dwell on gratitude lists alone but will provide a comprehensive guide to gratitude.

I encourage you to read it from beginning to end.

What Can You Use Gratitude Lists For?

You can use gratitude lists to assess some of the things you should be most thankful for in your life. Keeping a gratitude list will help to ease stress and lift your mood tremendously.

Tips For Creating A Gratitude List

You can create a gratitude list effectively by applying the tips below:

1. Keep things basic

Gratitude lists can be handy if you stick to the basics. It is your list, so there is no need to include anything that did not happen.

From your accomplishments to those that you have in your life, you can have numerous reasons to be thankful.

Make sure to add everything you are thankful for to your gratitude list when creating one.

2. Do it consistently

Do not make a gratitude list today and skip doing it tomorrow; instead, always ensure that it is part of your daily activities.

Take a piece of paper and a pen or a phone at the end of the day and take note of some of the things that happened to you over the day that you are grateful for.

The things you add to the list can serve as a cue from which you can draw happiness, even when you are sad.

3. Don’t add what you don’t have

A gratitude list is a personal list that concentrates on only the things that have happened to you.

Adding something that did not happen to you there is completely wrong, and you will just be deceiving yourself.

4. Own the list

If you visit the internet, especially some social media platforms, you will find some very creative ideas for gratitude lists made by people.

While it’s not required that you follow suit, it is recommended that you set up your list in a way that makes you pleased every time you use it.

How to Teach Students to have a Gratitude list

Maintaining a lifestyle of thankfulness is something that can make the world a better place.

Most people resist the urge to be kind because people they helped in the past did not show gratitude for what they did.

So, as a teacher in an elementary school or a parent, it is important that you teach students how to show gratitude so they can inculcate that lifestyle from an early age.

Here are some of the ways to teach children gratitude:

1. Inform them about the words of gratitude

Words related to gratitude include appreciation, thankfulness, and gratitude.

Teaching students the significance of these words and how to use them from an early age will instill in them a sense of gratitude for everything good that comes their way.

2. Keep a regular gratitude journal

Studies have sufficiently proved that pondering the reasons why one should be thankful can massively enhance one’s happiness and mood.

We are often so preoccupied with our lives that we forget the good things that happen to us throughout the day.

However, encouraging students to keep gratitude journals and making sure that they update them every day will raise their awareness of the times when good things happened to them.

This will prevent them from having any reason to be down when things don’t go their way.

3. Send gratitude letters

Ask students to list people around them or in their community for whom they are grateful as a result of what that person did for them.

Once they do, ask them to write and send the person, or people, as the case may be, a gratitude note expressing their thankfulness for what the person did for them.

Although they don’t need to come up with a list of people to send gratitude letters to every day, they can create one every week.

Sending gratitude letters is one of the best ways students can learn about gratitude.

4. Maintain a heart of gratitude

It is not bad to talk about issues that displease us.

However, where we can be thrown into a serious challenge is when we allow these issues to affect us negatively and take away our peace.

So, you can teach students about gratitude by ensuring they maintain a heart of gratitude.

Make a list of the students’ grievances in their lives and explain to them how they can turn these complaints into something they can be grateful for.

5. Make them read books on Gratitude

Several books on gratitude are specially made for students.

Most of these books come with amazing illustrations and powerful storylines that will transform any kid.

So, as a teacher of a class, you can teach students gratitude by introducing them to this book as one of their study guides for the term or semester.

These books can allow them to reflect on thoughts that border on gratitude and make their attitude of gratitude stick.

6. Show them videos about gratitude

There are lots of clips on the internet that talk about gratitude. YouTube alone has millions of such videos.

Go online and look for those appropriate for the level of students you are teaching, and make sure they understand the message the video is conveying.

You can even ask them to share their thoughts on the video and make their contributions.

7. Make a gratitude collage

You can teach students about gratitude by encouraging them to make a gratitude collage.

