What is a Good BMAT Score? (FAQs) | 2023

Good BMAT Score: The BMAT is a popular standardized test used to evaluate students seeking admission into colleges or universities.

This test is tough, and it covers a wide area of knowledge.

A good BMAT score is important if you want to study selected courses in certain countries.

This article will tell you what you need to know about BMAT, how it is scored, what a good BMAT score is, and some tips for BMAT Section 3, which is the section with the highest marks in BMAT.

What is BMAT?

The BMAT, which stands for Biomedical Admissions Test, is a test that is used to evaluate the abilities of candidates seeking admission to study medicine, biomedical sciences, and dentistry in several colleges across the UK, Spain, Malaysia, Hungary, Croatia, the Netherlands, and many other countries.

The BMAT was established in 2001, and the official language of this test is British English.

BMAT measures the capability of a student to apply their understanding of science and mathematics as well as several other skills.

This test is only one of the requirements for admission into colleges.

How is BMAT Scored?

Section 1: Thinking Skills

The BMAT’s first section consists entirely of multiple-choice questions, each of which is worth the same amount of points.

Nevertheless, it is important that you make an effort to answer all of these questions correctly.

This is because, after every three right answers, your score will increase by 0.2 to 0.4 points.

However, if you answer 28 or 29 of the 32 questions correctly, putting you in the 9.0 score range (with 1.0 being the lowest possible score), no further points will be awarded to your total.

Section 2: Scientific Knowledge and Applications

All questions in the BMAT’s second section are worth the same number of points. Your score will increase between 0.3 and 0.7 for each accurate answer you submit.

Therefore, you need to get at least 23 questions right out of a possible 27 to get a score in the 9.0 range.

And if you answer three questions correctly in the second section at a time, your score will improve by 1.3 to 2.0 points.

Section 3: Writing Task

The third section has a distinct point system, separate from the previous two sections of the BMAT.

Two examiners are used to mark this particular section.

If your writing is well-organized, concise, and devoid of spelling and grammar mistakes, the graders will give you an A, which is the highest possible grade on the BMAT’s third section.

On the other hand, C, the median grade, is given to students whose use of English is about average; they use an expressive writing style, but their writing contains some lexical faults.

Finally, the lowest possible grade in the third section of the BMAT is an “E.”

This grade is awarded to students whose usage of English is inadequate and whose writing is rife with grammatical faults and a limited vocabulary.

Moreover, the writing is scored between 1 and 5 based on a 5-point scale.

A candidate who does not include any supporting points in the body of their essay will receive a 1.

The vast majority of BMAT takers always end up with a score of 3 in the third section, which is given to those who make a good attempt to answer the question well but not adequately.

A rare 5, which is the highest score, is awarded to those who provide a compelling and exceptional response to the question posed, with outstanding details to back up their claims and a fantastic summary to wrap things up.

Sometimes, candidates will receive a score of 2 or 4, which is extremely uncommon.

A Good BMAT Score

Any BMAT score above 6.0 is considered good since it is very difficult for anyone even to score 7.0 or above on the BMAT.

On the other hand, an average BMAT score is around 5.0.

Tips For BMAT Section 3

The third section of BMAT is more difficult than the other two sections. However, you can emerge with excellent scores by applying the tips below:

1. Take time to pick a question

Three-question options are always offered in the third section of the BMAT.

However, it is recommended that you do not rush into choosing a question; instead, take your time before deciding on the question you want.

Carefully read through each question and think of possible points you can discuss, then pick the ones you have enough ideas about.

Don’t rush and pick a question only to realize that you have only two weak points.

2. Plan your work

Once you pick a topic, take some time to plan your essay and make up your mind on where you will draw your points from.

Start with a strong introduction that provides an insight into your work, and ensure that you provide strong reasons to support your claim in the body of the work.

Moreover, ensure that you end your essay with an excellent conclusion.

3. Respond to all aspects of the question

Read the question repeatedly and ensure that you have a clear idea of the answer expected from you before you begin writing.

Also, when you’re writing, don’t leave any stone unturned.

Instead, ensure that your essay clearly answers all the questions that could arise from one main question.

4. Use neat handwriting

BMAT is a paper and pen-based test, so you will be given a paper and pen to answer the third section of the test.

However, it is necessary that you write as neatly as possible.

Avoid using shabby handwriting that will bore the examiner when they are marking your script and make them omit a strong point that you have raised.

Also, neat handwriting will allow your work to fit into the available space.

5. Stick to the details

The BMAT offers only a single-page paper for the third section of the test.

Thus, when answering a question, ensure that you only stick to the important details and avoid making meaningless comments.

Moreover, write actively because it will make your sentences shorter, simpler, and easier to comprehend.

Also, use words in place of phrases to lighten things up and avoid redundant qualifiers like “slightly” or “fundamentally.”

6. Debate with your friends

Studying in a group to get a good BMAT score is a great idea. Moreover, ensure that you pick topics from past questions and debate them with your friends.

Debating will assist you in developing counterarguments.

This will allow you always to have more than enough points to support either side of your argument.

7. Support your points

Using authentic statistics to support your points when you answer a question is a great idea. It will tell the examiner that you are strongly convinced about the argument that you support.

If you don’t have any correct statistics in your brain, don’t mention them.

The graders will likely look up your statistics on Google, which could put you in trouble.

8. Read your essay very well

Once you have finished writing your essay, take the time to proofread it thoroughly from beginning to end.

Doing this will enable you to spot grammatical and spelling errors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On A Good BMAT Score

What is a good score for BMAT?

Of course, the best candidates will have higher scores, but a 6.0 is already quite good, and only a handful of truly exceptional candidates will get BMAT scores higher than 7.0.

What does BMAT stand for?

BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT)

Is 4.2 A good BMAT score?

In most cases, a score of 7.0 or more on the BMAT is considered excellent. However, higher scores are quite unusual.

Is BMAT harder than UCAT?

Because of this potential downside and the fact that the BMAT is more challenging than the UCAT, we advise you to spread out your four choices across different types of institutions. If the worst should happen, none of your other UCAT schools will be affected.


The BMAT is a popular standardized test to evaluate students seeking admission into universities.

This test has three sections: the thinking skills section, the scientific knowledge and applications section, and the writing task section.

However, any BMAT score above 6.0 is considered good since it is difficult for anyone even to score 7.0 or above on the BMAT.

Also, if you want to do well on this test, pay more attention to Section 3 than Sections 1 and 2, study with past questions, don’t guess and use the elimination method to figure out the answer when a question in Sections 1 or 2 is hard to understand.

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