Is Advertising A Good Major? (Reasons, Jobs, FAQs)

Yes, advertising is a good major. Several colleges, as well as universities, offer this degree for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Studying advertising lets you learn how businesses are run and the basic principles for executing a successful marketing plan.

If you are still undecided about majoring in advertising, this article will clear all your doubts.

It discusses why advertising is a good major and some of the best jobs you can get with an advertising degree.

What is Advertising?

Advertising is a form of marketing that helps you get your products and services in front of people interested in purchasing.

Expanding your customer base is one of the many benefits of running an efficient advertising strategy.

Advertising is a form of promotion in which a business or organization pays to get its message seen by a target audience.

Advertising’s ultimate purpose is to get the attention of potential customers who are most likely to make a purchase after seeing an ad for a given product or service.

Is Advertising A Good Major?

Yes, it is. Those looking for a degree interested in a highly competitive industry but would like a less challenging major can consider enrolling in an advertising program.

Someone with aspirations for a career in a specialized marketing area might consider majoring in advertising.

As advertising requires analytical and imaginative skills, a double degree in business and journalism or English would be a good fit for someone hoping to enter the field.

The fields of psychology, broadcasting, photography, and graphic design are just a few more that could be helpful for those interested in a career in advertising.

Career opportunities abound in the advertising industry, including but not limited to: copywriting; public relations; marketing; social media marketing; editorials; and filmmaking.

Working in advertising calls for a mind that can quickly think on its feet and develop clever, original solutions.

Top Reasons To Major In Advertising

Here are the most compelling benefits of majoring in advertising:

1. Acquire valuable skills

Majoring in advertising will enable you to acquire valuable skills in many industries. You will develop good oral and written communication, data interpretation, and interpersonal skills.

With these skills, you can switch careers whenever you desire and seamlessly settle into your new career.

2. Access to a wide variety of career opportunities

There is a demand for the services of people with good advertising knowledge in every industry.

So, majoring in this field will enable you to find a job immediately after you are done with school and begin your career early.

3. Boost communication skills

An advertising degree consists of several courses that aim to develop communication skills.

So, majoring in this field will boost your ability to become an effective communicator, enabling you to excel in any professional position in which you find yourself.

4. Enables you to understand people

Sociology and psychology courses are some of the courses that you will take during an advertising degree program.

These classes will enable you to understand why people act as they do, which is an ability that is very useful for jobs that involve people management.

More so, you can acquire an understanding of factors that can stimulate someone to patronize a certain product or promote a company.

This knowledge can also enable you to run successful advertisement campaigns.

5. Enables you to interpret data

Majoring in advertising will empower you with data analysis skills, which are valuable not just in the marketing industry but in many other work environments.

15 Jobs For People That Major In Advertising

Here are some of the job opportunities available to people who major in advertising:

1. Marketing Analyst

Marketing analysts analyze details concerning an advertisement campaign to pinpoint prospective business clients.

These professionals achieve this by using several data models to run evaluations and make predictions.

From the information they obtain throughout the process, marketing analysts advise companies on the product they should focus more on selling and the nature of marketing campaigns that will suit their products.

It is a job that attracts an income of about $60,000 annually.

2. Event Planner

Event planners make arrangements for events and hire independent contractors that will play a key role in the success of events.

They are in charge of ensuring that the brand of companies stands out when they organize business events.

Event planners ensure that everything needed to make events successful is available and put into use even before the event commences. Event planners make about $40,000 every year.

3. Marketing Representative

Marketing representative is one of the jobs available for people majoring in advertising.

These individuals create awareness about the products and services of companies and draw their interest in patronizing them.

They play a key role in both small-scale and big-scale advertisement campaigns they work for by contributing effective marketing strategies that will enable their companies to achieve desired marketing results.

Marketing representatives also assess data and other pointers to improve prospective marketing plans. Marketing representatives earn about $45,000 every year.

4. Account Executive

The account executive is one of the best-paying jobs anyone can get with an advertising degree.

They consult potential customers to market the products and services of companies to them and try to convince them to patronize the companies.

However, these individuals also work with companies to devise new plans for upcoming promotional campaigns and find possible areas where improvements can be made on the present ones.

Account executives receive an annual pay of about $64,000 every year.

5. Graphics Designer

Graphics designers play a key role in the success of any company. These individuals develop visual media for companies for publicity of events, promotional efforts, and several other purposes.

