How Long Should I Study For An Exam? (FAQs)

How Long Should I Study For An Exam?

How Long to Study For An Exam: To study is to make an active attempt to acquire knowledge by means such as reading, drill, and memorization.

Along with that, it’s a great tool for coping with the pressures of looming deadlines and upcoming tests. When you study, you give yourself over to the task at hand with all of your focus and energy.

More so, to read means to comprehend the reasoning and significance underlying the subject matter presented.

This article explains the process of studying, the types of learners, the number of hours one should study for an examination.

Who is a Learner?

To put it simply, a learner is a person who is in the process of acquiring new knowledge or skills.

A “Student Learner” is a student engaged in acquiring related instructions for academic credit and is employed under a written agreement to obtain on-the-job skills training.

Students have an integral role in their own education.

To learn effectively and study for an exam, students must: Listen attentively; think about what they hear; offer their own thoughts and opinions; engage in thought-provoking discussion; and seek answers to their own questions through reading, writing, speaking, observing, and questioning.

Types for Learners

  • Visual learners
  • Auditory learners
  • Kinesthetic learners
  • Reading and writing learners

1. Visuals learners:

When visual learners can see how ideas and relationships fit together, they are able to learn more. Maps, charts, diagrams, and even essays can help people who learn best by seeing.

Visual learners may remember information much better when instructors illustrate or diagram their lectures on a whiteboard.

2. Auditory learners:

Auditory learners prefer to hear information rather than read it or see it. They are typically linear thinkers who may repeat things they hear out loud.

When studying, an auditory learner may remember material better if they discuss it with someone because it is easier to discuss it than to recall a visual image of words.

3. Kinesthetic learners: 

Kinesthetic learners thrive when they can participate in activities or solve problems with their hands.

Being physically engaged (tossing a ball, knitting) can sometimes help them retain information better. They tend to remember what they are good at.

4. Reading and writing learners:

Reading and writing students are at ease with the written word. They prefer to consume information by reading texts, which they can further absorb by condensing and rephrasing.

For the reading/writing learning style, the traditional college textbook and annotation process work well.

Factors to Consider When Studying For An Exam

The following are things you should observe well while studying for an examination:

1. Look out for subjects you don’t know so well:

One of the significant keys to studying is looking at the subjects you don’t know so well. You must study them nicely to be able to catch up on time.

Evaluate your progress with this subject and learn how to give adequate attention to it. You can ration time for each subject, so you don’t fall out of track.

2. Choose the best time for yourself:

You mustn’t follow the masses because you are either under pressure or want to conform to an identity that is not related to you in any form.

If you find that reading the night watch is most enjoyable, by all means make it your preferred reading time, but remember that you may always switch to reading during the day.

3. Find out what kind of learner you are:

It is important to know yourself before anyone discovers you for who you truly are.

Beyond that, it is not necessary to read for long at once; you can take breaks per interval also.

Do what works for your system because you are the expert on you. You need to find your own studying technique if you want to do well in school.

How Many Hours Should I Study For An Exam?

Good study habits are a lifelong skill that can make or break your academic performance. But, “is there a recommended amount of time spent studying?”

Put in a minimum of two hours per class period on homework or studying. However, streamlining your study process will increase your chances of success on your next exam.

Consider the following suggestions when you organize your next study session:

1. Remember, your brain has limits:

Some people overwork their brains to ensure they meet a target, not knowing it is risky.

The brain is responsible for consuming over 30% of our daily energy, so you can only imagine the toll that stress takes on our ability to function normally.

2. Plan ahead:

Examination-related procrastination is a common trap for young people. Preparation is key for avoiding procrastination.

Don’t just stop at planning. Instead, try to finish at least 70% of the task each day.

At the start of the semester, many classes will give you a syllabus. It’s important to study ahead.

More importantly, it is better to study for two hours a day for two weeks than to study for 20 hours a day in order to pass a course.

3. Sleep well:

While studying for an exam, you mustn’t neglect sleep. Sleeping a little and reading later with body unrest is not productive.

Getting enough sleep before a study session will help you retain the information you take in.

Get some mental and emotional downtime as well. Sleeping before tests not only helps you remember more information, but it also helps you feel refreshed.

Frequently Asked Questions on Studying For An Exam

Is it good to study right before an exam?

Always get a head start on your studies. There’s no point in adding stress and frustration to your life by cramming the night before. Having a plan for how to study for your test might make you feel more at ease on test day, which in turn can improve your performance.

What time is best for memorizing?

According to studies, the best times to learn are between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

What is the best study method?

Do some self-checking by taking a test or doing some practice problems without referring to your textbook or class notes. Create your own probing phrases: Try your hand at self-teaching by coming up with test-like questions.

Is studying at 3am good?

If you’re the type of person who has greater focus and energy at 3 a.m, then getting some studying done then is a fantastic option. Some people are just more productive at night because they have finished their routine tasks for the day and therefore have less to distract them.


Even though a planned study program covering several days is recommended for exams, students sometimes need to pack a week’s worth of studying into a few days or even one night.

Moreover, trying to study in a rush will make it more difficult, but consistently reading slowly with a specific working pattern will undoubtedly put you ahead of many people in the class.

Pick a pattern that works well for you and stick with it. Remember that what works for me might not work for you, so study based on how much you can learn.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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