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11+ Best Paying Jobs in California (Reasons, FAQs) | 2023

Best Paying Jobs in California: While getting a decent job is fantastic, many people are dissatisfied with their jobs.

Oftentimes, it’s because the job pays little, especially in a place like California which is quite expensive to reside in.

But, California is one of the top locations to live in the world, attributed to various job prospects; this article presents some reasons you should work in California and a summary of the top-paying jobs in California.

Top reasons for working in California:

1. Good Jobs:

California is an excellent place to work. Promotions are possible, and they are represented by one of the greatest unions in the business. Benefits include 401k, health and dental insurance as well as life insurance.

2. Pension Benefits:

A pension is a fund into which an employee puts money while they are working. When the employee retires, payments are taken out of the fund to help support the person after they stop working.

Whether you are at the beginning of the pinnacle of your career, you will not worry about the future if you work in California.

With the State of California, you’ll start investing in one of the nation’s largest and best pension systems on your first day at work, and these funds will be paid to you each year when you graduate.

3. Great Health Insurance:

The health benefits you gain while working in California are fantastic. The state foots the bill for almost everything you incur month-to-month, reducing your expenditure in a month.

11+ Jobs/Careers that Pay the Most in California | 2022

1. Surgeon:

Annual Salary: $248,100

A surgeon is a doctor of medicine who has chosen to specialize in a particular area of medicine. However, there is also a leg and head surgeon on staff.

As a surgeon, a physician who uses surgical or manual procedures to physically alter body tissues, he or she addresses a wide range of conditions. However, there are a variety of surgical procedures, and each one is carried out by a different surgeon.

Surgeons earn a lot of money because of their skill and the difficulty of the procedures they perform. Accordingly, surgeons are among the world’s highest-paid professionals, both in California and worldwide.

2. Psychiatrists:

Annual Salary: $236,930

One who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and study of mental illnesses is referred to as a psychiatrist. Being a psychiatrist is one of the best-paying jobs in California.

This medical specialty is known as psychiatry. In order to assess whether a patient’s symptoms are the result of a physical illness, these specialists examine the patient.

Forensic, Addiction, Child & Adolescent, Geriatric, and Hospice and palliative care are just some of the many sub-specialties within psychology as a medical specialty.

A medical degree, as well as a doctoral degree in psychology, are required for entry into the field of psychiatry. Psychiatrists’ work is delicate, and as a result, their fees are considerable.

Psychiatrists are among the highest-paid professionals in the world.

3. Ob/Gyn Physicians:

Annual Salary: $236,730

Even as much as they have quite a number of similarities, there are some minor discrepancies between the duties played by gynecologists and obstetricians when it comes to patient care. The job is one of the best-paying jobs in California.

Gynecologists deal with all aspects of women’s health, whereas Obstetricians focus on the stages leading up to conception, pregnancy, and childbirth.

These two experts make the same amount of money, despite their disparate backgrounds. Even though they can practice in public, they can also practice in private.

Check out: OB-GYN Shelf Exam (Meaning, Procedures, How-to, Study tips)

4. Nurse Anesthetists:

Annual Salary: $227,290

Nurse Anesthetists are advanced practice registered nurses that help patients throughout surgical, diagnostic, and obstetrical procedures. A master’s degree or higher in nursing practice is required for these professionals.

They also do patient examinations to determine the appropriate anesthetic method to use. In order to deliver the right medicine, they discuss current allergies and medical results.

CRNAs have the ability to immediately assess changes in their patients’ situations and determine the best course of action.

In order to work with other healthcare experts during treatments and engage with patients, these professionals must be able to speak fluent English.

Read more:

5. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon:

Annual Salary: $222,180

When it comes to oral and maxillofacial surgery, the goal is to preserve as much of the patient’s natural bone structure as possible. The job is one of the best-paying jobs in California.

The majority of those who get this surgery are those who have suffered tooth loss or a broken jaw as a result of an automobile accident.

The number of specialists in this region is quite limited, hence most surgeries here are either life-or-death situations.

General medical knowledge is required for the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon to take on the process. As a result, few people are interested in pursuing a degree in it.

Expertise in oral and maxillofacial surgery is highly sought, as accidents involving the mouth and jaw occur on a regular basis. Some folks, on the other hand, simply desire a different jawline.

As a result, when it comes to high-paying jobs, they’re on there.

Check out: Top 5 Easiest Dental Schools to get into

6. Orthodontists:

Annual Salary: $220,410

Even though a dentist can do routine dental care like cleaning and extractions, you’ll need to make an appointment with an orthodontist if you’d like to have your teeth straightened.

For more than just crooked teeth, orthodontists are there to help. A few examples are the treatment of temporomandibular problems as well as the correction of overbites, underbites, crossbites, and spaces between teeth (TMD).

Additionally, an orthodontist is needed to address any additional jaw issues.

Orthodontists charge a lot for their services because of the sensitivity of the treatment they conduct. As a result, there are just a handful of people who are capable of carrying out this procedure.

As a result, these professionals are among the highest-paid in California.

Check out: Orthodontic Assistant (Requirements, duties, Salary, etc.)

7. Chief Executive Officer:

Annual Salary: $216,520

Every CEO has a distinct approach to obtaining results, and their responsibilities also vary widely.

