Secret Of Letter of Intent to Homeschool (Sample, FAQs)

The Secret Of Letter of Intent to Homeschool

Most moms who want to homeschool their children go into the puzzle of how to write a letter of intent to homeschool. Sometimes the letter wrongly written can lead to denial of homeschooling your child.

Flashback: I’ve written an article on the Pros and Cons of Homeschooling, and I know you will like to check it out; once you have done that, you can continue reading.

Explaining “Letter of Intent to Homeschool,” a letter a parent writes (that does not require a witness) to show that he/she intends to homeschool his/her child.

For the parents in Washington, the letter is for children between the ages of 8-18 yrs, telling their school that all education of the child is now in the hands of the parents.

Colorado also requires interested people to file a letter of Intent to a school district to know what precisely the parent wants and what they have in mind to homeschool their child.

You get the form for the letter of intent to homeschool from the contact of the superintendent of the school district where you reside.

Also, check out the state you reside in to find out how the letter of intent to homeschool is written and the necessary things to add to the letter.

Who receives the letter?

The letter is sent to the superintendent of the school district in which you reside.

For Instance, if you live in Colorado, you submit to the school district’s superintendent in Colorado. Also, it is available on the district website if you are wondering how to find your state’s district.

Details needed on Letter of Intent to Homeschool:

As a parent intending to homeschool your child, these are the required details to include in the letter:

  • Basic Details – Name, Address, Date of Birth(to know the exact age of the child)
  • Grade in School – The current grade of the child and the next grade to be entered
  • Homeschool Info: Length of Homeschool and the Homeschool teacher

Sample of Letter of Intent to Homeschool:

It requires that you go straight to the point and not worry about the curriculum that will be used for your child.

Here is a sample letter:

Name of Parents,
Parents Address,
The day’s Date.

Dear Dr. A,

I will be homeschooling my child(ren), Name(s), and Age(s) for the 2022-2023 school year. We will homeschool at the address listed above for 4 hours a day for 172 days this year.

My child is (Age) with Birthday (date) and will be entering (next grade), so the homeschool will start on (time).

Thank You.
Name of Parent.

Sample letter of Withdrawal from School for Colorado
Sample letter of Withdrawal from School for Colorado

States that require a letter of Intent to Homeschool:

Not every state requires that you write a letter to the superintendent of the school district you reside in homeschool. These are the states that require a letter:

  • Arizona
  • Arkansans
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  •  Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine

More states that require a Letter of Intent to Homeschool:

  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oregan
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  •  Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin

These states need a Letter of intent to homeschool a child. This list could be updated in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Secret Of Letter of Intent to Homeschool

Do you need a letter of intent to homeschool in Texas?

You can pull your kids out of public school in Texas without filling out any paperwork. Our “Letter of Assurance and Intent to Homeschool” can be used to get your kids out of public school.

What are the rules for homeschooling in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, parents must register an intent form with the DPI and complete two primary requirements each year to homeschool. Annually teach 875 hours. Build on existing knowledge via sequential instruction.

How do I file an intent to homeschool in Tennessee?

The parent must submit an Intent to Homeschool form and a high school certificate or GED. At the end of the school year, student attendance (at least 4 hours per day, 180 days) must be reported.

Final Tips:

The final tips on writing a letter of intent to homeschool are to keep a copy of your letter with you in case of proof and then send the second copy to the superintendent of the school district in your area.

Awesome one; I hope this answers your question.

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Disclaimer: The list can be updated regularly. This information on this website results from research and could change in the future.

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