These are magazine cuttings, pictures, and other materials that stand for the things, people, and locations that they are most grateful for.

8. Take a gratitude nature walk

Students can learn about gratitude by encouraging them to take gratitude nature walks consistently.

Demand that they go outside and take note of the beautiful things around them that they never cared to focus on.

This activity can impact their minds positively and empower them with the ability to think about gratitude using all they have got.

Taking gratitude nature walks is one of the most effective ways to teach students about gratitude.

Examples And Importance Of Gratitude In Life

Here are some examples of gratitude:

  • Appreciating whoever prepares a meal for you.
  • Thanking the cleaner of the house.
  • Commending your junior at work for making your job easy for you.
  • Thanking people that turn up for your party.
  • Appreciating your teachers for their assistance and guidance.

Why Gratitude List is Important

Here are the reasons why gratitude is important:

1. Patience

Being grateful increases our capacity for patience.

Learning to be thankful for the fantastic things you’ve enjoyed in life and the handful of wonderful things that surround you can provide motivation to slowly navigate your way out of a difficult circumstance, regardless of how awful everything has turned out suddenly.

2. A sense of contentment and joy

It’s been shown that practicing gratitude increases happiness.

Gratitude helps people stop dwelling on their shortcomings and start appreciating the many blessings in their lives.

It is impossible to be equally ungrateful and happy at the same time because focusing on the positive aspects of one’s existence inevitably leads to a more joyful outlook.

Gratefulness also helps you forget the past and prepare for the future.

3. Judging something more highly

Being grateful increases our appreciation for a given thing. This improves its worth and expands our options for using it.

Moreover, being grateful encourages us to take part in several activities.

Seeing the positive results of our efforts will increase the satisfaction we derive from life.

4. Protects against ill feelings

Feelings of envy, avarice, and hatred can create a depressing mood. These negative emotions can be avoided, though, by practicing gratitude.

This is because gratitude and jealousy are incompatible feelings that contradict one another.

So, if you’re having trouble overcoming bitterness, try focusing on the many good things in your life instead.

5. Prevents stress

The stress-reducing effects of gratitude are well-documented.

Even though awful situations occur to us all the time, thankfulness has been shown to help us see them in a new light, which in turn reduces the tension, anxiety, and depression that can result from dwelling on the negative.

6. Increase one’s self-esteem

Gratefulness boosts self-worth.

This is because gratitude allows one to appreciate themselves for the heights they have reached.

Moreover, you can begin to appreciate yourself more once you start thinking about how other people have added value to your life because they spotted something unique in you.

Gratitude Projects List for Students

It is an excellent choice for expressing gratitude to anyone we are grateful. This is one of the things that makes people kinder and more willing to help others.

Giving gratitude to those to whom it is due can improve our lives by making us feel mentally sound.

As a student, here are some gratitude project ideas that will transform you and make you a better person:

1. Gratitude journal

Keeping a gratitude journal is one of the best ways to show gratitude.

Journaling allows you to reflect on your life and identify the things you are grateful for.

By keeping a gratitude journal, you can pay attention to the beautiful things that have happened to you over a specific period.

While updating a gratitude journal every day will make it highly effective, updating it just once a week can still allow you to reap its benefits effectively.

Moreover, a gratitude journal has been proven to impact how well you can sleep, reduce your risk of getting sick, and make you happier.

2. Gratitude jar

A gratitude jar is another excellent gratitude project that is good for kids.

All you need is a jar, ribbon, stickers, glitter, and other decorative materials, and you can make a stunning jar out of it.

When creating the jar, you have the liberty to decorate it in whatever way you desire, although it is always best to keep things simple.

Then you can actually put the jar to use by putting in at least three slips that contain details of what you are most thankful for that happened during the course of the day.

After a while, you will have a jar full of things you are most grateful for.

This jar can then be handy when going through a difficult time.

You can pick out some of the slips to remind yourself of the good things that have come your way, which can even serve as motivation to help you overcome the challenges that you are facing.

