Redhead Scholarship (About, Eligibility, Requirements) 2022

Redhead Scholarship

The Redhead Scholarship is one of the many weird scholarships in the United States. This scholarship is awarded to juniors and seniors in high school who have naturally red hair.

This type of scholarship is exceptional and rare, but the benefit is that it helps cover the college’s urgent expenses.

Today, we’ll discuss scholarships for redheads, eligibility and deadline, and other vital information. 

Eligibility Requirements for the Redhead Scholarship 2022

The following criteria would be looked at before considering anyone for this scholarship.

  • The applicant must be a citizen of the United States.
  • Your grades must be high (must have a minimum of 2.5 CGPA)
  • You must have vital financial needs.

The following criteria above are the primary requirement but please double check all the information to ensure that you have met all the requirements to participate.

A wide range of scholarships is available for everyone, but this scholarship is particular about its candidates. You have to be a redhead to participate.

To succeed in getting this grant, part of the requirements is to be a natural redhead. You will be asked for a photo of childbirth and your growth stage to be sure you are a natural redhead.

What is the value of the Redhead Scholarship?

The financial side of this gift is important, therefore, a fixed price has already been established to ensure that the value remains constant.

This scholarship is priced at $500 for students who are selected successfully.

Men and women facing financial difficulties can also apply for this grant.

Students can still get the excellent education they desire owing to scholarships from corporations, institutions, governments, and well-meaning individuals worldwide.

At the start, the recipient of the Redhead Scholarship will go back with $500 at first, but the total Money or worth of the scholarship is $5000, and the intent is to cater to all the needs you will encounter while in college in the United States of America.

Things to note before applying for the Redhead Scholarship

  • Your hair has to be naturally reddish-brown from birth.
  • You must possess a high-grade point average of at least 2.5
  • You must either be in high school, junior, or senior applying to a two or four years college study in the United States of America.

Prerequisites for applying for the Redhead Scholarship

These are the perquisites for applying for the Redhead Scholarship

  • You must have a personal statement
  • You must have an essay application form
  • An official transcript document
  • You must have two pictures of your hair (past and present picture)

Read more: Bonafide Certificate (Meaning, Types, Uses, Application)

How to Submit an Application for a Redhead Scholarship:

Students must send an email with the following documentation to apply for the Redhead Scholarship:

  • For confirmation of hair color, take two photos of yourself (one as a child, the other a recent one).
  • A copy of your high school transcript is also required.

You must also submit a creative article that exemplifies what it means to be a Redhead. It could be anything from a research paper to an artwork. All you have to do is play to your strengths.

It can be a funny anecdote or an event that comes from being a Redhead. Indeed, the more inventive you are, the better the chances of winning.

By the deadline, all candidates must submit their applications digitally using the email address provided.

Application for Redhead Scholarship 2022:

To submit an application for this scholarship. Everything should be typed or better yet, scanned and sent to the sponsor’s email address with the subject line “Applicant’s First Name, Last Name, and Application Year.”

For instance, look at Jimmy Stanford 2022 application.

Read more: Early Decision vs Early Action (Best Explanation)

Deadline for Submission for Redhead Scholarship:

The Redhead Scholarship deadline is Sunday, April 4, 2021.

As the scholarship opening has closed for this year, the program will be open at the same time next year, 2022


It is important to note that as we progress academically, certain things have been put in place to aid easy access and delivery for students and the Redhead Scholarship is one of them.

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