AB degree (Everything you need to know)

AB degree

Does the AB degree sound new to you? In this article, I will explain what it means and how it works.

What is an AB degree?

The AB degree represents Bachelor of Arts (B.A). It is written in Latin as “artium baccalaureus” focusing on humanities, languages, and social sciences fields because it’s a liberal arts degree.

This degree is for students who are willing to stay up late at night to study, research, and generate new ideas. Some say that it’s for “Abstract Thinkers“, but I think it’s beyond that.

Benefits of getting an AB degree:


The exposure you gain from attending college alone is beyond comprehension. College alone, excluding the degree, will earn you massive exposure because you will meet a lot of great minds that you can connect with easily.

More exposure comes from learning in the same class with students who can easily explain difficult topics to you.

Job Opportunities:

Some jobs are limited to people with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree thus if you have a bachelor’s degree, you are good to go. The degree will distinguish you from a regular student without a degree also seeking a job.

There are times that someone without a degree will be skilled and equipped than someone with a degree; this indicates that as you pursue the degree, you do well to be fitted in skill and critical thinking.

Differences between an AB degree and a BA degree:

This degree might seem confusing to you because what you always hear of is the BA degree, thus let me explain the amazing difference between the two.

These two degrees have no difference, sounds funny right? the only discrepancy is in the order of writing. AB is the same as a BA degree. Harvard University back in the years used AB degree in terms of the BA degree.

Read this: AA vs AS Degree: What you didn’t know

Education Prerequisite for an AB degree:

The education prerequisite for a bachelor of arts degree is a high school diploma or a GED, and the graduation requirement is the completion of all the courses associated with a major.

Courses associated with the Bachelor of Arts (A.B.):

  • African American Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Architecture
  • Art and Archaeology
  • Astrophysical Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Classics 
  • Comparative Literature
  • Computer Science
  • East Asian Studies
  • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
  • Economics

More courses on AB Degree:

  • English
  • French and Italian
  • Geosciences
  • German
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Molecular Biology
  • Music
  • Near Eastern Studies
  • Neuroscience
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Politics
  • Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
  • Psychology
  • Religion
  • Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Sociology
  • Spanish and Portuguese

How to get an AB Degree:

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree is the award of completion of studies on a definite major. I’m sure you know that before you get the degree, you should get admitted into college first.

Even before college, remember that our present educational system requests a recommendation letter from your high school and parents to help you gain admission into college faster and easier. Once all these are done, you get to the next step.

The next step is the completion of all the courses associated with your major, do your Capstone Project with the assistance of your academic advisor, then you will get the award. In the case where you offer a double major, then you have to complete all the courses associated with it.

How long does it take to get an AB Degree

The degree requires the completion of about 120-semester credits or 180 quarter credits to graduate at the end of 3 or 4 years or below as the case may be. It also depends on factors like state and institution.

Read this: How long does it take to get a Bachelor’s Degree?

How to choose the right AB degree:

The choice of course to study is a fundamental issue to tackle as a student. This is because your choice of course determines how well you will perform depending on the interests you have on it.

Analyze your Strengths:

Your academic strength in a specific field will determine how well you will perform if you decide to further on it. So, analyze your strengths and weaknesses before choosing a course to spend years on.

Do what you love:

Your passion for a particular AB degree is what will keep you doing when it seems complicated to continue. On the other hand, the willingness to tackle the challenging aspect of the course is what sets you apart from the crew.


An academic advisor will go a long way to help you with decision making. This is because he/she has always been with you and understands your academic life, knowing your strengths and weaknesses.

Final tips:

Institutions like Harvard and Princeton graduate AB degrees instead of BA; this is because of their backward abbreviation system, although both are the same.

Looking more into the benefit of this degree; it exposes you to various academic disciplines that are apart from your degree to help you gain exposure.

Awesome one, I hope this article on “AB degree” answered your question.

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