Stoped vs. Stopped – What’s the difference? (FAQs)


When you look closely at “Stoped” and “Stopped,” you will notice that the difference between these words is the presence of an extra “p” in “stopped” which is absent in the other word.

However, if you look at these words, you will also feel like “stoped” is the obsolete or incorrect spelling of the other word because of the omission of the extra “p,” but it is not.

“Stopped” is the past tense of “stop,” while “Stoped” is the past tense of “stope.” This article will explain these words and help you understand their differences.

Stoped vs. Stopped

Meaning of Stoped:

Like I said at the beginning, “stoped” comes from the word “stope,” meaning an excavation using shafts and drills to remove ore from the ground. However, “stoped” is the past tense or past participle.


  • The only device that stoped during the mining process was the drill.
  • I stoped the shaft and drilled into Ore before seeing the liquid metal.

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Stoped vs. Stopped

Meaning of Stopped:

“Stopped” is the past tense of “stop.” However, ” to stop” means “to put an end to a process or something.” Some synonyms include quit, break out, leave, etc. At the same time, the antonyms include start, begin, move, etc.


  • He stopped the man from taking away his Car.
  • The machine stopped the moment the light went off.
  • “Stopped” is the past tense of “stop.”

FAQs on “Stoped” vs. “Stopped”

Which is the correct past tense of “stop”: “stoped” or “stopped”?

The correct past tense of “stop” is “stopped.” “Stoped” is a misspelling in this context.

Why might someone write “stoped” instead of “stopped”?

English spelling can sometimes be tricky, especially when it comes to forming the past tense of verbs. Some people might mistakenly omit the doubling of the last letter before adding “-ed.”

Are there guidelines for when to double the last letter before adding “-ed” to a verb?

Yes, for one-syllable verbs that end with a single vowel followed by a single consonant, the final consonant is usually doubled before adding “-ed.” In the case of “stop,” it follows this rule and becomes “stopped.”

Is “stoped” ever a correct spelling in any context?

Yes, “stoped” can refer to an underground passage in a mine, but it’s unrelated to the verb “stop.” This usage is much less common and is specific to mining terminology.


It’s simple to assume that “Stoped” is a misspelling of the other word, but as you’ve read this article, you’ve realized that “stoped” and “stopped” are both correct words in the English dictionary, despite the missing “p.”

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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