5+ Science Internships For High School Students (FAQs)

Science Internships For High School Students

You don’t have to wait to get into college before enrolling in an internship as a high school student.

This is because many companies and organizations now offer internship opportunities for high school students.

However, as a high school student that wants to major in a science-related course at the university, it is essential to complete an internship that will boost your chances of getting into your desired program of study at the university.

This article will provide you with many valuable options to consider.

Benefits of Doing Internships as a High School Student

Here are some of the gains of engaging in internships as a high school student:

1. Acquire valuable industry experience

Internships are arguably the best way to acquire valuable industry experience as a high school student.

Even though volunteering and taking up a regular side job can expose you to your field even before graduation, you will learn about your preferred field as an intern above any other means.

Science internships will specifically develop skills that will improve you and prepare you for your chosen career even before you get into college.

2. Establish fruitful relationships with industry professionals

During your internship, you will meet several very active professionals in the field of science.

Getting to interrelate with them every day can enable you to discover the academic and professional pathways they took to reach their present heights.

This knowledge can guide you to take the proper steps to reach the pinnacle of your career.

Also, you can leverage your relationship with them to secure a good job after graduation or assistance when you need resources for your project in college.

3. Boosts your resume

Enrolling in a science internship is a big boost wherever you go. Since internships are considered work experience, they will speak well for you when applying for any job or seeking admission into college.

Furthermore, your intern experiences can enable you to assemble an excellent college essay piece that will boost your application when you apply to any competitive college.

8 Science Internships For High School Students

Here are some of the internship programs that every high school student looking to major in a science field at college must consider engaging:

1. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration offers one of the best science internship programs for high school students.

While this internship’s spring and fall editions last 16 weeks each, the summer edition lasts only ten weeks.

NASA receives lots of applications for its internship program every year, so to stand a chance of getting in, you must send in your application on time.

The deadline for the spring, summer, and fall editions of NASA’s internship program is Early November, Early March, and Early July, respectively.

Becoming a NASA intern is a life-changing step for any high school student.

NASA interns engage in learning sessions that enable them to acquire knowledge of several top-notch devices and understand how to conduct cutting-edge research.

Furthermore, NASA interns interface with the company’s active professionals, which is suitable for personal development.

To secure a NASA internship spot, you must not be less than 16 years, have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and have an excellent letter of recommendation.  

2. Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP)

The Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program is a science internship open to high school students. This program lasts for between eight to ten weeks.

It is open to high school students who wish to participate actively in research over the summer. To stand a chance of securing a spot, you have an excellent academic record (a GPA of 3.0/4.0 is preferable).

Furthermore, the Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program requirements include personal statements, letters of recommendation, academic resumes, and professional and research interests.

This internship program runs in the following states; Washington, California, Mississippi, New Jersey, Ohio, Arizona, Virginia, Florida, and others.

Only students from ninth grade and above and those not under 16 years of age are considered for this internship.

3. Spark Summer Internship Program

Spark Summer Internship Program is another science internship for high school students. It runs between June and August every year.

The internship opportunities offered by Spark enable students to connect with professionals, academicians, and mentors across several science-related establishments in Seattle, Washington.

To stand a chance of securing any of the internship positions offered by Spark, you must submit your application before April 1.

4. Introductory College Level Experience in Microbiology

The Introductory College Level Experience in Microbiology (iCLEM) is another addition to this list of science internships for high school students.

It runs between June and July. iCLEM is a program for high schools wanting to develop practical microbiology, biofuels, and biochemistry skills.

iCLEM interns participate in research projects in collaboration with researchers at the Joint BioEnergy Institute, which is even the internship’s location.

Unlike most options on this list, this internship lasts only five weeks. The Introductory College Level Experience in Microbiology internship is only open to students in select Californian counties.

However, to secure a spot, you must have a GPA of not less than 2.5 and hold a passing grade in Algebra 1 and Biology.

Introductory College Level Experience in Microbiology interns are given a stipend of $1,500 at the end of the program.

5. KP Launch

The KP Launch program provides several internship opportunities that cut across many fields at Kaiser Permanente headquarters and offices all around Northern California.

It is a seven-week program that lasts between June and August each year.

The KP Launch internship program targets high school students that may hold an interest in a healthcare career. Interns receive a stipend at an hourly rate of about $16 per hour to support themselves.

Furthermore, the KP Launch Program is only open to high school students who are neither under the age of 16 nor above the age of 19.

This program runs through weekdays, and the deadline for applying to this internship is December 23.

6. National Institute of Health

The National Institute of Health internship is an option that high school students searching for science internships should also consider.

This program runs between May and September every year, spanning eight weeks.

High school students fortunate to enroll in this internship will get to work with NIH biomedical researchers under either the HiSTEP or HiSTEP 2.0 program options.

While the first option exposes interns to the world of science and develops their leadership potential, HiSTEP 2.0 also has an exciting scope.

The National Institute of Health internship is only open to high school students younger than 17 years old as of June 15 and those that live close to any NIH campuses.

The National Institute of Health internship application window opens mid-December and closes on March 1.

7. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is a science internship for high school students. It is open to high school seniors that reside in the Princeton area.

The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory internship is very impactful, especially for high school students who want to major in a science-related field. This program runs up to 16 weeks which is about a semester.

Furthermore, the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory internship is only open to high school students that are over the age of 16.

To stand a chance of securing a spot, you must submit your application before November 30 if you are applying in the spring and March 15 if you are applying in the summer.

8. Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program

The Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program is another addition to this list. This eight-week internship is open to science enthusiasts still in high school.

The Hutton Junior, Fisheries Biology Program enables students to collaborate with experts and explore the practical application of science.

This program runs in every state in the United States and other countries like Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Canada.

Every student participating in this internship receives a stipend of $3,000 and a fully-sponsored trip to the Hutton Scholars Summit.

The Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program, runs in the summer alone. The deadline for applying to this program is February 14.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Science Internships For High School Students

Do companies pay interns?

Most companies pay interns. Their salaries come at an hourly rate or every month.

How do you secure an internship slot with a company?

You can secure an internship slot with a company by finding companies suitable for you, contacting them, sending them your CV, and following up on your application.

What is the best way to craft a resume for an internship application?

The resume you need for an internship application must be tailored according to the objectives of the company that you want to intern at; you must carefully discuss yourself in the CV and what you bring to the table and go through some of the essential skills that you have acquired through education and the past works that you have done.

How can I send an internship CV?

In the body of the mail, mention the source of information where you knew of the available position, talk about yourself, and what you want to experience through an internship. Also, talk about how much time you can devote to the internship and the skills that make you a perfect fit for the program.


Enrolling in a science internship as a high school student that wants to major in a science course at college is a fantastic decision.

A science internship will expose you to practical knowledge of the science field you are passionate about and even boost your resume, which is excellent for college applications.

This article has gone through some of the science internships you should consider as a high school student.

In addition to the list above, NSA High School Work Study, Idaho National Laboratory, and National Cancer Institute internship programs are other valuable options that will be highly beneficial.

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