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How to Make Money as a Digital Artist (Salary, NFTs, FAQs) | 2022

How to Make Money as a Digital Artist: Before now, artists only had the option of displaying their artworks at galleries for people to buy them before they could make sales, but these days, that is no longer the case as things have evolved, and life has been made much easier for these folks.

These days, artists are going digital, not allowing them to be left behind by the rest of the world as technology advances.

Today’s technology has allowed artists to share their artworks in the digital space, where they have a better and broader means of connecting with their customers.

Anyway, if you are an artist but are yet to go digital, then this is the post that would guide your path to becoming a digital artist and knowing how you make lots of money extending your art online.

Here are some of the greatest ways to make a lot of money with digital art if you’ve been struggling to profit from your work, as we’ll be discussing some of the finest techniques to make money with digital art.

What is Digital Art?

“Digital art” refers to artwork created only for the internet and other digital media.

Character design for video games, animated videos for commercial advertising, 3D animation for feature films, and photo editing for publication are a few examples of digital artwork.

On the other hand, computer art can be used to emulate various conventional art styles, such as enhancing simple line sketches for a children’s book with digital software. A 3D printer can also create a sculpture using digital art.

What is a Digital Artist’s Job?

Using computer software, a digital artist creates art that is brought to life. It’s not uncommon for a digital artist to work in the entertainment sector, creating animated films, video games, and even mobile applications.

Also, digital artists might be hired by firms to produce visual images for their websites or explanation movies to offer assistance to customers to get a better grasp on how to utilize their products.

On the other hand, traditional print media makes use of the talents of digital artists. Photographs in fashion magazines are often touched up digitally by these artists, resulting in images that appear flawless.

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What is the Average Yearly Salary of a Digital Artist?

Digital artists make an average of $57,183 per year in the United States. That is, they make between $48,567 to $66,450 annually. Income ranges can vary based on schooling, certifications, extra talents, and the number of years working in the area.

How to Make Money as a Digital Artist:

Digital artists who want to make a living at their craft may find the following suggestions to be an invaluable resource in attaining their financial goals:

Sell Your Artwork on Instagram:

Instagram is used by a number of businesses to promote their products. As a result, art enthusiasts and artists worldwide can now do business with one another.

However, if your Instagram following is small, you will not be able to make enough sales. As a result, you’ll need to establish many followers.

You should begin by posting high-quality photographs of your digital artworks on Instagram if you want to sell them. When photographing your work, pick a clean background and focus on the subject itself.

You should use a specific hashtag (keywords) to describe your work when uploading photographs on social media sites.

Then, describe your work in the form of a blog post that is concise but imaginative. Make sure to publish your artwork consistently.

Sell as NFTs:

To make money as a Digital Artist, you can sell your art works as NFTs.

An NFT is a unique digital asset that comes with a certificate of authenticity. The asset’s Certificate of Authenticity specifies that it is distinct from any other token. The blockchain keeps track of who owns what in the token economy.

You can think of it as a normal piece of physical art. When you’re creating an NFT of your artwork, you’ll need to select an NFT platform and a payment wallet, the latter of which you’ll need to use to pay fees and to get any payment if you’re lucky enough to sell your NFT.

The value of NFTs could increase. Reselling an NFT asset could fetch significantly more money than buying it originally, depending on what potential purchasers think the asset is worth.

Even a selfie can be sold for millions of dollars as a non-financial transaction (NFT). The demand for crypto art is only growing, and the market is flooded with bidders.

Teach Art:

If you have a passion for teaching, finding students will be a piece of cake for you. However, you must first decide whether you want to pursue an online or in-person teaching career.

You can use ban pencils and erasers or mix paint onto paper, and not in paint palettes. All these produce unique designs and add species to learning.

More so, depending on your specialization, you can organize a one-day painting workshop for youngsters, high school grads, or adults in your area.

Plan an art show and invite other artists to participate, or organize a show of your own. Alternatively, you can plan short, interactive art workshops for business events and parties.

Online teaching:

To make money as a Digital Artist, online teaching allows you to reach many students, but it might be challenging.

You may also offer your online courses as physical products. As a result, you’ll be able to teach online for lengthy periods with less stress.

Udemy and Skillshare are good places to market your online courses. Your website can also be used to sell your course materials. Another alternative is to start a YouTube channel and provide tutorials to your followers.

Use E-commerce platforms to sell vector designs:

An e-commerce platform like Sellfy can help you sell vector designs if you’re an artist who excels at graphic design. Digital artworks of all kinds can be sold here, including logo designs, icon collections, and character designs.

You can also sell music, eBooks, knitting patterns, and other digital goods to buyers worldwide via these online marketplaces.

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Submit Offers for Grants and Contests:

To make money as a Digital Artist, there are various grants and competitions available to artists, many of these grants are given out by non-profit organizations.

There are grants for artists and contests for artists available online if you’re starting in the field.

