As a student, for you to cook well and eat very nice food, you need to have all the food items ready for use. Which means it has to be in your student master grocery list so that you can buy it.
I have to tell you the truth, i don’t like shopping food items, gosh! its makes me tired but when it comes to shopping things like clothes, books, shoes…wow! there you see me. I think its just because I’m a guy that’s why, but I know some ladies too hate shopping.
Before you go for Shopping:
1.Kitchen Check

You need to go through your food items to know what you need to buy and what you need to manage. Kitchen check involves knowing the items that are in low quantity, the ones you need to manage and the ones you need to build on bulk.
2. You need a list
This is a list of what you want to buy in the market.
Tips in buying with a list:
1.Follow the list while buying

You need to follow the list so that you won’t buy off list.
When you buy with your list, you don’t get distracted by unnecessary things that are not on your list. Yea, you might see other things that you need, you can still buy but that is after you must have exhausted your list.
It is is an important tip to follow your student master grocery list.
2. Have a Budget
A budget literally means that amount of money you have in mind to use to buy something.
3. Estimate the total cost of the items
When you must have written your list, check out the prices and buy in-line with your budget.
4. Go with extra Money
Its very important because you will see other things that are not in your student shopping list.
Note: Don’t do This!
Don’t buy the food items when you are hungry…make sure you are buying from your list and not from your stomach.
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Student Master grocery list:

Master Grocery list:Breakfast
- Bread
- Cheese
- Diary e.g Yogurt
- Butter
- sugar
- Beverages
- Coffee
- Vegetables
- Oatmeal
- Eggs
- fish
- beef
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Student master grocery list for lunch:
- Cereals
- Beans
- Tomatoes
- spaghetti
- noddles
- yam
- plantain
- Biscuits
- pop corn
- Hamburger
- Pizza
- Ice cream
- Chocolates
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master grocery list for dinner:
- wine
- fish
- Bacon
- Fruit vegetables
Conclusion on the student master grocery list:
Shopping is fun in college, always do a kitchen check before you go out to buy.
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