Bonafide Certificate (Meaning, Types, Uses, Application)

Bonafide certificate

There will come a time in your life when you will be given a Bonafide Certificate or when you will be asked to produce it to an institution or an agency.

In that case, youโ€™ll have to go to a well-known organization or corporation where you previously worked and ask for it.

This article will explain everything you need to know about a Bonafide Certificate, including the format to write an acceptable application letter if you need one.

But before you are given this certificate, you need to have a fair idea of what you are requesting for, meet certain requirements, compatibilities, and this article would provide just that.

What is a Certificate?

A certificate is an official document of high reference, be it hardcopy or soft copy, that states the authenticity of an information.

A certificate is also the qualification one receives when he/she has completed an educational course. It is notable for various purposes such as job applications, seeking for visa, etc.

What is a Bonafide Certificate?

The word โ€œBonafideโ€ is a Latin word that directly translates to โ€œin good faith,โ€ which means that the individual bearing the certificate has zero intention to deceive, trick, mislead, fool, or cheat anyone.

The certificate is confirmation that an individual was once involved with an organization, company, or institution, usually as a student or employee.

To be put in simple words, a Bonafide Certificate is a proof that someone was once associated with a particular institution, organization, or company.

Types of Bonafide Certificate

There are Bonafide Certificates for students used;

  • To avail of travel concessions.
  • For application for educational loans from oneโ€™s school or a bank.
  • To attend a seminar and workshops at other academic institutions.
  • To visit an industry for project work.
  • For passport application and visa extension.
  • To join a public library.

There is also a certificate for employees that helps;

  • To open a bank account.
  • To avail of a bank loan.
  • In attendance of a conference or an official seminar.

Uses of Bonafide Certificate Letter

A letter of such importance has different uses.

  • To show proof of association if the need arises.
  • Needed for several purposes such as visa application, foreign college application, new job application
  • For students, the certificate includes important details like the name of the college or university, class, and student rank.
  • For employees, the certificate includes details such as the organizationโ€™s name, department of work, and position held.

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Validity of a Bonafide Certificate

It is usually valid for three (3) months. It comes on the organizationโ€™s letterhead with a duty signature and official seal.

Bonafide Certificate Application

Just as institutes and colleges differ, they happen to have their mode or format of writing an application form for obtaining a Bonafide certificate.

Quite a number of institutions even have online application forms. With this platform, the interested students can register themselves via their identification or roll number and then make their request for a Bonafide Certificate.

Other times offline, the students will need to visit the Office of Administration to acquire the necessary form and then proceed to apply for the certificate.

Suppose, there is no prescribed format for the Application form for the Bonafide Certificate, the individual will write a letter requesting their Bonafide Certificate and specify what information they want on their certificate if there is an opportunity for it.

For the online application form, the majority of the websites provide options on what information the student would like to have on their certificate; these may include;

  • Name.
  • Section
  • Branch
  • Class
  • Number of students, etc.

On some occasions, colleges, institutions, and organizations will require the students or employees to pay a fee to receive their Certificates.

If such a case arises, after putting down the required information, the applicant will have to pay the amount he/she will be told to acquire the certificate.

Purpose of Certificate

  • Useful while applying for a voter ID card.
  • It is useful for application for a pan card.
  • If you want to apply for a passport, the Bonafide Certificate will be required.
  • The certificate is required when a separate student visa is issued to a student already studying abroad.
  • For an application for students scholarships.
  • To take a loan from a bank.
  • To attend a conference, seminar, or any similar event, students or employees might be required to present this certificate.
  • It can used to obtain the pass for public transport agencies like metros, city buses, and local trains.

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Sample of Application Letter

At this point, it should be obvious to you that to get a Bonafide Certificate from your school or work; you need to write an application to them.

Below is a format for a student applying for a Bonafide Certificate.

The Principal
(Insert the name of school)
(Insert city the school is located)
(Insert date)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a student of (Insert your class, e.g, 10th Grade) in this respected citadel of learning, with a registration number (Insert registration number). Kindly be informed that I intend to apply for the US Scholarship Program and need a Bonafide Certificate.

I respectfully request that you issue a Bonafide certificate as soon as possible.

Thank you.
Yours Faithfully
(Insert your full name)

Application Format for Employees

This certificate should contain the contact information of the person, their job profile, and the details of the employer. The essential documents you will need to present for a Bonafide employee Certificate are as follows:

  • Copy of Employee ID card
  • Copy of Pay slip
  • Date of Birth Certificate (optional)


At this point, we must have already known the importance, purpose, and usefulness of a Bonafide Certification from institutions or organizations.

Wherever you may come from or want to go to, you might end up needing one for whatever reason may present itself, thereby making a Bonafide Certificate a very important document.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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