There are amazing social benefits of going to college and getting a college degree which includes more money, amazing people around you and many others.
But is College really worth attending? What do I gain from spending 5,6,7 years of my life studying a course that I love or don’t even love at all…
All these are the questions I asked, but If you want to get the answers to these questions, keep on reading:
Benefits of going to college:
Amazing Network:

College gives you the opportunity to get in contact with great minds.
You get to meet like minds through conferences, practicals, assignments, lectures and so on.
College gives you an opportunity to join the group of people that are like you.
If you are in love with soccer, soccer gurus are around, games, business etc. All these people come into your life and help you build your network.
An important thing about the network of people around you is that you will have a solution to a problem that you have because you know someone that knows someone else that has the solution to the problem.
But if you didn’t attend college, you will find it difficult to do it.
Read this: 10+ Legit at Home jobs for College Students
Respect from Family:
Being a graduate earn you respect and dignity from family members such that when you speak, people listen to hear.
Imagine that you don’t have a college degree and you want to speak among graduates,
you will feel intimidated and low classed because those in your circle are more educated and experienced than you are.
Taking it back home:
Your parents will be respected because they have a child that have scaled through college life.
Just because you have a college degree, people will be afraid to say unnecessary things about you, why? they could get themselves into trouble.
This is one social benefits of going to college.
More Money:

Studies from Education Corner show that college graduates earn significantly more money throughout their lifetime than those with only high school education.
Getting/earning a college degree will help you make more money because you are qualified for the job.
For instance jobs that does not require a college degree might be paying $5 per hour but because of your college degree you can apply for a job that pays $20 per hour and get it.
This is one of the benefits of going to college.
Job Security:

If there an issue like an economic instability and lay off has to do be done,
you have the potential of not being laid off because of your college degree and skills.
There are two things involved in job security
- Get a College Degree and keep improving
- Be Valauble
Something like this happened in the company I worked for during my holiday.
I was being paid $5 per hour(I was just a college student), i work for 6 hours everyday and go home with $30 everyday.
Few weeks into the job, the Company had a terrible economic instablity that caused me to lose my only source of income.
Few months after, I applied again but this time, I was rejected because the new policy was that you need a college degree to earn up to the usual pay.
This thought me the social benefits of going to college and getting a college degree.
Read this: What age do you start University?

Life in college gives you the opportunity to be exposed to a lot of things both positive and negative.
When you are in college, you have the opportunity to go to places, visit companies, meet with people and network too.
All these expose you to a lot of opportunities and information about your field of study and life in general.
Being exposed in college also involves teaching you the act of communication, the proper way of dressing, the right and wrong ethics of speaking and the proper way of doing things.
The good thing about exposure is that you get to grow academically, emotionally technologically and otherwise.
This is one of the social benefits of going to college and getting a college degree.
Read this: 10 Reasons You are not doing well in College
Job Satisfaction:

There is this kind of happiness that comes from doing what you love and earning from.
You are satisfied, paid well and still enjoy benefits too.
This job satisfaction only comes if you are okay with the job and your value worth the job you are doing.
Earning a college degree gives you a job and make you satisfied with it.
But if you don’t have a college degree, you will have it in mind that one day something might come up and you will lose the job.
As a high school student, you are not satisifed, you are sent on unnecessary errands, asked to sweep, wash and do things that are not in line with your job.
All these happen because you don’t have a college degree.
Good Health:

Because of your college degree, you get benefits like free health care, health insurance and many more tips.
Some companies also take care of sick employees with the company doctor or health practitioner who get to check the worker’s health on a monthly basis.
Career Opportunities:

Have you noticed that most high paying jobs come with a requirement of a college degree?
Getting a college degree will help you apply for any job you want.
But if you don’t have a college degree, you will have to go for the low jobs that doesn’t require a college degree.
There are lots of carrier opportunuties that comes from getting a college degree; have you noticed that big companies and firms come for graduation ceremonies of colleges to pick the best students
and give the automatic employment into their companies.
You see, this is one of the huge social benefits of going to college and getting a college degree.
Self Development:
College gives you the opportunity to grow and develop yourself in all rounds of life.
One important benefit of getting a college degree is that you will have the skill of time management, creative thinking and critical thinking.
You will know how to lead people because maybe you had a leadership position in school.
You will know the art of proper communication and courtesy because you engaged with some lecturers and professors in college.
Read this: 10 most useful YouTube channels for College Students
You will be good with managing your finances because you didn’t have much in school but you managed and scaled through.
All these build you up and make you stand out from a high school student.
10. Natural Attractiveness:

Getting a college degree makes you naturally attracting. People want to talk to you, they want to learn from you and interact with you.
Conclusion on benefits of going to college:

The social benefits of going to college and getting a college degree are enornous.
But one thing that people don’t understand is that life in college isn’t as easy as it seems but its really worth the pain to get a college degree.
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