How To Become A Permanent Resident Of Canada in 2023

Becoming a permanent resident of Canada can be a simple process for some, but it can be extremely difficult for others.

You can become a permanent resident of Canada if your application via the immigration programs of the country is successful.

Nevertheless, several people who receive permanent residency to gain entry into Canada first do so on temporary residency status.

This article will tell you everything you need to know to become a permanent resident of Canada in 2023.

Types Of Canadian Residency

There are three types of Canadian residency, namely:

  • Economic Class
  • Family Class
  • Business Class.

When choosing which class to take, you must consider your credentials and the class you are applying for, which can easily win you permanent residency status in Canada.

Many immigration programs for every class are meant to bring in people who can easily fit into the Canadian system.

1. Economic Class

You can have more chances of gaining entry into Canada if you apply through the economic category in the coming years than in other categories.

The economic class application window uses the express entry system, which uses economic immigration programs like Federal Skilled Worker, Federal Skilled Trades, Canada Experience Class, and Provincial Immigration Programs.

How To Apply For Permanent Residence In Canada Using The Express Entry System

Take note of the following if you want to become a permanent resident of Canada through the Express Entry process:

  • You must submit a self-evaluated profile.
  • Each profile is assessed based on a comprehensive ranking system.
  • Only the profiles with the highest ratings will be asked to submit their applications via the Express Entry Invitation (ITA) lotteries held every two weeks.
  • Once an ITA is sent to an applicant, they must complete the application within two months. However, it can take as long as six months to process an application in several cases.

What Should You Do If You Are Ineligible For The Express Entry Application Procedure?

If you don’t meet the requirements to use the Express Entry application process, you can try to become a Canadian resident through one of the provincial immigration programs.

The Canadian provinces have set up systems to handle the lack of labor.

However, if you don’t meet the conditions of the Canadian provinces either, you can become a permanent resident of Canada by applying for a work permit.

But you can only do this if you come to Canada through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program or the Study Permit Program.

2. Family class

You can become a permanent citizen of Canada if you have family there.

People classified as a family are: spouses, grandparents, common-law partners, dependent kids, parents, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, and grandchildren.

However, each of the sponsorship bases listed above has its requirements.

3. Business Class

The Canadian business-class immigration program is open to people with high social status and businesspeople.

Quebec remains the only province in Canada that does not have any business programs in place.

How To Acquire A Permanent Resident Visa In Canada

You can acquire a permanent resident visa in Canada by following the steps below:

  • Obtain an invitation to apply (ITA).
  • Apply for the visa.
  • Submit evidence of a clean criminal history as well as a medical certificate.
  • Pay the required application fees.
  • Take part in the interviews with immigration officers.
  • Submit all required documents.
  • Take any test expected of you.
  • Present your financial record, showing you have enough money to last you throughout your first few months in Canada.

If the embassy says “Yes” to your application, you will get a permanent resident card for five years, which can be renewed.

Tips That Will Enable You To Get Settled In Canada

You can settle in Canada seamlessly if you prepare to live there before moving there.

Here are some ideas that will facilitate this:

1. Look for a house

Although you may have to get a hotel room in Canada, the best thing you can do for yourself is get a house.

This is because renting a house rather than staying in a hotel allows you to save money for other things.

However, you can buy a house if you have the financial capacity.

After all, you can live in Canada for up to five years.

2. Request for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) immediately

After you step into Canada, apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) instantly.

The government of Canada offers this code.

You don’t have to pay for it, and it will enable you to enjoy some of the amazing incentives offered by the government.

You can apply for a SIN at the application office or send a letter to the appropriate office.

3. Request for health insurance

Healthcare in Canada is free to everyone who is a permanent resident or citizen.

To enjoy this benefit as a permanent resident, you must apply for a health card in your province or territory.

However, you should be aware that the public health insurance plan is only intended for specific illnesses.

4. Open a bank account

You can begin opening a bank account in Canada online before you even arrive in the country.

However, once you arrive in the country, go to the bank to verify your identity and collect your bank card to enable you to purchase goods from stores and withdraw cash seamlessly.

5. Register with your country’s embassy

You don’t have to register with the embassy of your home country, but you can if you want to vote in elections, get scholarships and grants from your home country, or make it easy for your country to help you if something bad happens.

6. Get a job or venture into business

The best thing you can do for yourself once you arrive in Canada is to get a job, especially if you did not have one before coming to the country.

Having a job will get you a steady income, and you will have enough money to cover your needs.

However, you still have to complete certain administrative processes with the government before you can start working.

On the other hand, if you have a fantastic business idea and a market for it, launch it immediately.

7. Use public transportation

If you don’t know your way around the city yet or you don’t have enough money to spend, using public transportation is the best choice that you can make.

However, if you can afford a car and decide to get one, proceed to acquire a driver’s license.

Some provinces in Canada will ask to see a driver’s license from your home country to give you a Canadian one without you having to enroll in driving schools anymore.

8. Get insurance

Getting insurance is a great idea. Insurance will keep you protected from unforeseen occurrences.

Some of the best insurance you can get are car, life, and home insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On How To Become A Permanent Resident Of Canada In 2023

Is it difficult to become a permanent resident of Canada in 2023?

Becoming a permanent resident of Canada is not difficult. This is because Canada has friendly immigration policies. However, you still have to meet the immigration conditions of the province or government of Canada before you can become a permanent resident.

What is the best way to relocate to Canada?

You can earn Canadian permanent residency status faster and easier if you apply through Express Entry.

How long does it take for a permanent residency application to Canada to be processed?

It can take six months to process an Express Entry application into Canada.

What makes Canada an attractive country to live in?

Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live in. This is thanks to its renowned landmarks, amazing culture, and rich history. Moreover, Canada has good standards, a quality education system, excellent transportation networks, and no hostilities toward foreigners.


Canada is one of the best countries in the world, and this article has provided detailed information on how you can become a permanent resident.

However, to settle in nicely, make sure you socialize with the locals and build relationships with other professionals wherever you find yourself.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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