13 Best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools | 2023

Best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools

Are you looking for the Best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools, then this article is for you.

Private schools charge tuition, whereas comprehensive and grammar schools are free. There is a striking similarity between grammar schools and private schools regarding their selection process. Comprehensive schools, on the other hand, can only accept pupils from a specific geographic area.

This article explains the Best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools, the meaning of a Grammar school, and many more.

What is a Grammar School?

A grammar school is one of several different types of schools that have existed throughout the history of education in the United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries.

Originally a school for Latin instruction, grammar schools have more recently evolved into an academically oriented secondary school that has distinguished itself from less academic secondary modern schools in recent years.

Essentially, the only distinction is that a grammar school may pick students based on their academic performance, but a secondary modern school may not do so.

What are Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools?

Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools (TBGS) was formed by the thirteen grammar schools in Buckinghamshire to administer and handle secondary transfer tests.

The thirteen Buckinghamshire grammar schools, all of which are now academies, were eager to maintain their long-standing tradition of working together following their academy conversion.

To prevent an admissions and testing “free for all” that would be detrimental to children and families, they intended to preserve a coordinated selection system utilizing a common secondary transfer test to choose students for entry into all Buckinghamshire grammar schools at 11+ each year.

What is the difference between a grammar school and a normal school?

Essentially, the only distinction is that a grammar school may pick students based on their academic performance, but a secondary modern school may not do so.

The initial objective of medieval grammar schools was to impart knowledge of Latin to their students.

What is the difference between Grammar school and High School?

Some secondary schools, notably those created a century or more ago, are referred to as high schools. The oldest title is a grammar school.

Although some such schools were as early as the 7th century, the term was not coined until the 16th century. Latin and ancient Greek were previously referred to as “grammar.”

How many Grammar Schools are in Buckinghamshire?

Education in Buckinghamshire (Bucks) is one of the few remaining Counties that is completely selective. There are 13 grammar schools and 21 secondary schools in the county.

Buckinghamshire County Council oversees all aspects of seventh-grade admissions at all local public schools (BCC).

13 Best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools

1. Aylesbury Grammar School:

Aylesbury Grammar School is a 1,250-student all-boys boarding school in the Buckinghamshire town of Aylesbury, England.

In 2007, the school’s specialized designation was changed to Science from Technology. In addition, it added specializations in languages and mathematics and computing.

It has won numerous honors, including Investors in People, Artsmark, Healthy School, Sportsmark, and International School status (Intermediate).

Founded more than 420 years ago, Aylesbury Grammar School has a long-standing reputation for academic excellence.

They all want the school to be known as a place where students may thrive academically while surrounded by a supportive community. ‘Respect and strive’ are the key characteristics of a school that is proud of its history but ready to shape its future.

They have a long-term goal as a school: to inspire and empower all their pupils to reach their full potential.

To fulfill this promise, they live up to it by modeling their core values of respect and aspiration in their daily lives and following through on their commitment to cultivating character in their students.

Aylesbury Grammar School is one of the best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools.

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2. Aylesbury High School:

Aylesbury High School is larger than the average secondary school, including a sizable sixth form. In July 2011, it was designated as an academy.

There are very few pupils that qualify for free school meals. Numerous honors have been bestowed upon the Girls Grammar School, including the International School Award, the EcoSchools Green Flag, and Investors in Careers.

The school complies with the current government floor standard, establishing basic standards for student achievement and advancement.

The sixth form is exceptional. Almost all pupils score exceptionally well and continue to university, many with exceptionally high A-level results.

As a selective state-funded grammar school, admission standards are governed by the eleven-plus, now known as transfer tests, however, a small number of children are allowed on appeal to Buckinghamshire County Council.

In the highly improbable event of available spots, the school will admit pupils in Year 8 upon successfully completing the eleven-plus and subsequently given reasonable evidence of prospective pupils’ academic ability.

As one of the best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools, the Sixth Form admits a large number of kids from both local state and independent schools, albeit strong GCSE scores are necessary, and competition for these places is fierce.

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3. Beaconsfield high school:

Beaconsfield High School is a girls’ grammar school. It is a medium-sized school with a huge sixth-form class of more than 300 students.

Dedicated to discovering and developing the wealth of individual potential within its modern, diverse, inclusive, and dynamic community, it is a center of excellence for education.

The school is regarded as a technological and linguistic authority because of this specific designation. Most students come from well-to-do families and come from throughout Buckinghamshire and adjacent cities.

All students and staff are empowered to achieve their full potential and encouraged to strive for excellence.

