How to check WAEC results using a Phone (Easy Steps) | 2022

How to check WAEC results using a Phone

How to check WAEC results using a Phone: It is now very easy to look up your WAEC grades online using your cellphone.

From the comfort of your home or office, you can obtain your WAEC result with no hassle. Meanwhile, you must satisfy some requirements before you can check your WAEC result online with your phone. 

There are two ways to check WAEC results using a phone; the two methods are highly effective and are relatively cheap.

However, this article will not mean much to you if you are still a candidate. Thus, in this article, we will provide information on how to check WAEC results using a phone and discuss some helpful tips for passing WAEC with excellent grades.

Read on and enjoy.

Tips for passing WAEC in flying colors:

WAEC, known as the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), is a genre of standardized test in West Africa. All successful candidates are awarded a certificate as proof of their completion of secondary school.

The West African Examinations Council is in charge of overseeing this exam, and in Nigeria, senior high school students must pass the WAEC or NECO examinations before they can gain admission into a university or polytechnic.

Excelling in WAEC is possible through hard work and commitment. Also, it requires dedication and intensive studies. Moreover, to increase your chances of passing the WAEC exams, apply the following tips;

Understand The WAEC Exam Structure:

When preparing for the exam, learn the exam’s structure and the ways to attempt questions. Learn the exam’s number and subject combination and register accordingly.

If you are majoring in science, art, or business, you must have a proficiency in the English language. And if you are a science student, be ready for practical examinations.

Leverage the power of the WAEC Syllabus:

This is the key to getting multiple A grades on the SSCE exam. All you need to learn is captured in the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) syllabus.

Do not fail the syllabus as a guide to help you study for the exam because the only way to fail is to study outside of the syllabus. Moreover, ensure you read about the topics on the syllabus before the exams.

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Set up a schedule for your study:

Generating a study schedule that works best for you is essential to your exam success. Pick the topics that you wish to study daily and engage them aggressively.

However, ensure that your daily study schedule must not include the countless topics that you are unable to read. Also, establish a specific study goal that you can accomplish daily.

Moreover, read at a comfortable rate for you, and do not worry about your friend because they read six topics a day because the one goal is to pass your exams with excellent grades and not compete with friends.

Study your SSCE notebooks:

Your SSCE notes are also critical to passing your WAEC exam because WAEC expects you to remember everything you have been taught since SSS 1 class onward.

Thus, leverage your senior class notebooks for study because your notes will help you comprehend what you are learning. Moreover, look at your old notebooks if you struggle to comprehend a subject. It will make your life a lot easier.

Educate yourself by reading and studying:

Studying and reading are the only techniques to get an excellent grade on your exam, and there is no arguing with the facts.

In WAEC, it is not enough to only read your notes and textbooks; you ought to comprehend the message to know the syllabus’s subject matter.

Also, avoid laziness at all costs because when you remain lazy, you are more likely to avoid controversial subjects which will generate issues for you on the exam day.

Take a look at previous WAEC exam questions and answers:

Getting ready for the WAEC exam by reviewing previous questions and answers is ideal for doing well on test day.

Engage in a practice tests book that contains the correct answers to previous questions because as you answer these questions, you become more aware of the expectations of the WAEC exam.

You can even learn how to answer essay questions by studying the theory section of previous questions. Nevertheless, make sure you do not commit the popular blunder of memorizing the answers from the previous exam. 

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Join a study group:

Engaging in the synergies of group study will help you develop your knowledge ahead of the exam. Group study helps you read the coursework and study preliminary questions.

Also, a group study will assist you in staying on track with your exam preparations, and even if you feel like being lazy, other members will motivate you to study.

However, when choosing a group, search for one with students serious about passing the WAEC exam.

Sign up for a WAEC Tutorials class:

WAEC tutorials might help to clarify challenging concepts. Topics are discussed in basic terms at the tutorial centers. Unlike school, tutorials classes offer you an opportunity to request additional clarification.

However, when picking a tutorial class, avoid the ones where students attend to showcase their most up-to-date attire and mobile devices because they are a barrier to your performance in the exam.

Attending a school-sponsored tutorial program would be a good bet for you.

Before we look at how to check WAEC results using a Phone, let’s check out the requirements.

Requirements for checking WAEC results using a phone

To check WAEC results online, the following requirements must be satisfied;

  • WAEC examination number
  • Scratch card pin
  • Examination serial number
  • Examination year
  • Type of examination

Methods for checking WAEC results using a phone

There are two different methods of checking WAEC results using a phone, and they include;

  • Check WAEC result via SMS text message
  • Check WAEC results online

How to check WAEC results via SMS text message

You can obtain your WAEC grades via SMS for only 30 naira in this method. You can achieve this by taking the following steps;

  • Launch your phone’s text messaging app.
  • Click on Send New Message icon.
  • Input WAEC*ExamNumber*PIN*ExamYear 
  • Click on the Send Message icon.
  • Your WAEC results will be sent to you through SMS.

How to check WAEC results online

The easiest way to find out your WAEC results is to get them online. You will not have to pay for it, and it’s quicker and more efficient than the SMS method.

To verify your WAEC results online, follow these steps:

  • Launch Google Chrome on your mobile device.
  • Visit the official WAEC result checker website.
  • Key in a valid WAEC examination number.
  • From the drop-down menu, select the year of your examination.
  • Pick your examination type from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter the pin from your scratch card.
  • Input your serial number for the examination.  
  • To see your WAEC score, click the submit button.


How to check WAEC results using a Phone: Checking your WAEC result with your phone is easy and simple now since the SMS text message and online result check systems are developed.

Although most people may prefer the online method due to its enhanced dependability, both methods are still highly recommended for WAEC candidates eager to see their results.

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