3. Gratitude Rock

A gratitude rock is another excellent project highly recommended for students.

Although it is one activity that most people always neglect because of how meaningless it seems from afar, a gratitude rock remains an excellent activity that can help remind you of the good things that have come your way.

To launch the gratitude rock project, you have to, first of all, find a rock that you find attractive.

Take the rock with you wherever you go and when performing any task.

At the end of your day, think of something good that has already happened to you that you can be thankful for and that makes you happy.

Moreover, the gratitude rock project will only work effectively if practiced daily.

It will help you remember what you are grateful for and will encourage you to live a grateful lifestyle.

4. Gratitude Tree

A gratitude tree is another gratitude project that is recommended for students.

Several double-colored sheets of paper, ribbon, twigs, scissors, a vase, and marbles are required to complete this project.

To create a gratitude tree, make one or several leaf cutouts, which can serve as a template for your leaves.

Afterward, cut out the leaves, craft a hole at the top of each leaf, and coil your ribbon through every hole.

Empty the stones into the vase and stand the tree branch in the middle.

You can then inscribe some of the good things you are grateful for on the tree leaves.

Also, you can attach pictures that remind you of such moments or those people if you desire.

5. Gratitude box

The gratitude garden is a project that students can develop to show gratitude.

As a student, you can use this box to describe how you truly feel about people that you care about and how thankful you are to have them in your life.

To execute this project, you need a box, paper, and a pen or pencil to write down the gratitude messages.

Once you collect the materials, pen an earnest letter of thanks to the people you cherish.

However, you don’t need to write much when creating this piece.

Instead, you can focus on the major things that you are grateful to them for.

Moreover, you can gather letters of gratitude from several people regarding your family member or friend, put all of them in the same box, and deliver them as a package to them.

6. Gratitude prompts

Gratitude prompts are a fantastic idea for a gratitude project.

The gratitude prompts are easy to do, and all that is required from you is to complete the missing spaces.

When doing gratitude prompts, you are expected to point out three things in every segment you are grateful for.

There are lots of samples of gratitude prompts available on the internet.

Make sure you take advantage of them to develop your grateful habit.

7. Gratitude reflection

You can also learn to be more grateful if you take the time to reflect on the good things in your life.

To engage in this activity, make sure you relax in good posture, inhale deeply, and shift your focus to the good things surrounding you.

Reflect on the people around you that you share a deep bond, and also think of those that have affected your life positively.

Still in the same position, think of the privileges that you enjoy in life that others have not been opportune to enjoy, which can make you more grateful.

8. Gratitude letter/visit

A gratitude letter and visit is one of the most effective gratitude activities.

Pick up a pen and paper and craft a letter to someone you are thankful to have in your life.

Ensure that the letter is comprehensive enough to openly explain all the amazing characteristics the person possesses that have impacted you positively.

After writing a letter of such magnitude, you can show up at the person’s house to surprise them with it.

This can turn out to be one of the best things that you can ever do for someone to whom you are grateful.

It can also help to boost your level of thankfulness and give you a sense of satisfaction.

Moreover, this activity is an excellent choice for you if you suffer from any form of depression.

The positive emotions emanating from the receiver alone can mean a lot to you and give you something to fall back on.

Furthermore, to amazingly craft this type of letter, don’t be too careful with vocabulary but allow the words to flow.

Also, write as though you are directly talking to the person.

Additionally, if you show up at the person’s house to deliver the letter, make sure that you read the letter there in the presence of the person and also wait to hear their response before you leave the letter with him or her and take your leave.

Ways To Practice Gratitude

Here are some of the most amazing ways to practice gratitude:

1. Teach someone something you know

One of the best ways to be grateful for the fact that you went to school is by teaching someone else what you know.

Although sharing your knowledge in exchange for money is good, doing it without collecting money is even better.

Moreover, teaching someone about something you know will boost your self-worth and make you happy.

