STB Test (Meaning, Subtests, Online Programs, John Hopkins University)

STB Test

STB test is a technical assessment used to measure the abilities of people seeking admission into the John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY).

John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is a learning initiative that aims to recognize and develop gifted students.

To be accepted into the John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY), a student must excel in the STB test.

Hence, this article will discuss the scope of the STB test, the John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY), and provide information on the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) online program.

What is the STB TEST?

STB, which means Spatial Test Battery is an assessment used to determine admissions to the John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY).

This test measures the spatial visualization abilities of candidates by evaluating their facial recognition, mental imagery, shape rotation, and other spatial relationships.

The Spatial Test Battery consists of several sub-tests that measure students’ abilities that are proficient in computer, science, and graphics design.

Moreover, besides serving as an admission test for aspirants of the John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY), the STB test can be taken to detect the area of strength, recognize a possible talent and point out the interests of students.

Moreover, the STB test lasts for a maximum of 2 hours. 

Subtests of the STB Test:

The Spatial Test Battery is an assessment that tests the abilities of students in four different sections, and they include;

Visual Memory:

Under the Visual Memory sub-set, students’ abilities are examined under the Learning and Recall phases.

In the learning phase, students are exposed to these shapes while later required in the Recall phase to recall the shapes they had seen 30 minutes after it was presented to them and correctly state the forms and the areas that had the black ink.

Students in 8th grade and above will have to recall 22 shapes, and students below 8th grade must perfectly recall at least 15 shapes to be considered a good performance.

Nevertheless, the recall phase is undergone by students after the Surface Development and Block Rotation subtests. 

Surface Development: 

In this subtest, students are expected to find flat shapes that correspond with given lines of boxes after being offered a succession of irregular flat shapes similar to paper carvings.

Besides the irregular flat shapes is a carbon copy of a box formed by folding the flat shapes.

However, students will be assessed based on their ability to match the flat shapes to the distinct lines on the box and will be aided by broken lines that signify where the shape can be folded.

Block Rotation:

The Bloc Rotation of the STB Test measures the capabilities of candidates to execute the mental rotation of a box in space. Candidates are given sequences of different shapes and will be presented with six images.

Furthermore, candidates will be exposed to a model block that executes the rotation from which they must pick an answer that shows the object being rotated in space. 


In the Perspective subtest, the ability of candidates to comprehend the appearance of objects from several viewpoints is evaluated.

Students are offered dark and light spheres that seem larger or smaller to them and two images of the same set of spheres.

From these objects, they are required to state if some images are sights from above, behind, right, or left. The Perspective subtest is not compulsory for students in 7th grade and below.

Read more: SIFT Test (Meaning, Sections, How-to-pass)

About the John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY):

Established in 1979 by Julian Stanley, the John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is an initiative that offers summer, online, and family programs aimed at recognizing and improving the abilities of intellectually advanced students yet to attend college.

This program achieves this by affiliating with students’ relatives, several tutors and mentors globally.

The John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY) also attempts to motivate students from different walks of life to chase their academic interests and create a better society.

It exposes educationally-brilliant students from different communities to purposefully planned learning experiences and a positive environment that improves their interests.

Read more: GATE Test (Meaning, Requirements, Application, Passing tips)

STB Test: John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Online Programs:

The John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY) virtual classroom is an online course held over video software. It allows students to see, hear, text, and even share information with their instructors.

You can enroll in the CTY online course in the following steps;

  • Log into MyCTY as a parent
  • Select CTY Online Programs
  • Select “Application”, and the CTY admission board will contact you.

STB Test: Benefits of joining Center for Talented Youth (CTY) online programs:

Joining the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) online program offers several incentives, and they include;


The John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY) online program allows people to take classes from anywhere worldwide.

Also, this program offers round-the-clock access to learning materials that create opportunities for personal growth and development.


The Center for Talented Youth (CTY) online program has a broad syllabus on different subjects like maths, grammar, critical reading, world languages, computer science, sciences, history, and English language development.

Hence, exposing students to different subjects they did not know about.

Seasoned Experts:

The tutors that handle the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) online program have great experience in dealing with students’ educational growth. They also possess amazing skills and abilities in mentoring students effectively.

Instant feedbacks: 

Due to the availability of social media platforms like emails, WhatsApp, and many others, students can easily reach out to their tutors to receive answers to questions that worry them and seek professional and academic advice.

Study recommendations:

The Center for Talented Youth (CTY) online program provides study recommendations to help candidates learn effectively. 

Read more: GORT Test (Meaning, Goal, Assessment, Limitations, Functions)

STB Test: Tips for the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Online program

The Center for Talented Youth (CTY) online program has eliminated the need for physical classroom appearances. However, if you enroll in this program, apply the following tips to enjoy the best experience;

  • Set some goals based on what you intend to achieve at the end of the program and stick to them.
  • Create a study space in your bedroom fully dedicated to CTY and take your classes there to avoid distractions.
  • Engage in meaningful conversations with other members of the class and exchange useful ideas.
  • Use a to-do list to cut-off unproductive activities and manage your time well.
  • Take notes regularly.
  • Take periodic tests to boost up your energy for maximum performance
  • Build a good relationship with your instructors
  • Complete your assignments and projects before the deadline.

STB Test: Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Scholars Program:

The John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY) scholars program is an education support initiative covering part of students’ tuition fees seeking to enrol in a 4-year degree college program.

Unlike merit scholarships, this initiative supports the education of low-income high school students who are exceptionally brilliant but lack sponsors to cover their college tuition fees.

The Center for Talented Youth (CTY) scholars program is one of the most impactful scholarships in the United States that offers the following incentives;

  • A cash prize of $25,000
  • Academic mentorship by a seasoned educational counsellor
  • Seat reservation at several college preparation seminars
  • Free admission to a leadership institute
  • Two free courses at the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) summer programs
  • Two free programs at the Family Academic Programs
  • Free enrolment in the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) online program

STB Test: Eligibility requirements for Center for Talented Youth (CTY) scholars program

To qualify for the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) scholars program, applicants must satisfy the following requirements;

  • Be a resident of any of New York City, Washington D.C., U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern New Jersey, St. Thomas, Northern Virginia, and Maryland.
  • Get the passing scores in ACT or SAT or SCAT
  • Be in 8th grade 
  • Go to a public or charter school 
  • Have a joint minimum family income of about $75,000  
  • Submit their online application, income eligibility, End-of-year 7th-grade transcript, First marking period grades of 8th grade, student and parent statements, Guidance Counsellor, and Teacher recommendations.


STB, which means Spatial Test Battery is an assessment used to determine admissions to the John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY).

Moreover, besides functioning as an admission test for aspirants of the John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY), the STB test can be taken to detect the area of strength, recognize a possible talent and point out the interests of students.

Thus, to obtain more information on STB, this article contains all the important information about Spatial Test Battery and Center for Talented Youth (CTY).

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