Project Management Degree (A-Z tips)

Project Management Degree

Let’s explore the opportunities in a Project management degree.

Ever wondered why some people find it quite normal and easy to juggle different tasks simultaneously. This is commonly known as “Organization skill,” a distinguishing feature that sets people apart.

But hey, there is more than meets the eye to this skill. To some, it’s an in-born thing, while to others, there’s a need to acquire that skill to break boundaries that are professionally known as “Project Management.”

If you find leading or business interesting or are people-oriented, goal-driven, organized with a flare to make exploits, then this is for you.

What is Project Management?

In Business, project management is important as it is needed to control finances and budgets, achieve goals, and meet schedules and deadlines a company sets.

Project Management is all about being held responsible and accountable for projects in an organization. A position as a project manager enables one to work efficiently while handling a project.

The demand for project managers worldwide is on the high side due to the acceleration of economies and the advancement of technologies.

Project managers are sort after in every field one can think of, ranging from computer science, healthcare, human resources construction, transportation to engineering.

One must take up courses and garner relative skills to undertake positions as a Project Manager efficiently.

Skills and strengths such as time management, communication skills, interpersonal skills, multi-tasking capabilities, problem-solving skills and strong leadership skills are essential to achieving exceptional work quality.

How long does it take to get a project management degree?

A degree in project management can open up job opportunities for one in various fields. Getting a degree in project management typically takes about four years, that is, eight semesters till completion.

Same as most bachelor’s programs, In most schools, the minimum number of credits required for graduation is 120 and sometimes otherwise in fewer schools.

Read this: How long does it take to get a Bachelor’s Degree?

An added advantage to this is the flexibility of adding or reducing course loads every semester, which may lengthen or shorten the time it takes for one’s degree to be completed.

Students who enrol for just a program graduate much earlier than those who change schools or switch up areas of study.

However, in one or two months, students who enlist in J-term or summer classes can get a semester completed within that period.

Benefits of a project management degree

A lot of vast opportunities await not just educated project managers but trained and experienced project managers.

So, you can imagine the benefits that could come your way when you obtain that degree in project management. See below to grasp on them.

Real-Life Experience:

A project management degree exposes one to practical experience, which could be termed useful in the long run. Practical experience is one of the requirements to obtaining a degree in project management.

This experience could be in the form of an internship (applying theoretical knowledge in hands-on practicals) or a practicum (combination of academic research alongside experience partly) at an organization with a project manager as a supervisor.

In the course of this, one could learn from experts in the field.

Exposure to different job opportunities in all fields:

Asides from the increasing demand for project managers this century, project management exposes one to variants of job opportunities not just in a particular industry but several fields of study.

In recent times, this position requires skills that are no pertinent to just certain Industries. A project manager has to supervise work, and so far as the manager recruits a team of technical experts, the work is good.

Project management professionals can work in any industry they find themselves in since the program acquaints one with the knowledge (processes and techniques) needed to take charge in any sector.

Getting a project management degree gives one an edge:

Project management is one skill on the demanding side. These days, healthcare, technology, and engineering fields employ people with strong leadership and organizational skills.

Having a degree in project management will no doubt give one an edge over others. It advances one’s career. It is also noteworthy that one’s salary increases with time once one gets certified.

Other benefits derived from having a project management degree include:

  • Having an improved quality of work.
  • Ability to lead better.
  • Accomplishment of goals faster.
  • Getting to know the theory behind each practice.

Read this: Early Decision vs Early Action (Best Explanation)

Best schools to get a Project Management degree

Getting a degree in a good school is second to none, be it a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Here are the best schools globally offering project management in their Institution:

Arden University, Berlin:

All courses have a strong focus on employability – many of which are accredited or approved by professional bodies. You can be sure your qualification is meeting industry standards and will be valued by employers globally. However, they offer a master’s degree in project management.

Check out Arden University.

University of Maryland, Maryland:

In line with Wikipedia, the University of Maryland College Park is a public land-grant research university in College Park, Maryland. Founded in 1856, UMD is the flagship institution of the University System of Maryland.

They offer over 90 undergraduate majors across 12 colleges and schools which includes an undergraduate Minor in project management.

Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina:

WCU provides more than 115 undergraduate majors and concentrations and more than 40 graduate programs focusing on high-demand degrees, including a variety of programs in engineering, science, healthcare, education, humanities, business and the arts. They offer a master’s degree in project management.

Check out WCU

Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts:

Northeastern’s tradition of global engagement empowers her students to chart their academic paths. They offer programs led by expert faculty in emerging, in-demand industries for the 21st century.

They offer a master’s degree in project management.

Check out Northeastern University

University of Houston, Texas:

The University of Houston is a powerhouse of innovation. UH has grown to service the city of Houston and beyond through our extensive educational offerings, partnerships with local businesses and contributions to the community.

Explore more below about how we are cultivating the future through Energy, Health, Arts, and Athletics to create success for our students and alumni. They offer a master’s degree in technology project management.

Check out the University of Houston

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania:

Harrisburg University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action institution committed to the principle that access to study or employment opportunities is afforded by the university. They offer a master’s degree in project management.

Check out Harrisburg University.

Read this: How to get into Stanford University (Easy Steps)

College of St. Scholastica, School of Business and Technology Duluth, Minnesota:

The Stender School of Business and Technology combines an academic emphasis on liberal arts with experiential learning to create global leaders with strong professional skills.

They offer a master’s degree in project management.

Check out the College of St. Scholastica

Other Project Management Universities include:

  • MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, New Hampshire
  • Baylor University, Waco, Texas
  • George Washington University, Washington D.C. United States


In conclusion, project management is one profession that is on the demand side, and this has come to play due to advancements in technology and economies in recent times.

Getting a degree in project management offers many benefits (skills inclusive) that distinguish and set one apart.

So, hop on board, get a degree in any of the skills listed above and become that “project management professional” you always dreamed of becoming.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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