Types of Education (How to choose the best)

Types of Education:

Education can mean different things depending on the context, and to different people. Some people believe education to be training or activities that occur in a classroom or school, while some believe it to be training and knowledge that comes through life experiences. To you, “What is Education and the types of Education?”.

Education is way beyond what just happens in a class or what people experience in life. It is broad, deep, and comprehensive. It can be said to be a lifelong process of learning and acquiring knowledge that involves the development of mind and character. On the other hand, it also builds habits and inculcates values. It occurs anywhere, at any time.

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Education being all these, is therefore divided into three different types, namely: formal, informal, and non-formal education.

Types of Education: Formal Education

This is a type of education that takes place in a school or classroom. It usually starts at elementary school through to secondary school, and further to colleges and universities.

Informal education, students are taught by qualified and professional teachers in a well structured and organized environment. The methods of teaching and curriculum used are pre-scheduled, strict, planned, and deliberate.

Guidelines are also set up in order to keep discipline, and students are expected to follow these guidelines. Here, students’ performance is tested using regular standardized tests and exams.

Advantages of Formal Education

  • Certified courses recognized by institutions are offered.
  • Educational knowledge and experience are obtained under the supervision of professionally trained teachers.
  • Provides easy access to jobs
  • The presence of structure and schedule builds discipline in students.

Disadvantages of Formal Education

  • Limitation in the development of certain abilities and interests of students because of the use of general and typical coursework.
  • It is expensive and rigid

Types of Education: Informal Education

This is a type of education that doesn’t involve the use of any form of the formal teaching method. Here, students are taught things beyond academics, and it is done outside the walls of a classroom.

This type of education involves everything from parents or adults teaching a child to read, count, walk, or talk, to learning skills, habits, and values from friends or books or websites.

Informal education isn’t pre-scheduled and sometimes isn’t deliberate. Knowledge and experience acquired under this type of education is usually through regular practice and observation and is gained under the influence of family and society.

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Advantages of Informal Education

  • Absence of time, pressure, and boundaries which allows for the development of interests.
  • Utilization of a variety of methods of learning and choice of preferred source of education.
  • Experts and professionals are not needed.

Disadvantages of Informal Education

  • Absence of experts can lead to a variety of misinformation.
  • Absence of structure, schedule, and time span can lead to in discipline in learners.

Types of Education: Non-formal Education

This type of education involves a combination of formal and informal learning and teaching methods. Learning under this type isn’t spontaneous as in informal, but has a structure.

However, the structure involved or used isn’t as rigid or strict as that of formal education but can be customized to suit the need of the student.

Also, instruction isn’t necessarily given by individuals trained to be teachers. This type of education helps individuals develop particular skills that are effective and efficient in industries.

Examples of non-formal education include fitness courses, adult education courses, job training, boy and girl scouts, etc.

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Advantages of Non-formal Education

  • Helps in the development of specialized skills.
  • The flexibility of courses and schedules depending on the interests and abilities of learners.
  • Involves practical and theoretical education.

Disadvantages of Non-formal Education

  • Flexibility and independence can lead to a lack of seriousness in learners.
  • Lack of evaluation of the level of skill development as well as proof of credibility.

Final tips:

With all this information, you can choose the best type of education that suits you or your child. The non-formal type covers the well-being of the child both in character and academics and will help a child develop.

On the other hand, education which is different from schooling goes beyond the classroom, it require the assessment of non-academic books to help build up the skills and academic strengths of the child.

Awesome one, I hope this article on “Types of Education”, answered your question.

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