Herb Kohl Scholarship 2022 (Application tips, Deadlines) | Apply Now

Herb Kohl Scholarship

The Herb Kohl Scholarship is open to all high school students who plan to attend a tertiary institution such as a college, university, or technical/vocational school.

A Herb Kohl Scholarship can be used to pay for books, lodging, and other academic-related expenses.

Herb Kohl Educational Foundation

In addition to the Herb Kohl Scholarships, the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation also provides Student Leadership Awards and Teacher Fellowships.

The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Award Program recognizes and supports outstanding students, teachers, and principals and supports them in pursuing academic excellence.

More so, the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation, DPI, and the Association of Wisconsin School Administrators (AWSA) together co-administers the Herb Kohl Scholarship programs.

Herb Kohl Scholarship #1:

Student Excellence Scholarship

The Herb Kohl Scholarship Program recognizes student leadership, civic participation, and academic accomplishment.

The objective of the Student Excellence Scholarship is to encourage young people in Wisconsin to pursue tertiary education at a public or private college, university, or technical/vocational institution.

The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation grants a $10,000 Student Excellence Scholarship to 100 Wisconsin high school graduates every year.

Who can Apply for the Student Excellence Scholarship? 

Students who have completed high school and have the intention to attend college or any other tertiary institution can apply.

Eligible candidates are Wisconsin residents with a solid academic record and the ability to thrive in higher education.

Eligibility is not restricted to just GPA or class grade. Only students who meet the above-stated eligibility criteria can apply for this Herb Kohl Scholarship. 

Selection Criteria of the Student Excellence Scholarship:

The foundation assesses students based on their leadership, citizenship, school and community engagements, and academic results.

Additionally, the assessment will comprise of students’ ability to clearly articulate their objectives in these four aspects: personal life objectives, future academic objectives, career objectives, and community service objectives.

Candidates must submit three letters of recommendation. The letters will be assessed based on how they describe contributions, improvements, and accomplishments. Letters from current or prior year teachers, advisors, or principals are acceptable.

Submission Deadline of the Student Excellence Scholarship:

Currently, this Herb Kohl Scholarship is not ongoing. The Student Excellence Scholarship closed on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at 17:00 central time.

All applications submitted after the deadline are not considered. If a candidate submits an application before the deadline without the required three recommendation letters, such application will be termed incomplete and not considered.

Student Excellence Scholarship Link:

To learn more about this type of Herb Kohl Scholarship, visit: https://www.kohleducation.org/studentexcellence/ 

Read more: GED Score to GPA (Meaning, Benefits, How-to, Calculation)

Herb Kohl Scholarship #2:

Student Initiative Scholarship: 

The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation funds another scholarship called the Student Initiative Scholarship. The Student Initiative Scholarship awards $10,000 to a hundred high school students graduating from all private, public, and religious schools in Wisconsin. 

Process of Determining who is eligible for the Scholarship:

The Kohl Foundation picks a hundred separate high schools for the Student Initiative Scholarship every year. Each nominated school picks a single recipient through a selection process done internally.

The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation awards a $10,000 Student Initiative Scholarship to successful candidates in the spring of 2022. 

Objective of the Student Initiative Scholarship:

The objective of the Student Initiative Scholarship is to reward students who make an extraordinary effort to perform at their best academically.

These students should also have conquered significant obstacles or adversity but whose class rank will probably place them in a position not eligible for academic scholarships.

When will the recipients receive the Scholarship Money?

Their teachers and other school leaders choose the beneficiaries of the Student Initiative Scholarship. The foundation will inform the recipients of their selection in early March 2022.

To get to know more about the Student Initiative Scholarship, visit the website: https://www.kohleducation.org/studentinitiative/

Read more: Morrison University (About, Academic Programs, Success tips)

Herb Kohl Scholarship #3:

Teaching Fellowship Program 

The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation recognizes and supports excellence and innovation in teaching in Wisconsin, United States, by offering financial rewards to teachers.

The foundation’s goal is to help teachers pursue unfulfilled goals for their classroom or development on a professional level.

The 100 Herb Kohl Scholarship recipients and the 100 schools of these teachers will each receive a grant of $6,000.

Deadline for Teaching Fellowship Program Nomination:

The foundation accepts nominations for the Teaching Fellowship Program using the online application form on the foundation’s website.

All nominations for the 2022 Teaching Fellowship Program must have been completed and submitted before the deadline, which was October 12, 2021. The application process and nomination are split between public and private/religious schools.

Submission of the Teaching Fellowship Program Nomination:

The teachers nominated for the Teaching Fellowship Program must complete and send their applications to form before Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at 17:00 central time.

Apply here – https://www.kohleducation.org/teacherfellowship/

Herb Kohl Scholarship #4:

Principal Leadership Award 

The Herb Kohl Principal Leadership aims to use the Principal Leadership Award is to recognize and offer support to Wisconsin schools’ administrative leadership.

The goal of the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation is to help principals in Wisconsin pursue unmet goals for their schools or development on a professional level. 

Who is Eligible and How Much Will They Receive?

For the Principal Leadership Award, twelve public school principals and four principals from private schools will be selected.

All 16 Kohl Principal Leadership Award winners and the 16 schools of these principals will receive $6,000 from the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation.

What does the Principal Leadership Award Aim to Achieve?

The purpose of the Principal Leadership Award is to recognize the contributions of administrators, assistant principals (which include supervisory or administrative positions such as dean of students).

Meanwhile, superintendents and district administrators are not eligible for this Herb Kohl Scholarship.

Apply here – https://www.kohleducation.org/principalleadership/


As you can see, the Herb Kohl Scholarship is not just limited to students only, but it extends to teachers and other administrative school staff. The only limited requirement is that it is only for residents of Michigan.

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