Find a suitable opportunity and apply for it as soon as possible. A great chance to show off your skills and earn extra money awaits you if you enter different contests.

If you follow artists on social media, you’ll be the first to know about grants and contests for artists.

Make Money by Combining Your Art with Other Products:

Selling other products based on your digital art is another beautiful option to generate money with digital art. Print-on-demand or drop shipping services can help you accomplish this.

This service will print, package, brand, and send your products to customers.

Print-on-demand businesses such as Society6, Zazzle, and Printful can quickly help you accomplish this goal.

There are a wide variety of products that you can sell with your work, such as wedding invitations and party decorations and greeting cards (such as Christmas and Thanksgiving), journals and planners, and T-shirts, sweatshirts, and children’s clothing.

Offer Commissions for Your artwork:

Businesses employ commissions to attract new consumers and boost revenue. The strategy is fantastic for budding artists to employ.

Consumers will even assist you in promoting your business to other potential customers if you start offering some commissions for their purchases.

You can also use networks like Artfinder, Artists&Clients, ArtCorgi, and Art Please to spread the word about your commission.

If you’re not sure how much to charge for your artwork or what commission to put in, you might check with other artists in your field to get an idea.

Create an Art Blog and Post Your Artwork Regularly:

You can upload images of your work on an art blog for potential consumers to view and purchase. You may also use a website to offer online courses to your site users.

Are you stumped as to how to go about it? If so, all you need to do is make a series of short videos that explain how to create artworks.

Keep your blog up-to-date with new artworks, talk about yourself, and explain how customers can order any item they desire.

As an alternative, you can earn money through affiliate marketing, advertising, sponsored reviews, and promoting your other products on your art blog.

This is one of the best ways to make money as a Digital Artist.

Start an Etsy Store to Market Your Artwork:

In addition to Sellfy, artists can sell their work on various other platforms. Etsy is another option. Artists will be able to showcase their work to a broader audience through this platform, consequently expanding their company.

While this is going on, statistics show that Etsy has enabled many sellers to earn a regular living. Jewelry and accessories, apparel, wall décor, visual arts, and arts & collectibles are some of the items you can offer on Etsy.

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YouTube is a Great Place to Teach Art:

One of the best ways to make money as a digital artist is to teach your audience on YouTube.

With the help of a smartphone or a video camera, you may create video tutorials to help others learn new skills. Consider the lighting and background before you begin filming your films.

Finally, put the videos on your YouTube channel for your subscribers to view and learn from. To ensure that your posts are found by individuals conducting online searches, you utilize relevant keywords that describe the material.

Creative Market is a Great Place to Sell Digital Art:

To make money as a Digital Artist, you can sell your digital arts on a Creative market.

In contrast to Etsy, where you may sell both physical and digital goods, Creative Market only allows you to sell digital art products. Artists can use the site to reach out to potential buyers.

WordPress themes, clip art, stock photography templates, fonts, business, and premade blog logos and branding kits are some items you can sell on Creative Market. Lightroom presets and illustrations are also for sale.

Any firm that isn’t registered in the United States may have trouble using Creative Market because the platform only accepts the U.S. dollar. On top of that, the platform takes a 40% cut of every product sale.

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Frequently Asked Questions on How to Make Money as a Digital Artist:

Can you make a living as a digital artist?

Digital artists earn money in a variety of methods, but it ultimately boils down to commissioning work, selling digital art non-framed works, freelancing, developing and selling products, and social networking channels. Additionally, many of the digital artists I know have several revenue streams.

How much money does digital art make?

Digital artists can earn anything between $100 and $50,000, and sometimes even more! It all boils down to the individual’s willingness to invest in the work and the desires of the clients.

Is a digital artist a good career?

Graduates of Digital Art & Design thrive in fast-paced, creative situations. The skills you will acquire in this curriculum can be applied to a geographically diversified, broad-spectrum landscape that serves a variety of functions, including entertainment, advertising, shopping, information, and education.

Can you sell digital art?

Digital art prints can be reproduced as many times as desired for personal use by the buyer, who is granted the right to print the file as many times as desired. What you’re not granting them is the ability to resell the file or any copies they make of it, which is known as a commercial license.

Do I need a college to be a digital artist?

A college degree is not necessarily necessary to land a job as a digital artist, but if you’re just starting out, it will help you stand out from the crowd. People with little or no work experience in a certain profession are often overlooked by employers.


Whether you’re just starting out or already a seasoned pro, you can make money as a digital artist.

If you want to sell your artworks face-to-face, don’t rely entirely on traditional methods of showcasing your work. Think about the fact that most companies are now online.

With the help of these tips, you can promote yourself and increase your sales simultaneously.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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Uche Paschal
Uche Paschal

Uche Paschal is a professional and passionate writer on education, including homeschool, college tips, high school, money and travel tips. He has been writing articles for over 5 years. He is the Chief Content Officer at School & Travel.

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