IDEA Homeschool (Why Enroll, How-to, Curriculum)

IDEA Homeschool

IDEA Homeschool which stands for Interior Distance Education of Alaska is the largest and longest-running Alaska homeschooling program.

The IDEA program’s objective is to give resources and assistance to parents who choose to educate their children at home; to establish a partnership with families that recognizes the work and dedication of homeschooling parents.

Galena City School District, located in a small community on the Yukon River, is nationally recognized for educational innovation. In addition to IDEA, the district contains two other schools.

Local youngsters are educated at the Galena City School, which consists of an elementary school and a high school.

Galena Interior Learning Academy is a residential school for high school students that combines the best educational approaches with a strong emphasis on vocational skills instruction.

Why Enroll With IDEA?

IDEA thinks that you are the best judge of your child. They are here to assist you with educational matters, but you know your child better than they do. They collaborate with you to make the greatest educational choices for your child.

They collaborate with over 300 companies that provide homeschoolers with curriculum materials.

More so, they provide as much assistance and support as you require in determining which resources to order and which teaching methods to employ, but IDEA education is completely tailored for each and every kid.

Tips for new homeschoolers at IDEA Homeschool

Begin with simpler activities and exercise patience:

Early in this new capacity, focus on language arts and arithmetic. There are many free audiobooks and resources here.

Use conversation and questions to explore themes while you practice skills. The idea is to have fun and learn new things.

Schedule your own time:

A day divided into chunks with active breaks may be beneficial for learning. Don’t forget that your kids are in school for several hours each day for non-academic reasons.

Beyond basic subjects, younger children enjoy elective lessons, lunch and PE. To find out what works best for your kids, check out several learning regimens.

Allow time for enjoyment:

Have fun, get to know each other, and learn new things. Consider this a chance to strengthen family bonds. Cook new foods together, make arts and crafts and have fun.

Play games (Monopoly, Scrabble, and many more) and watch documentaries and other interesting videos. Today’s free online resources abound. Allow your kids to explore new interests.

Read more: Homeschooling vs. Traditional Schooling

How much does IDEA homeschool cost?

In Alaska, homeschoolers have access to a special fund for their child’s educational expenses.

Alaska homeschool families may use this stipend to purchase school supplies or maybe be reimbursed if they have already made educational purchases.

The sum is decided by grade level: $2,100 for students in kindergarten through third grade, $2,300 for students in fourth through eighth grades, and $2,500 for high school students.

Advantages of IDEA Homeschool:

Homeschooling Experiences:

IDEA’s faculty has more combined experience with homeschooling than any other homeschool program.

Who better to collaborate with than like-minded individuals whose sole objective is to make your homeschool the best it can possibly be?

Tech Support:

Technology is critical, and IDEA is the only homeschool program in Alaska that staffs each of their offices with a full-time computer technician.

There is no need to dial a number halfway around the world in order to obtain assistance with your computer; IT support is readily available.

Monetary Allotment:

An allotment is a money set aside for the educational needs of your child. For classes K-3, you will earn $2,100; for grades 4-8, you will receive $2,300; and for grades 9-12, you will receive $2,500.

Purchase curriculum, technology, activities, or services such as classes or private tutoring with finances. With their rapid ordering system, there are no out-of-pocket costs and items are delivered directly to your door.

Parent Support:

They are the only program built from the ground up by homeschoolers for homeschoolers. No other aspect of IDEA speaks louder than the fact that homeschoolers have a say in every component.

Their statewide leader and five regional Field Reps have a combined 100+ years of homeschooling expertise.

They believe in strong parent communication, active Parent Advisory Committees, and constant feedback to meet changing family requirements.

Read more: SAT Cheats (SAT Meaning, Common cheats, Major Cheats, Measures)

Curriculum at IDEA Homeschool:

The IDEA Curriculum Fair is Alaska’s largest homeschool event, where attendees may learn about homeschool products from dozens of homeschool curriculum providers and participate in a range of workshops.

Listed below are just a handful of the numerous components of our 2022 Fair that you may anticipate:

  • In-person and virtual learning workshops
  • Exclusive Fair-only specials
  • Advance curriculum ordering for the 22-23 school year

School Website:

Visit the IDEA Homeschool website here


In Alaska, homeschoolers have access to a special fund for their child’s educational expenses.

Alaska homeschool families may use this payment to purchase school supplies or maybe be reimbursed if they have already made educational purchases.

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