Graphic designers develop content for social media, billboards, posters, and lots more that are attractive to the target market and those that will arouse interest in the products and services of companies.

They earn about $50,000 every year in salaries.

6. Advertising Sales Representative

Advertising sales representatives market advertising vacancies in newspapers, journals, websites, and other media outlets.

They are responsible for locating prospective clients and ensuring that other companies or individuals pay for the advertisement vacancies.

Advertising sales representatives, in some instances, assist customers in running their advertisement plans. They earn about $54,000 in salaries every year.

7. Marketing Manager

Marketing managers are high-ranking professionals who make marketing decisions for whichever companies they work for.

These individuals are in charge of companies’ marketing departments and authorize marketing team members’ marketing ideas for effective execution.

Marketing managers supervise advertising campaigns and pinpoint areas that require instant upgrading. These professionals earn about $63,000 every year.

8. Social Media Manager

Social media managers operate and manage the social media accounts of companies. They post content consistently to attract new customers and excite old clients.

Social media managers also interact with users to respond to their inquiries.

If it is on matters outside their jurisdiction, they connect prospective clients to the company staff that will attend to them effectively.

They develop content for their companies, and this job attracts an average salary of about $47.000 every year.

9. Copywriter

Copywriters are individuals that craft attractive written content for companies. They develop written pieces that companies can use for advertisement, internal documents, etc.

Copywriters ensure that the content meets the target word count and other specifications. These individuals earn about $52,000 every year.

10. Web Designers

Webs designers supervise the building of the websites of companies. They decide on the best code to use for such operations and coordinate the activities of a web design team.

Furthermore, web designers ensure that the websites of the companies that employ them are attractive to visitors and contain user-friendly features.

These professionals earn about $48,000 every year in salaries.

11. Public Relations Manager

Public relations managers manage the public reputation of their companies and conduct press briefings on behalf of their companies.

These professionals also develop press releases when needed. In some cases, they supervise the activities of advertising teams to ensure that the promotional campaigns align with their brand’s public messaging goals.

Public relations managers earn about $54,000 every year.

12. Campaign Manager

Campaign managers are responsible for planning and executing political campaigns.

They pick the right media outlets where information about candidates will be sent to members of the public, and they also play public relations roles on behalf of their candidates.

Campaign managers aim to generate a good public image of the candidate to ensure they receive the required votes to secure victory in an election.

This job, available to advertising majors, attracts about $57,000 yearly.

13. Art Director

Air directors supervise the visual elements of online and offline production. They are responsible for determining the technical approach during production and endorsing designs before use.

These professionals play a critical role in several companies. An art director is a job that attracts a salary of about $64,000 every year.

Tips For Finding Jobs With An Advertising Degree

To increase your chances of landing a job with an advertising degree, apply the following tips:

1. Maintain your portfolio

Updating your portfolio to show every job you have done can enable you to secure a good advertising job.

Submitting your portfolio with other job requirements when applying for any job will impress your prospective employers as they will get to see the most important work you have done in the field, which informs them that you already have a good level of experience.  

2. Develop your network

Establishing valuable connections with industry professionals can enable you to get a good job with your advertising degree.

Having a good relationship with many industry professionals will enable you to stay abreast of available job openings and even receive their recommendations for a good job.

3. Look at what others have done

If you struggle to find inspiration in any work you do, going through the work of other professionals will stimulate your creative abilities.

However, always be careful not to copy another person’s work.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On An Advertising Major.

Where is the place to find the best advertising jobs in the world?

The best places to find the best advertising jobs worldwide are Chicago, United States.

Does advertising offer job stability?

Yes, advertising offer job stability. It is an excellent career option for those searching for a full-time job that allows them to utilize their creative abilities.

What are the best-paying marketing jobs in the world?

Corporate communications director, marketing research director, and brand marketing manager are some of the best-paying marketing jobs in the world.

What are the best marketing certifications in the world at the moment?

Currently, the best marketing certifications in the world are Content Marketing Institute Certificate, YouTube certification, SEMrush certification, and Twitter marketing certification.


Advertising is a good major, and this article has done well to provide some of the top reasons you should major in this field.

However, to excel in an advertising major, ensure that you attend all classes, develop a good relationship with your instructors, and take all your projects seriously.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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