It is one of the best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools.

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4. Burnham Grammar School:

Burnham Grammar School is a selective mixed-gender high school of ordinary size in Burnham, London. Efforts to turn Burnham Grammar School into an academy began on October 1, 2011.

That same-named former school had an Ofsted rating of “excellent” when it was examined by the agency back in 2011. The South Bucks Partnership, which has a sixth form already in place, has the school as a partner.

Burnham Grammar School (one of the best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools) recognizes the importance of developing students’ abilities to learn and their study skills for them to take advantage of the learning opportunities they encounter and to act on the individualized assessment and feedback that they receive from their teachers and mentors.

Burnham Grammar School’s mission is to cultivate Responsible Learners, hence every course should inspire pupils to become Responsible Learners.

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5. Chesham Grammar School:

Located in Buckinghamshire, Chesham Grammar School is a co-educational grammar school.

Those aged 11 and up in the county are eligible to apply for secondary school, where they will be among the 13 grammar schools, five of which are co-educational.

As a result, they have a wide range of customers. Buckinghamshire’s Chiltern and South Bucks areas are home to most students.

Still, students from Hertfordshire and places on the Metropolitan Line including Harrow and Uxbridge, also travel to the university to study here.

Students at Chesham Grammar School strive to have an extraordinary educational experience in a world-class institution.

They hope to motivate, inspire, and guide all of our kids to help them grow into future leaders and innovators of our society.

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6. Dr. Challoner’s Grammar School:

Dr. Challoner’s Grammar School was recently named a High Performing Specialist School in science and mathematics and has just applied to add languages as a third specialty.

Additionally, it is a Leading Science School. The school is quite popular and has a significant over-subscription. The majority of pupils come from privileged backgrounds.

Around one in five people are of minority ethnic origin, albeit only a small percentage speak English as a second language. The percentage of kids with learning problems and difficulties is extremely low.

They make a great effort to ensure that all of their kids are supported in a loving and enriching atmosphere that values them as individuals.

They want their kids to develop into happy, confident, and self-aware young adults and feel that many of their students will become the next generation of society’s leaders.

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7. Dr. Challoner’s High School:

Dr. Challoner’s High School is an elite girls’ school with a larger-than-average student body.

A quarter of the girls are White British, with a tiny proportion of Indian and other ethnic groups; a tenth speaks English as a second language, though they are all fluent in English.

The school has a large oversubscription and a constant student population. The percentage of impaired pupils and students with special educational needs, as well as the percentage of students supported by school action plus or a statement of special educational needs, is extremely low.

The number of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is significantly lower than average.

Their commitment to greatness will never alter, but they are also committed to expanding the scope of aspiration and opportunity.

As one of the best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools, they try to free girls to be themselves at the center of their wonderful school. They feel that girls need an environment that encourages them to be self-assured, resilient, and ready to contribute substantially to society.

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8. John Hampden Grammar School:

John Hampden Grammar School is a boys’ grammar school located in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.

While students come from a diverse range of socioeconomic circumstances, the percentage of children who qualify for free school meals is small.

The percentage of students of black or minority ethnic origin is comparable to the national average, and the ethnic composition of the primary school reflects the surrounding neighbourhood.

There are relatively few students who speak English as a second language. Since 2001, the school has been designated as a specialist in technology and in sports and art in 2006.

For nearly 125 years, the school has been an integral component of education in High Wycombe and beyond. It began as a vocational school before becoming a grammar school in 1970.

Additionally, they provide a sixth form where students can learn the skills essential to participate actively in society.

They leave school with the knowledge, independence, and resilience that come from valuable experiences and opportunities, giving them the courage to pursue their dreams and attain their full potential.

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9. Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School:

Sir Henry Floyd is an Aylesbury and North Buckinghamshire coeducational selective grammar school.

There are 13 selected schools in the district, and this one is a little larger than the typical secondary school in terms of the student population.

The percentage of kids eligible for free school meals and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities is significantly lower than the national average.

At the same time, the percentage of students from minorities is rising above the national average.

To date, the school has been recognized as a specialist in the performing arts (2004), science (2007), and leadership partner school (2009). Silver awards from the Healthy School and Artsmark programs were also given to the program.

Students can debate each other’s academic viewpoints in a diverse and inclusive setting, which helps shape their emotional intelligence.

Students at Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School benefit from a stimulating learning atmosphere that allows them to explore their potential, express themselves freely, and achieve success far beyond the walls of the school.

It is one of the best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools.

