Wildlife Management Degree (Skills, Jobs, Schools)

Wildlife Management Degree

If your interest revolves around conserving natural resources and habitats, wildlife management degree is a glaring go-for selection for a career and field of study.

From preserving natural resources to the conservation of animal habitats, to diseases pertinent to wildlife, opting for a career in this field can allow you to work hand in hand with public officials to manage plans and develop policies.

In undertaking this major, you also learn to find and solve problems that relate to wildlife. Moreover, this major is science-based and needs classes for anatomy, biology, ecology, and other animal sciences.

What is Wildlife Management?

Wildlife management is described as the science of environmental management so that it is beneficial to man, animals, soil, and plants. Professionals of wildlife management strive to attain a balance between the conservation and utilization of resources.

Wildlife management originates as far back as the generation of game laws. In the early 1800s, these laws were used to manage both the environment and game populations, and the number of game birds and animals available to be legally taken.

In the 1920s and 1930s, the wildlife management profession officially kicked off in the United States when advocates such as Aldo Leopold and a few others demanded that wildlife and wild areas be restored and improved.

Where do Wildlife Management degree professionals work?

Wildlife management professionals usually work for social advocacy organizations, government tiers (local, state, and federal), universities, and technical or consulting groups.

They may work in laboratories, offices and could also participate in fieldwork activities. Jobs a degree in wildlife management can offer include fish and game wardens, conservation scientists and foresters, and zoologists and wildlife biologists.

These kinds of jobs are essential to conservation efforts, ensuring that man doesn’t over-exploit animals, plants, ecosystems, and environments. Asides from this, they also make plans for a stable, healthy future for animals, people, and the environment.

People interested in this field care a lot about the environment, preserving wild places and natural resources, and making sure wildlife survive as humans meet their economic, social, and spiritual needs.

Those who succeed in wildlife management possess excellent speaking, critical thinking, and analytical skills. Wildlife management involves building a comprehensive understanding of how animals in the wild exist within their habitats, environments, and ecosystems.

Generally, one needs a minimum or basic requirement, a bachelor’s degree, to expand and explore opportunities careerwise.

In addition, obtaining a degree in wildlife management enables one to learn detailed concepts relating to the management of habitats, population dynamics, and the factors that influence wildlife populations.

The factors influencing the management of wildlife includes human, chemical and biological.

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Skills for a career in Wildlife Management

Skills such as critical thinking, observation, and problem-solving are vital for a career in wildlife management. Also, one must be able to analyze the behaviours and appearance of animals, carry out experiments, and decide suitable actions for solving issues that relate to wildlife.

Also, great interpersonal skills are crucial for good communication between other wildlife professionals, scientists, and the public.

Another important skill is writing because findings are usually written in a report, paper, or article and probably published afterwards.

Wildlife Management professionals typically enjoy an ordinary schedule. Sometimes, they require long hours at work, they may be found working out of the office and working nonstop to ensure a project is complete when carrying out fieldwork.

To successfully have a career in wildlife management with a degree, the practical experience should be gained either through an internship or a summer job.

Some organizations that would provide great experience are the National Park Service or nonprofit organizations like the Sierra Club.

Wildlife Management Program Requirements

Applicants wanting to obtain a degree in wildlife management generally need to have finished high school or their GED.

Also, many schools may have GPA and SAT/ACT score minimums that must be met. After obtaining a degree, you can obtain additional certifications to pursue a career in this field.

Jobs a degree in Wildlife Management will offer you

Students who earn degrees may qualify for diverse careers related to environmentalism, natural resources, and wild animals.

These careers include zoologists and wildlife biologists, conservation scientists and foresters, and fish and game wardens. Other potential jobs include environmental scientists, wildlife specialists and high school teachers.

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How long it takes to complete a degree in Wildlife Management

In wildlife management, there are numerous different levels of wildlife degrees. Programs that pertain to wildlife management differs in schools, and completion could take between one to four or more years for a full-time student.

A typical associate degree program in wildlife management requires 60-70 credits and lasts for two years, while a bachelor’s degree requires about 120 credits and lasts for four years.

On the other hand, a master’s degree requires 50-70 credits and spans 1-3 years. A doctorate program in wildlife management will require coursework (thesis or dissertation inclusive) and lasts for a minimum of 4 years.

The most common level of education achieved by people who have careers related to wildlife is a bachelor’s degree, with an estimate of about 59.2% of workers getting one.

Schools offering degrees in Wildlife Management

There are several lists of schools in North America that have a distinguished and unique set of coursework related to wildlife management and conservation.

See below for some schools offering Wildlife Management in the United States :

  • Humboldt State University, California
  • West Virginia University, West Virginia
  • University of Florida, Florida
  • Tarleton State University, Texas
  • Utah State University, Utah

Colleges and universities employ several diversified approaches to educate students in wildlife management and conservation. Some schools offer named degrees in wildlife, whereas others have a major option in wildlife.

However, others have neither named degrees nor a major option in wildlife but still offer wildlife courses.


Students who drive for animals, the environment, and perhaps natural resources conservation may consider opting for a wildlife management degree.

Degrees in wildlife can open up opportunities to diverse careers with Government, non-governmental organizations and research corporations.

Obtaining a bachelor’s degree in wildlife management can make students opt for graduate studies in similar fields.

Earning a degree in wildlife management is one of the many acceptable educational paths, and wildlife management isn’t out of the options.

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