2. Be generous

You cannot claim to be both grateful and frugal at the same time. However, you can show gratitude by being generous to others.

Make sure that you take time out to do things for people who will not be able to repay you for them.

If possible, volunteer for an NGO that is committed to achieving the objectives that interest you.

3. Listen to what people have to say

Being a good listener is a great way to express appreciation to others.

Giving someone your whole attention, no matter how out-of-the-ordinary their experience may be, is a certain way to demonstrate your concern for them and demonstrate that you’re willing to offer your advice, should they ask for it.

4. Recognize and praise others

Praising individuals is another way to show appreciation.

Complimenting someone isn’t limited to when they’re dressed nicely; it may also be given when they’ve done something particularly well.

Another option is to tell someone they look lovely or have a nice grin. Developing this practice will improve your character and self-esteem.

5. Make direct eye contact

Making visual contact and conveying interest in what another person is saying is a crucial skill in any interaction.

Disrespectful behavior, such as avoiding eye contact or tapping on a device, makes the other person feel awful about themselves and prevents you from receiving the message they are trying to convey.

6. Embrace one another in warm embraces

Hugging the individuals who mean the most to you is a great way to express your affection for them.

Hugs are a great way to show someone how much you appreciate and love them.

7. Show up in person

Being there for other people, especially when they need you most, is a great way to demonstrate your appreciation for them.

You don’t have to do much to show your concern and support for them when they’re there; just being there will do the trick.

In addition, whenever you show up in person to give solidarity, you should avoid all forms of distraction.

8. Congratulate the winners and send in your messages

Congratulating a friend or loved one who has reached a major personal or professional landmark is the finest way to show your support and enthusiasm for them.

This will show that you are pleased for them and hopeful for their future success.

9. Display the presents you’ve been given

Be sure to flaunt whatever presents you’ve been given, especially if the giver is in the vicinity. This will show the sender how much you valued their effort and loved the goods they gave you.

Displaying the presents you receive can result in more presents being given to you.

10. Send notes of support

Letters of encouragement, carefully penned with a pen and paper, are an excellent way to express your support to loved ones who are enduring a challenging time.

That you went to the trouble of doing something special for them demonstrates that you value them and their time.

11. Select modest presents that show you care

Not all gifts have to cost a lot of money.

If you want to show your appreciation and let your loved ones know they are in your heart, giving them a modest gift is a much more effective way to do so than writing them a letter.

12. Leave a good tip

You should always leave a generous tip for a waiter who goes above and beyond your service expectations.

Most of them work jobs that barely pay them enough to support their families; a small token of appreciation can go a long way toward helping them out financially and showing them that their efforts are appreciated.

13. Make plans for a group meal with your pals.

Gather your pals for a special supper, and invite them all over at once.

Not only can you show your appreciation for their help, but it can also bring together people in your social circle who might not otherwise have crossed paths.

14. Apologize

Do not hold grudges against the people you love and value, even if your anger is justified.

Do whatever it takes to settle things, no matter how inconvenient.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Gratitude List

What are some of the things that you can be thankful for?

You can be grateful for your family, loved ones, good health, having a place to sleep comfortably, going to school, your pets, and many more.

How can I make a gratitude list?

You can make a gratitude list by writing down five specific things you are grateful for in detail. Moreover, when doing this, make sure that you pay attention to experiences over people and objects, write freely and don’t worry about grammar, place priority on creating your list based on the routine that you set aside, and if possible, you can turn to gratitude software to make things easier for you.

What are the best gratitude apps?

The best gratitude apps are Gratitude, Live Happy, 365 Gratitude, Day One Journal, and Presently.

Why is keeping a gratitude list a great idea?

A gratitude list pushes us to focus on the fantastic things we might have taken for granted.


This article has done well to provide everything we need to know about gratitude that will help us live better lives.

It does not matter whether you are a child or an adult; apply the section that concerns you to enjoy the benefits of maintaining a gratitude heart. 

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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