Social learner (Major tips about this learning style)

Social learner

Of all the learning styles, the one that sprouts the highest form of communication and interaction is the “Social learning” style. A social learner loves to communicate and connect with people at all levels, notwithstanding the age difference or class.

Being the opposite of a “Solitary/Intrapersonal Learner“, they are not in any way like introverts who find it difficult to talk in public and feel very uncomfortable in crowded places.

They, rather, love to build strong verbal communication with people while working together to achieve a major goal.

In this article, I will be explaining who a social learner is, their characteristics, and tips on how to succeed as an interpersonal learner.

Who is a Social learner?

social learner, also known as an Interpersonal learner, is someone who loves learning in groups, has good communication and listening skills, and is fondly called “a people person”.

A social learner finds it easier spending time after classes communicating and interacting with friends or classmates on a vital issue/subject.

This helps them cultivate great leadership qualities that most people admire so much.

The words that you hear from an interpersonal learner has a way of showing the will to work together. Some of their words include:

  • Let’s get our head in the game
  • Tell me what you think of this idea
  • We can work on it if we divide the task evenly.

Features of Social learners

  • They are born leaders.
  • They always ask for feedback from the group.
  • Social learners are great communicators, hence making it easier for them to work in groups.
  • They enjoy class interactions and reproduction of ideas on an on-going motion.
  • Social learners orient more with people; thus they find it uncomfortable staying or hiding in a comfort zone.
  • In a class setting, they prefer courses like drama and literature to Math, because the former give more room for class interaction and communication.
  • Just like Intrapersonal learners, social learners are also aware of their academic strengths and weaknesses, thus they work towards getting better in their everyday life.

What do Social learners like?

Social learners love to study with a group because that is where their strength lies. More often than not, they are the type of learners that would prefer that the tutor explains a topic or course in class and not giving out topics to read.

When offered a task that does not involve working with people, since they are people-minded, they tend to seek the advice and opinion of other people around before taking up the task.

Most Social learners have study partners or buddies who they study with. They use questions and answers to recall all they have studied and this helps them retain better and have an even better understanding.

Read this: 8 Actionable ways to Continue Learning after College

How to teach a Social learner

Create a Class Discussion:

Since interaction and communication is the selling point of interpersonal learners, as a tutor, you have to create a means of discussion in your class activities.

This is because social learners thrive well with interactions and feedbacks from their peers who could constructively criticize their motion and add value to them.

Give more group Home works or tasks:

As a tutor to a social learner(s), you need to give your students home works that allows or needs them to work together.

For instance, making room for debate competitions that require your student to express him/her will go a long way in helping the student improve in communication and comprehension skills.

These home works give the learner the space to be coached by peers who may have more idea on that topic thereby creating more exposure and interoperability between the students.

Social learner


Social learners still have their weaknesses too just like intrapersonal learners, the only thing is for you to know your space and maximize what works for you.

Read this: How to be a Good Student (Amazing tips from Experts)

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