The CEO of a construction company will have different responsibilities than the CEO of a small retail store. However, we are aware that they are both responsible for hiring and sacking employees.

In order to be a great CEO, you must be able to motivate and communicate effectively with your subordinates. More than that, he needs to be a person of integrity and reward outstanding work.

A CEO is a businessman who is in charge of the day-to-day management of a company.

A bachelor’s degree in any field will not prepare you for the role of CEO. To become CEO, you must be able to regularly solve problems and be recognized for your efforts.

8. General Internal Medicine Physicians:

Annual Salary: $212,510

Internists specialize in complex or multi-system disease issues that may be beyond the capabilities of a single-organ disease specialist. The job is one of the best-paying jobs in California.

The most difficult instances involve weight loss, chest discomfort, dyspnea, exhaustion, and a shift in consciousness. It’s also possible for a single patient to suffer from many chronic conditions.

Internal medicine physicians are often mistaken for medical interns. A certified medical doctor with a postgraduate degree in internal medicine is the first type of doctor. As a result, they are more advanced and well-versed than the average doctor.

Check out: Internal Medicine Shelf (Meaning, Key Guides, Study tips)

9. Physician:

Annual Salary: $210,140

Physicians essentially carry out the responsibilities of family doctors as previously outlined.

However, their individual responsibilities are not centered on the family. They primarily work in healthcare facilities such as hospitals and clinics.

Every doctor has medical training that enables him or her to accurately diagnose and propose solutions to medical issues. One of the best-paying jobs in California and the globe is that of a physician working abroad.

Check out: 11+ Pros and Cons of Physician Assistant (Updated)

10. Airplane Pilot:

Annual Salary: $208,070

Flight controls are operated by an aircraft pilot or aviator, who is the primary controller of an aircraft’s flight path.

The pilot is the primary navigator, but he/she is not the only one; other members of the crew, such as navigators and flight engineers, are also qualified to fly the aircraft.

Piloting a plane isn’t for the faint of heart. The most difficult part of flying isn’t figuring out how to get around the plane. In order to keep everyone on track and working together, you must be the leader of the flight crew.

You must have 1,500 hours of flight time, including your training, before you may take the controls. At least 23 years old and a commercial pilot’s license are also required. Qualifications for military pilots differ from those for civilian pilots.

Pilots will be needed as long as people are migrating from one place to the next and need to be transported safely. For their service performed all across the world, they are rewarded handsomely.

Check out: 7+ Aviation (Flight) Schools in Texas

11. Family Medicine Physicians:

Annual Salary: $203,320

Family medicine physicians are trained medical professionals who have a unique mindset, abilities, and expertise that enable them to provide comprehensive and long-term medical care to patients.

Health maintenance and preventive care are provided to everyone in the family regardless of their age or gender, as well as the sort of condition they are experiencing.

Family medicine physicians are unique for a variety of reasons, but one of the most important is their familiarity with the patient’s ancestry.

Since many families prefer to have a permanent physician rather than having to search for a new one whenever a health issue arises, they feel more secure.

Many families can share a doctor, and the doctor can still run his own health center or serve a community at the same time. Physicians continue to be one of California’s best-earning professions because they are paid retainer fees.

Check out: Family Medicine Shelf Exam (Meaning, Subject, Topic, Study tips)

12. Pediatricians:

Annual Salary: $200,270

When it comes to a child’s health and well-being, pediatricians are the experts. When it comes to children’s illnesses, they have the training necessary to identify them and treat them. The job is one of the best-paying jobs in California.

Pediatricians are doctors who have completed medical school and are licensed to practice medicine. Aside from that, they’ve completed a three-year pediatric residency. Children’s health cases are a major focus of this residency.

To keep up with the rising population owing to births, we will always need doctors who specialize in pediatrics. It’s possible to keep kids healthy while avoiding potentially dangerous nutritional shortages.

Check out: Telemedicine Job (Meaning, Benefits, companies)

Frequently Asked Questions on Highest Paying Jobs In California:

Is getting a job in California is easy?

Working full-time in California isn’t difficult at all. A full-time work with benefits isn’t difficult to come by in California. In order to land a high-paying job with perks, you must have the correct set of competencies.

How can I apply for a job?

Look for jobs in your area of expertise.
Look into the companies that hire.
Get your resume ready to send in.
Figure out if you need a cover letter.
Send in your resume and application online.
Follow-up on the application.

Why is rent so high in California?

According to experts, high rents are caused by a wide-ranging housing crisis, exceptionally low rental vacancies, and an ever-increasing number of young adults entering the market.

Why are people leaving California?

Decisions to relocate are influenced by a variety of circumstances. Many people are reluctant or unable to pay the higher cost of living in California, which is the primary reason for the exodus from the state. 


The idea that there is such a thing as a perfect job isn’t embraced by everyone in the profession. You do, after all, get to choose your dream job. Yes, success demands a great deal of labor, patience, and tenacity.

While the jobs listed above pay well, they require a significant amount of effort to master. To practice something like medicine, you must learn constantly.

In summation, you must have a lot of determination and a burning desire to succeed in any career path you select. Only then can you make it the best it can be for you.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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Uche Paschal
Uche Paschal

Uche Paschal is a professional and passionate writer on education, including homeschool, college tips, high school, money and travel tips. He has been writing articles for over 5 years. He is the Chief Content Officer at School & Travel.

Articles: 47