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10. Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School:

Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School is a medium-sized selective school. The percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals is extremely low, as is the percentage of students supported by school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs.

The school outperforms the government’s current floor criterion, establishing the bar for student achievement and advancement.

Numerous honors have been bestowed upon the school, including the Information and Communications Technology mark, Healthy Schools, Leading Edge, and Investors in People designations.

The school has a unique vitality that stems from a contagious love for learning across all subjects; this enthusiasm continues well beyond the classroom, as evidenced by the numerous autonomous project groups, academic clubs, and organizations that thrive daily at the school.

As one of the best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools, the schedule is jam-packed with chances for students to expand their learning through field trips, visits, practical explorations, and independent study.

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11. The Royal Grammar School:

The Royal Grammar School is a coeducational college and one of the best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools with concentrations in language, mathematics, and computing. It serves students from a large geographical area. On-campus boarding is available for 70 students.

Both the percentage of kids eligible for free school meals and the percentage of students with learning challenges and/or disabilities are low.

Slightly more students than the national average come from various ethnic backgrounds, and the percentage of students who speak a language other than English is typical.

The majority of pupils in Year 11 transition to the sixth form. The headmaster is accountable for the school’s care and education.

The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe (or RGS for short) is a selective day and boarding grammar school in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, for boys aged 11 to 18. In February 2011, it became an Academy.

As a state school, they do not charge tuition for day students, but they must pass an entrance exam known colloquially as the 11+. Boarding is charged, but education is free.

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12. Royal Latin School: 

Grammar school pupils at Royal Latin School are selected from those in the top third of their local authority’s eleven-plus tests. The school has a large sixth-form population.

It’s a science-focused college with a secondary focus on training.

A lower-than-usual percentage of pupils identified as members of underrepresented ethnic groups. Additionally, the percentage of students whose first language is not English is lower than the national average.

Only a very small number of kids are classified as having special educational needs, including those who are visually impaired, physically disabled or have behavioural, social and emotional issues.

The Council’s Legal and Democratic Services staff will handle appeals on behalf of the school during the academic year.

As one of the best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools, the Admissions and Transport Team will provide parents who live in Buckinghamshire with all the information they need to file an appeal if their child’s application is turned down.

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13. Wycombe High School:

Wycombe High School has a student body significantly larger than the national average. The percentage of pupils who qualify for free lunches at school is extremely low.

The percentage of students identifying as members of underrepresented ethnic groups is higher than the national average.

White British and Pakistani students make up the majority of the student body. Compared to the national average, this school’s percentage of students who speak English as a second language is higher.

Only a small percentage of kids with disabilities or special educational needs are supported by school action or by a written statement of those needs.

Artmark Gold Award, Healthy Schools Award, NACE Challenge Award, Investors in People Award, NACE Challenge Award, and Sportsmark Award are just some of the honors the school has received.

It is one of the best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools.

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Frequently Asked Questions on the Best Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools:

If I don’t live in Buckinghamshire, would my child be able to attend a Buckinghamshire grammar school?

Grammar schools in Buckinghamshire are highly sought after and, as a result, are frequently oversubscribed. The oversubscription criteria in these applications determine which pupils are awarded a place at a grammar school once they have met the requirements for a place at that grammar school based on their qualifications for grammar school place.

Are all Buckinghamshire primary school students automatically registered to take the test regardless of where they live?

Without a written request from a parent, the test will be administered to their kid.

What are the objectives of the test?

Verbal, mathematical, and nonverbal abilities are all assessed in the evaluation of a child. English comprehension, technical English, and reasoning in the use of language are all part of the first paper’s verbal component. Nonverbal, spatial thinking, and maths-related questions are on the second paper for students to answer. Multi-choice questions are used in all of the tests.

Is there any way to tell if the test selects the correct students for grammar school entry?

All around the country, tests like the ones used to select kids for admission to Buckinghamshire grammar schools are commonly used. According to the Schools Admissions Code, grammar schools choose students based on academic ability, and the examinations are designed to achieve this goal.

Is the 11 plus an IQ test?

Like an IQ test, these reasoning exams put youngsters through a series of logic problems and evaluate how effectively they can solve them. They’re effective tools for gauging a kid’s intellectual prowess. In its initial form, the Eleven-Plus was designed to identify the brightest pupils.


Grammar schools are public secondary schools where students are chosen for enrollment based on performance on the “11-plus” examination, which they take when they are 11 years old.

More than 3,000 state secondary schools in England and Northern Ireland have roughly 163 and 69 grammar schools, respectively.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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